For blind ham radio operators


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Ken Scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 Jan 2006 01:58:22 -0600
TEXT/PLAIN (55 lines)
Hi all.

The mailing list (this one, blind-hams) will be moving to a new home
today (Wednesday).  This email contains all the information you'll need,
so please read it carefully and make whatever notes/changes are necessary
on your end to accomodate the change.

First, for the sake of simplicity, it would probably be best to simply not
try posting to the list in general from at least 8:00 Eastern time this
morning until such time as you hear from me that the move has been
completed.  It's not going to take that long to do the work, but I'm not
certain at this point as to exactly when the process is going to start,
and there will be some period of time in there where the list is locked
and not accepting messages anyway, so again, for the sake of simplicity,
just treat it as unavailable from 8:00 Eastern this morning until such
time as you hear otherwise from me.

Once the list is moved, the address to post to it will be:

[log in to unmask]

Please make a note of that address, and change whatever needs changing on
your end to ensure that you have the correct one.  There should be no need
to retain the old address from this point on, so the simplest thing to do
would probably be to just replace it with the new one right now, while
you're thinking about it.

All your personal settings relative to this list will be transferred as a
part of the move--if you're set to digest mode now, for example, you will
be after the move, if you're set to not get copies of your own posts, that
will continue to be the case after the move, etc.  Really, for the typical
user, there should be very little (if anything) that needs to be changed,
other than the list-posting address mentioned above, and as such I'd
rather not see the list get cluttered up with loads of test messages after
the move.  In short, once you see a message from me to the effect that the
move has been completed, you should be able to assume that everything is
in order and to expect to be able to begin posting again, to the new
address, with no problems.  If you do have trouble after the move, email
me privately at:

[log in to unmask]

and I'll do what I can to get it straightened out.  Likewise, if anything
changes with regard to any of the above, rest assured that I'll be in
touch with further instructions just as quickly as possible.  Much time
and attention to detail has gone into this process, however, so hopefully
those efforts will be rewarded with a smooth move and transition, both for
this list and all the others affected by the change.


[log in to unmask]