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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Jan 2007 19:45:01 EST
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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WSWS : News & Analysis : Middle East : Iraq
The execution of  Saddam Hussein
By the Editorial Board
30 December 2006

The execution of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein serves not justice,  
but the political purposes of the Bush administration and its Iraqi stooges. 
The  manner in which the execution was carried out—hurriedly, secretively, in 
the  dark of night, in a mockery of any semblance of legal process—only 
underscores  the lawless and reactionary character of the entire American enterprise 
in  Iraq.
There were conflicting statements throughout Friday about how and under  what 
circumstances the death sentence against Hussein, confirmed by an Iraqi  
government tribunal December 26, would be carried out. There were continual  
communications back and forth between the government of Prime Minister Nouri  
al-Maliki, which nominally controlled the judicial proceedings, and the American  
military authorities who had physical control of the prisoner and delivered him 
 to the execution site in the US-controlled Green Zone.
The decision to send  Hussein to the gallows was not a judicial but a 
political one. It was signaled  by al-Maliki himself after the death sentence was 
pronounced by a special  tribunal on November 5, when the Iraqi prime minister 
declared that Hussein  would be executed before the New Year. In the rush to 
impose the penalty on that  timeline, Iraqi officials ignored both elementary 
principles of judicial  fairness and even their own constitution, which requires 
confirmation of a death  sentence by the current Iraqi president, Jalal 

As Richard Dicker, international justice director of Human Rights Watch,  
explained in a column Friday in the Guardian, the legal procedure was a  travesty.
“The trial judgment,” he wrote, “was not finished when the verdict  and 
sentence were announced on November 5. The record only became available to  
defense lawyers on November 22. According to the tribunal’s statute, the defense  
attorneys had to file their appeals on December 5, which gave them less than two 
 weeks to respond to the 300-page trial decision. The appeals chamber never 
held  a hearing to consider the legal arguments presented as allowed by Iraqi 
law. It  defies belief that the appeals chamber could fairly review a 300-page 
decision  together with written submissions by the defense and consider all 
the relevant  issues in less than three weeks.”

Rather than a tribunal modeled on Nuremberg, where the surviving Nazi  
leaders received far more extensive due process rights than were accorded  Hussein, 
the proceedings in Baghdad resembled a Stalinist or Nazi show trial,  with a 
puppet judge, a predetermined verdict and a sentence carried out in the  dead 
of night.
The political motives

The most fundamental political motive of the Bush administration is its  
desire to kill a major opponent, openly, before the eyes of the world, simply to  
demonstrate its ability and will to do so. In the view of the White House,  
Saddam is an object lesson to any future opponent of American imperialism: defy  
the will of Washington, and his bloody fate could be yours.
The execution  also provides the Bush administration with an event it can 
claim as proof of US  “success” in Iraq, a diversion from the grisly daily toll 
of Iraqi and American  deaths. The media coverage of the execution has largely 
overshadowed reports on  the death toll among US soldiers, which hit 100 in 
December and will likely top  the 3,000 mark for the war as a whole before the 
month is out.
The state  killing is intended to give at least a short-term political boost 
to the  beleaguered regime of al-Maliki, which is increasingly unpopular and 
unstable.  The Bush administration has been pressing al-Maliki to break with 
the radical  Shiite cleric Moqtada al-Sadr, one of his principal political 
allies, and  endorse a US-led military crackdown on the Mahdi Army, the Shiite 
militia loyal  to al-Sadr.
Executing Hussein provides a means for Maliki to burnish his  credentials 
with the Shiite majority, who suffered most from Hussein’s rule,  while going 
ahead with plans for intensified violence against the predominantly  working 
class eastern suburbs of Baghdad (Sadr City), a center of Shiite  opposition to 
the US occupation.

Another important political consideration is that the execution of Hussein  
brings the legal proceedings against the former Iraqi leader to an end before  
any detailed examination of those crimes in which successive US governments  
played a major role. The case of the execution of 148 Shiite men at Dujail in  
1982 was selected to be tried first because the victims were linked to Dawa, 
the  party of Maliki and the preceding US-backed prime minister, Ibrahim 
Jafari, and  because there was no direct US involvement.
This was not the case for most of  the other, far bloodier, episodes in the 
career of Saddam Hussein. The second  case, the so-called Anfal campaign of 
mass killing of Kurds in 1987-88, towards  the end of the Iran-Iraq war, was 
scheduled to resume January 8. Any serious  investigation of those atrocities, 
culminating in the gassing of Kurds at  Halabja, would shed light on the role of 
successive US  administrations.
Hussein launched the war on Iran in September 1980 with the  tacit backing of 
the Carter administration, which was then locked in a  confrontation with 
Iran over the student seizure of the US embassy in Tehran and  the taking of US 
officials as hostages. The Reagan administration subsequently  provided 
significant aid to Hussein throughout the eight years of war, supplying  tactical 
military intelligence used to target Iranian forces for chemical  weapons 
attacks, and backing arms sales to Iraq by European allies of the United  States such 
as Britain, France and Germany. On two occasions, in 1983 and 1984,  Donald 
Rumsfeld was sent to Iraq as a special US envoy to reassure Hussein that  
despite occasional noises about human rights violations, the US would maintain  its 
allegiance to Baghdad in the war.

The other major case against Hussein, over the bloody suppression of  revolts 
by Kurds and Shiites in 1991, threatened to be even more problematic for  the 
Bush administration, since Bush’s own father, the first president Bush,  
first encouraged the uprisings at the end of the Persian Gulf War, then came to  
the cold-blooded decision that the continuance of Hussein’s dictatorship was  
preferable to a collapse of the Iraqi state, which might benefit Iran, the  
principal concern of US war planners.
Opposition to Saddam Hussein’s show  trial and condemnation of his execution 
in no way imply political support for  the former ruler or his policies. 
Hussein was a typical representative of the  national bourgeoisie in a backward and 
oppressed country—occasionally coming  into conflict with imperialism, but 
implacably committed to the defense of the  privileges and property of the Iraqi 
bourgeoisie against the Iraqi working  class.

Hussein’s first major act of mass repression came at the culmination of his  
rise to power in the late 1970s, when the Baath Party massacred the leadership 
 of the Iraqi Communist Party and suppressed the large and militant working 
class  movement centered in Baghdad and the oil fields. The present 
disintegration of  Iraq along religious/sectarian lines is one of the long-term 
consequences of  this savage repression of the working class, applauded at the time by 
the United  States.

The Iraqi leader was not, however, tried and sentenced under the auspices  of 
a working class tribunal. He was the subject of a kangaroo court established  
by an occupation regime after the invasion and conquest of Iraq by the United 
 States. In other words, his crimes were judged and the penalty imposed by 
those  guilty of even greater crimes than his own.

An editorial Friday in the Washington Post perfectly captures the hypocrisy  
with which the Bush administration, the congressional Democrats and 
Republicans,  and the American media approached the case against Saddam Hussein. The 
Post  sententiously declared its general opposition to the death penalty, before  
declaring that if it was appropriate for anyone it should be applied to “
Saddam  Hussein—a man who, with the possible exception of Kim Jong Il, has more 
blood on  his hands than anyone else alive.”
We beg to differ. George W. Bush has  already caused the deaths of more 
Iraqis than Saddam Hussein—some 655,000 since  the US invasion in March 2003, 
according to a study by the Johns Hopkins school  of public health—and his term in 
office still has two years to run. This is to  say nothing of the still living 
US accomplices of Hussein in the Iran-Iraq War,  and the successive US 
presidents—Bush’s father, Clinton, Bush himself—who backed  the US-led embargo on 
Iraq that caused the death of an estimated 1.5 million  Iraqis from 1991 to 

True justice for the tortured and oppressed people of Iraq, as well as the  
American, British and other victims of the US-led war, will come only when 
those  responsible for the invasion and occupation—Bush, Cheney and their acolytes—
face  their own trials for waging an illegal war of aggression.

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