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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Alhassan Sisay <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Dec 2005 21:38:12 -0800
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Well...Yaya only two days back you were advised to start getting ready because you will very soon  hand Baba Jobe over to the UN tribunal in Sierraleone.God willing that must be Yaya.
  Yaya.Haven't  you still started seeing reality? These sensible law makers did not miss attaching the most recent UN Sanctions Committee's Findings vis-a-vis Charles Taylor activities to their latest appeal to Candy Rice.Yaya my mind is wondering ie how on earth can Charles Taylor be tried without Baba Jobe and yourself being called in by Taylor or his wife Jewel Taylor? Jewel Taylor and Charles Taylor are no strangers in Kanilai or State House Banjul.Yaya remember when you received Taylor at the Sunwing Hotel,then to the Kairaba Hotel Room No;1014 in 1995.
  Yaya remember,Taylor allowed you to use his plane when you were on a special mission to Guinea Bissau in  that very week.Yaya remember when you received Taylor with his contingent of Gambian mercenaries in Banjul in 1995.Yaya remember when Taylor landed at the Banjul International airport and then was escorted to the Presidential lounge.By then Taylor was still a rebel leader.Yaya remember that Taylor called you "Maa Boy Yahya!" Yaya remember that Johnson Sirleaf maybe smiling for you diplomatically but never will she forgive those who connived with Taylor to kill her people.Yaya remember that Taylor was so glad when you over threw Jawara because he said it was Jawara who stopped him from ruling Liberia earlier than predicted.Why? Because of the meeting organized by ex president Jawara at Kairaba Hotel between the warring factions in Liberia in 1990.That was the meeting which ushered Former President Sawyer to power.Yaya remember when you were asked to serve as a special guard to
 Prince Johnson? Yaya remember when you made friends with Prince Johnson during that trip? Yaya remember when Prince Johnson offered you cigarettes and other things near the N&N in Banjul or to be more specific Independence Drive.Yaya you may have forgotten that but some of us have not forgotten this day.Yaya remember when you continued buidling on that friendship thru Baba Jobe well before you came to steal power on July 22nd 1994.Yaya please always bear in mind that these things are still fresh in people's minds.Yaya remember that the Gambian mercenaries you were using are still at large ready to sink with you.Yaya these mercenaries owe their loyalties to Taylor or their "Pappy" not you.They will never sit around and see Taylor sink or be sacrificed by opportunists like you.Yaya take note that these people have the written,oral and articles of evidence ready to be tendered.Yaya this maybe taking a while but you will indeed-God willing-come to realize that truth can never be buried!
  Yaya read this piece very closely and wait.
  Yaya our fight maybe slow for some but time will tell God willing.We cannot lose Yaya because God is with us for the sake of Truth and nothing more....

  Read the following Yaya keep calling us dreamers you will see God willing.
   See you in Hague!

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  15 December 2005
  U.S. Lawmakers Call for Action on Liberia's Charles Taylor  House, Senate members say Taylor should face war crimes tribunal
  Washington – A bipartisan group of five U.S. senators and eight members of the House of Representatives is demanding that former Liberian President Charles Taylor be called to account for his actions in war-torn Sierra Leone.
  The bipartisan group was led by Representative Ed Royce (Republican of California), a member of the House Committee on International Relations and former chairman, now vice chairman, of the House Africa Subcommittee.
  According to a December 14 House Committee on International Relations press release, the group said it would feel "considerably more optimistic about Liberia’s future if former Liberian President Charles Taylor faced his war crimes indictment at the Special Court for Sierra Leone."
  Taylor, who served as Liberia's president from 1997 to 2003, was charged with funding and arming Sierra Leone's notorious rebel group, the Revolutionary United Front (RUF), which is accused of a range of atrocities, including looting and burning, brutal rapes, abductions, forced labor, mutilations, amputations and the use of child soldiers.  This allowed Taylor to destabilize the state and gain access to its mineral wealth, particularly its diamonds.
  In June 2003, Taylor's indictment for these crimes (approved in March 2003) was made public by the U.N.-backed Special Court for Sierra Leone.  The activities of the former Liberian president threaten the stability of Liberia and the entire West African region.
  In a December 13 letter to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on December 13, the lawmakers suggested that the secretary make the issue a priority.  The group made its announcement the day before Rice planned to meet with Liberian President-elect Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.
  Taylor currently is living in Nigeria, where President Olusegun Obasanjo has "committed to consider an extradition request made by a democratically elected Liberian government," the press release said.
  Royce said, "It is my hope that Secretary Rice will strongly recommend to President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf that she call upon the government of Nigeria to transfer Charles Taylor to the custody of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which has indicted him for war crimes and crimes against humanity."
  The California legislator added: "The present situation provides a unique window of opportunity.  Delay only works to Mr. Taylor's advantage.  The time for action is now.  For if we fail to act, and Mr. Taylor is allowed to escape justice, history will look poorly upon the international community, and the future of millions of West Africans will be needlessly imperiled."
  Other lawmakers signing the letter were Representatives Henry Hyde (Republican-Illinois), Frank Wolf (Republican-Virginia), Chris Smith (Republican-New Jersey), Sue Kelly (Republican-New York), Betty McCollum (Democrat-Minnesota), Vic Snyder (Democrat-Arkansas) and Dianne Watson (Democrat-California) and Senators Lincoln Chafee (Republican-Rhode Island), Patrick Leahy (Democrat-Vermont), Barack Obama (Democrat-Illinois), Jack Reed (Democrat-Rhode Island) and Russ Feingold (Democrat-Wisconsin).
  Following is the text of the letter to Rice:
  (begin text)
  December 13, 2005
  Dear Madame Secretary:
  On the occasion of Liberian President-Elect Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s visit to Washington, we write to respectfully request that you make the status of former Liberian President Charles Taylor a paramount concern of the United States in your conversations with the President-Elect.  It is our hope that you will strongly recommend to President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf that she call upon the government of Nigeria to transfer Charles Taylor to the custody of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, which has indicted him for war crimes and crimes against humanity.  The treatment of Taylor is a matter of security and justice for the West African people.
  The election of Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in November promises a new beginning for Liberia. Liberians enthusiastically demonstrated their faith in the democratic process, marking the freest and fairest election in their country's history.  In 2003, Congress, on a bipartisan basis, played a leadership role in appropriating $200 million for relief and reconstruction efforts in Liberia.  Since that time, Congress has worked to ensure strong funding for Liberia during the appropriations process to see that the basic needs of the Liberian people are met.  Many in Congress look forward to continued work with you and the new Liberian government to confront the country's many political, development, and other challenges.
  We would be considerably more optimistic about Liberia's future, however, if Mr. Taylor faced the 17 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity charges that the Special Court has lodged against him.  In our view, progress in Liberia, and the international community's considerable investment in the region, is in jeopardy so long as Mr. Taylor is permitted to elude justice and meddle in Liberian politics.  Of equal importance, justice must be pursued for the people of West Africa, who were brutalized in the war Taylor is accused of fueling.  The United States and other governments have strongly supported the Special Court and its mandate, both financially and politically.  This investment risks producing little return, however, if Mr. Taylor remains outside of its reach.
  Unfortunately, Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo has resisted numerous calls, including by the United States Congress, to transfer Mr. Taylor to the custody of the Special Court.  However, President Obasanjo has committed to consider an extradition request made by a democratically-elected Liberian government.  That is why we are asking you to request that President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf now call for the Nigerian government to deliver Mr. Taylor to the Special Court.
  Last month, we were encouraged to see the United Nations Security Council unanimously adopt a resolution, cosponsored by the United States, mandating that the U.N. peacekeeping force in Liberia arrest and transfer Mr. Taylor to the Special Court for Sierra Leone to stand trial if he were to return to Liberia.  This resolution -- which emphasized that Taylor's stay in Nigeria is temporary and recognized him as a threat to the region -- is further indication of the international community's strong desire to see Mr. Taylor face the Special Court.  Additionally, the European Union, days after President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf's election, issued a statement that the new Liberian government "must cooperate fully with the international community to ensure that former President Charles Taylor is brought to court."  Should Mr. Taylor continue to evade justice, the international community may show reluctance to continue with its strong support for the reconstruction of Liberia and Sierra Leone.
  President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf has a strong democratic mandate to call for Mr. Taylor to be placed in the custody of the Special Court.  Such a call by the Liberian President-Elect would send a powerful message that the use of violence to achieve political ends is no longer acceptable in West Africa, and would help usher in a new era for the rule of law in the region.
  Madame Secretary, Mr. Taylor must be held accountable.  Achieving this end will require decisive and quick action by President-Elect Johnson-Sirleaf, backed by the United States.  While some will argue that the "timing is not right," we believe that the present situation provides a unique window of opportunity.  Delay only works to Mr. Taylor's advantage.  The time for action is now.
  Thank you for considering our views.
  (end text)
  (Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site:

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