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Print Reply
Tue, 17 Jan 1995 11:44:05 EST
Lisa S Lewis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

On Mon, 16 Jan 1995 15:39:21 -0700 Karen Bulmer said:

>This is a question I am interested in as well as any information that a
>Celiac Child may be more susceptible to infections, viruses, etc.  My son is
>2 1/2 and has what I feel is numerous wierd viruses.  So far he has had
>shigella, fifth disease, scarletina, as well as the routine chicken pox,
>colds, ear and throat infections.

Every kid gets viruses, but if my son were sick all the time and was also
getting every weird virus that came down the pike, I'd start wondering about
how to build up his immune system.  One of my favorite books on this topic
is called _SuperImmunity For Kids_ by Leo Galland.  I realize that *some*
of his recommendations won't be usable due to the celiac, but he has a great
many useful suggestions to make.  I'd check it out if I were you.

>> If you discover that your young Celiac child has just eaten a significant
>> serving of food with gluten (like a bowl of pasta, or a sandwich), should
>> you induce vomiting, or just tough it out?
>>Bill Elkus

It may be reasonable to do this in an emergency, if you caught it RIGHT AWAY
(though ifyou were immediately at hand the "accident" wouldnt have happened
anyway, would it?) but I can't think this is a good thing to do. I wouldn't
want to teach a kid that it's ok to "cheat", as long as you make yourself
vomit afterward. After all, even though it sounds repulsive, there are enough
bulemics in the world to know that some people get used to it.

My two cents.

Lisa Lewis