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Print Reply
Fri, 2 Jun 1995 02:40:55 -0700
Mary Courtney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>Does anyone have any idea why I would react to this recipe.

I agree that canola is a likely suspect. Here's some advice based on
experience, not on any medical credentials. Go for a few days without any
canola. On a day when your gut is on an even keel and you haven't eaten
anything else questionable, try eating something else with canola oil in it
and note your body's reaction. My favorite potato chips gave me a reaction
on one day, then, what I thought was air-popped popcorn (but had canola)
gave me a reaction on another day. (Leaden feeling in gut, then bloating,
later: loose stools)

Canola comes from rapeseed which is a member of the dicot subclass (distant
relatives to the grasses) a group which also includes foods that spark some
debate on this list: buckwheat, amaranth and quinoa. (Another dicot,
rhubarb, gets left out of our discussions.) Dr. Betty Bernard's handout
<Gluten Sensitive Disorders> (available from the Celiac Disease Foundation)
cites a 1991 conversation with Donald Kasarda, Ph.D. in her short mention of
these questionable plants, because, as we have learned on this list, these
items <are not likely, but not entirely proven, to carry the proteins toxic
to the CD or DH individual.>

I don't wish canola sensitivity on anyone, but it caught my eye in your
recipe. Otherwise, as another experiment, try making the cake with flour
from Authentic Foods.

Happy Sleuthing,
Mary Courtney
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Los Angeles, California