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Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 11 Feb 2006 11:57:45 -0500
text/plain (196 lines)
Maybe, but that is the consequences of his actions.  Too bad!  Most 
employers are pretty easy going about that anyway and, if he 
straightens up and keeps his nose clean his juvenile record will be 
sealed at age 18 anyway.  You can't just focus on the immediate.  The 
bigger picture is that you are raising an adult.  What he learns now 
he will take with him into his future.  It's better that he have a 
juvenile record now than a chriminal record as an adult and if he 
does still get one as an adult he can't turn around and accuse  you 
of not giving him warning.  What do you think that Proverbs means 
when it talks about disciplining your kids, especially if you love 
them.  How else will they learn right from wrong!  Just consider it a 
major spanking with a major rod.  GRIN!
Kathy  (Who has been there)

At 01:02 PM 2/11/2006, you wrote:
>Yes he is.  But I don't want him to have a criminal record.  What if he
>wants to get a job while he is a juvenile?  Would that not be hard for him?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Saturday, February 11, 2006 5:08 AM
>Subject: Re: The latest from Chris
> > Angel,
> > Isn't your son only 15?  I was there and done that too.  One thing
> > that you do still have on your side is the juvenile system.  Don't be
> > afraid to press charges if you find that he is doing something
> > illegal.  Sometimes the courts can come along side and enforce help
> > that he would refuse at your suggestion.  While I admit that it was
> > depressing to learn how disfunctional the juvenile system is, I
> > believe that having that extra muscle  back of  us kept Chris from
> > getting more involved with drugs and so forth than if we had done
> > nothing.  It at least applied the breaks enough so that we could get
> > him to age 18 in relative safety.  It also let him know that we meant
> > business and, to this day, he knows that we take right and wrong
> > seriously, even if he doesn't like it.  Too bad.  I'm going to have
> > to answer to a higher power than him and that's what matters.
> > Kathy
> >
> >
> > At 12:41 AM 2/11/2006, you wrote:
> > >I can't offer any advice as I know what you are going through first hand
> > >to speak.  I will say I understand how hard it is for you as a mother to
> > >watch your son make the sad mistakes he is making and to allow him to
> > >those mistakes.  It take a special strength to do this.  I question my
> > >strength when it comes to allowing my own son the freedom to totally
> > >up even though I know it might be the rite thing.  I will pray for you
> > >you might continue on in that special strength that only Our Lord can
> > >----- Original Message -----
> > >From: Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
> > >To: <[log in to unmask]>
> > >Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 12:04 PM
> > >Subject: Re: The latest from Chris
> > >
> > >
> > > > Amen Kathy.  It is your love that can allow you to let him go through
> > >It hurts to see him make the wrong decissions but you love him enough to
> > >want him to learn and grow through them.  And like you say if you keep
> > >rescueing him you are allowing him to stay in his ways and not grow.   So
> > >you are a great Mother and doing what is right.  Helping your child to
> > >the real world and he will become a much better adult because of it.
> > >if he chooses to stay on the wrong path he will have the wisdom to
> > >in the jungle instead of being eaten up.  I know my brother was the saem
> > >way.  But I don't think Chris will stay on the wrong path all his life.
> > >Because like says If you raise a child in the ways he should go.  He will
> > >return unto it.  And Chris was raised in a christain home under the word
> > >he will eventually return to it.  Unfortunately my brother and I were not
> > >raised in a Christain home.  And that is why he is still out their and I
> > >only pray to God that he gets saved before it is to late.
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > I would rather live my life as if there is a God, and die to find out
> > >there isn't, than live my life as if there isn't, and die to find out
> > >is
> > > >
> > > > Karen Carter  '74
> > > > -KC- Ministries
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >  -------------- Original message ----------------------
> > > > From: Kathy Du Bois <[log in to unmask]>
> > > > > Brad,
> > > > >          chris can't come home.  Not yet.  He would be lucky if he
> > > > > graduated from high school next year at the rate that he is going.
> > > > > have an idea that eventually he will end up on the street.  that's
> > > > > when I am going to need everybody's prayers for strength more than
> > > > > ever.  What parent ever wants to see a child go through that;
> > > > > especially when it would be so easy to rescue him from it, but
> > > > > Proverbs warns us that if you rescue a hot tempered man, you'll just
> > > > > have to do it again.  I want the cycle to break and that is what
> > > > > keeps me going.  Besides, I have peace in my home now and I don't
> > > > > want to give that up.  Protecting Caleb and Liz helps to give me the
> > > > > strength to continue saying "NO!"  But also, my love of Chris and my
> > > > > knowledge of what truly is best for him, is also a source of
> > > > > Thanks for praying!
> > > > > Kathy
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > At 11:25 AM 2/10/2006, you wrote:
> > > > > >Kathy,
> > > > > >
> > > > > >He is finding out his actions and decisions might be taken in
>stride by
> > > > > >himself, but very serious by others around him. Personally? And
>this is
> > >my
> > > > > >own view, before I'd take Chris back, I'd not even consider it
>until he
> > >has
> > > > > >decided  he just can't stand it there no more, not one more day,
> > >him
> > > > > >really feel why that is, the lifestyle, the value system,
> > >and
> > > > > >then when he  has really had it, fed up to the gills? Then I'd
> > >him
> > > > > >looking at his budget and how he can fund an apartment of his own
>or go
> > >in
> > > > > >with some buddies on one, either that or learn to get along with
> > >and
> > > > > >family.  From all I've been exposed to in the saga of Chris'
> > > > > >which no doubt there are tons I don't know, I really can't see how
> > >Chris
> > > > > >could possibly learn responsibility of independence and etc and to
> > >respect
> > > > > >his family and provision, without having to have learned that for
> > >himself.
> > > > > >This would be a great tool in getting him to the plate with  the
> > >ready
> > > > > >to hit the pitches life has given him and the  game he chose to
> > >He's
> > > > > >got what four months until he is out of high  school? Provided he
> > > > > >graduates... I'm not certain of your confidence in that based off
> > > > > >report of school. The long and short of my point is, take him back
> > >or
> > > > > >even if he looks like he has made some changes, and based off your
> > >passed
> > > > > >recounts of his behavior, he'll be 25 years old and still living at
> > >home
> > > > > >hanging with the guys. Desperation creates innovation. How many
> > >in
> > > > > >life have we been faced with very tough situations and decisions,
> > >of
> > > > > >which had nothing to do with our own choosing, and it was working
> > >through
> > > > > >that situation which made us stronger and confident in life? Oh
> > > > > >*looking upwards* don't take that as a plea for hard times for any
> > >us
> > > > > >hahahaah. But it is true nonetheless. I am in the midst of such a
> > >lesson
> > > > > >with my son, but he is learning and showing signs of
>responsibility. I
> > > > > >bailed him out once financially but not this time and he is forced
> > >deal
> > > > > >with those he  deals with, the bank, credit card, etc. How can they
> > >learn
> > > > > >to appreciate the help they've been given if not had to fend for
> > >themselves
> > > > > >first hand. That is my 1and a half cents worth.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >Brad