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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Jan 2006 09:37:45 -0600
text/plain (295 lines)
Hmm Kathy? you are progressed much further than I thought. You see first
one gets gray hair, and then as years progress one loses memory. This would
clearly indicate Greg is somewhat to your junior. I suppose ducking in
expectation of flying shoe leather would be pointless as you likely will
forget I wrote this at your age. Now I have one question for you...    Have
I sent this out once already? I can't remember lol.


At 07:39 AM 1/2/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Well, then, perhaps Greg wrote this since he has more gray hair then
>me.  Isn't that funny that we can't remember?  If nothing else, that
>in itself is definitely a sign of old age; Greg's, not mine!  GRIN!
>At 10:22 PM 1/1/2006, you wrote:
> >I like that. Much wisdom in there. You know Kathy, the Bible says wisdom
> >comes from those with gray hair... did you know that? Now, God said it not
> >me, and Clarol doesn't fool him one bit!
> >
> >Ducking flying shoe leather...
> >
> >Brad
> >
> >
> >
> >At 04:28 PM 1/1/2006 -0500, you wrote:
> > >--=====================_31551468==.ALT
> > >Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
> > >
> > >HI guys,
> > >          This meditation was actually written last year.  Greg and I
> > >can't remember which one of us wrote it, but it didn't get used when
> > >it was originally  written because, I don't know, I think that we had
> > >a storm or something.  Anyway, not to waste good material, Greg
> > >pulled it out and used it last night.  I have to laugh because I told
> > >him that I thought that it was pretty good and he said back, "you
> > >should.  You wrote it!"  I honestly don't remember that, but I
> > >thought that I'd share it with you guys, if, for no other reason than
> > >its something to consider.
> > >          The suggestions for reducing stress, near the end, are based
> > >on a commercial that was running on our local Christian station last
> > >year, by a website called, "Air show CD," I think.
> > >          Anyway, God bless.  Here's my contribution to the new year.
> > >Kathy
> > >
> > >Scripture references:
> > >Lamentations 3:22-26
> > >Matthew 11:28-30
> > >
> > >                          Journaling For God
> > >
> > >          Well, it's that time of the year again at which we are all
> > >expected to reflect on our past and our lives and, somehow, make a
> > >firm decision to veer from our present course and begin doing
> > >something new, or better.  We start thinking about letting bye gones
> > >be bye gones and starting tomorrow with a clean slate.  At midnight
> > >tonight, you will, supposedly turn over a clean page in the diary of
> > >your life and do a better job this time than you have in the
> > >past.  This time, you will resolve that the hand-writing will be
> > >neater.  There will be less doodling in the margins.  You'll be more
> > >careful to spell, or do things right so that there will be fewer
> > >cross out marks.
> > >          We all know that that is probably a pretty good description
> > >of what the pages of our lives look like.  How so?  Because we all
> > >make mistakes, and not only that, but because we are sinners, we all
> > >choose at times to make smudges and mars that are not easily
> > >erased.   We may have planned poorly and become rushed, making our
> > >work sloppy.  We may choose not to value details in a certain area of
> > >our page and leave blank spaces.  We may not pay attention to
> > >instructions closely enough and end up with work that has to be
> > >erased altogether because it was mismanaged or out of place.
> > >          Most importantly, sometimes, or maybe e more often than not,
> > >we forget who we are really doing this for.  We forget that God is
> > >really the author and that we should be most concerned about writing
> > >on our pages what He wishes to see.  We forget that our distracted
> > >doodling is more for us than for Him.
> > >          The more I read my Bible, the more I'm beginning to realize
> > >how differently God's design for my pages in life are different than
> > >his original plan.  I'm often guilty of wanting to clutter in as much
> > >as I can to make the pages more interesting and to insure that I look
> > >busy and important.  God, however, seems to be more interested in
> > >simplicity.    He seems to be more interested in simple pictures and
> > >simple thoughts that stand out on the page, no crowding or clutter to
> > >distract from the main point.  And really, when you think about it,
> > >isn't that what we prefer too?
> > >          How often we complain about the stress and hurriedness in
> > >our lives, forgetting that Stress is not one of the gifts of the
> > >spirit.  It is so easy for us to hustle here and bustle there, always
> > >keeping the desire to do God's will somewhere in the background, but
> > >allowing it to get lost, or remain unfocused, in competition with the
> > >other images on the page.
> > >          Jeremiah said that the Lord's mercies are new every
> > >morning.  Do we really see them?  Jesus tells us to take His yoke
> > >upon us and that in doing so we will find rest.  Does that describe
> > >your life right now?  I'll admit that it doesn't always describe
> > >mine.  I often miss His mercies, but I think that I would see them
> > >better if I were taking more rests.    This year, I'm wanting to move
> > >toward having a more simple life so that I can have even more time
> with God.
> > >          I thought that I would share with you a few ideas that I
> > >picked up off of a commercial that was airing last year called, "one
> > >minute to less stress."  These ideas sound so simple.  It's hard to
> > >believe that these simple suggestions could make my life so much less
> > >harried and, maybe, my pages so much less cluttered, but if these
> > >suggestions can help me to focus more on what God wants on my pages
> > >rather than what I carelessly put there, I want to try so that His
> > >glory will stand forth instead of my clutter.
> > >
> > >One minute to less stress.
> > >1.      Pray
> > >2.      Go to bed on time.
> > >3.      Get up on time so that you can  start your day unrushed.
> > >4.      Say no to projects that don't fit into your time schedule and
> > >might compromise your mental health.
> > >5.      Simplify and unclutter your life.
> > >6.      Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
> > >7.      Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time.
> > >8.      Don't lump hard projects together.
> > >9.      Live Within your budget
> > >10.     Don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
> > >11.     Have back ups. Carry around extra keys:  an extra car key in
> > >your wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
> > >12.     Keep your mouth shut.  This simple piece of advice can
> > >prevent an enormous amount of trouble.
> > >13.     Get enough exercise.
> > >14.     Talk to God immediately when you encounter a problem.
> > >15.     Don't wait to go to bed to pray.
> > >16.     Every day, find time to be alone.
> > >17.     Keep a to do list.  Every item not on the list adds to your
> stress.
> > >18.     Every night, before you go to bed, give thanks for something
> > >that you've never given thanks for before.  (find the Lord's mercy of
> > >the day.")
> > >19.     Don't use TV as your primary stress reliever.
> > >20.     Remind yourself that you're not the general manager of the
> universe.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Was any of that new or useful to you?  Maybe not.  Maybe you already
> > >know all this stuff.  If so, thanks for letting me preach a sermon to
> > >myself.  It's just so important that we remember who the author and
> > >finisher of our faith is. He won't be interested in seeing a book
> > >full of all our little pet projects and distractions, He will be
> > >interested in seeing the work that we did for Him.  As He turns the
> > >pages of your life, will He be able to see easily, what you have done
> > >for Him, or will he have to search through the page, like a maze to
> > >find His hidden treasure.
> > >          As midnight strikes tonight, we say that you have the
> > >opportunity to turn over a new page.  What will yours look like?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--=====================_31551468==.ALT
> > >Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
> > >
> > >HI guys,
> > >         This meditation was actually written last year.  Greg and I can't
> > > remember which one of us wrote it, but it didn't get used when it was
> > > originally  written because, I don't know, I think that we had a storm or
> > > something.  Anyway, not to waste good material, Greg pulled it out and
> > > used it last night.  I have to laugh because I told him that I thought
> > > that it was pretty good and he said back, "you should.  You wrote it!"  I
> > > honestly don't remember that, but I thought that I'd share it with you
> > > guys, if, for no other reason than its something to consider.
> > >         The suggestions for reducing stress, near the end, are based on a
> > > commercial that was running on our local Christian station last year, by
> > > a website called, "Air show CD," I think.
> > >         Anyway, God bless.  Here's my contribution to the new year.
> > >Kathy
> > >
> > >Scripture references:
> > >Lamentations 3:22-26
> > >Matthew 11:28-30
> > >
> > >                         Journaling For God
> > >
> > >         Well, it's that time of the year again at which we are all
> > > expected to reflect on our past and our lives and, somehow, make a firm
> > > decision to veer from our present course and begin doing something new,
> > > or better.  We start thinking about letting bye gones be bye gones and
> > > starting tomorrow with a clean slate.  At midnight tonight, you will,
> > > supposedly turn over a clean page in the diary of your life and do a
> > > better job this time than you have in the past.  This time, you will
> > > resolve that the hand-writing will be neater.  There will be less
> > > doodling in the margins.  You'll be more careful to spell, or do things
> > > right so that there will be fewer cross out marks.
> > >         We all know that that is probably a pretty good description of
> > > what the pages of our lives look like.  How so?  Because we all make
> > > mistakes, and not only that, but because we are sinners, we all choose at
> > > times to make smudges and mars that are not easily erased.   We may have
> > > planned poorly and become rushed, making our work sloppy.  We may choose
> > > not to value details in a certain area of our page and leave blank
> > > spaces.  We may not pay attention to instructions closely enough and end
> > > up with work that has to be erased altogether because it was mismanaged
> > > or out of place.
> > >         Most importantly, sometimes, or maybe e more often than not, we
> > > forget who we are really doing this for.  We forget that God is really
> > > the author and that we should be most concerned about writing on our
> > > pages what He wishes to see.  We forget that our distracted doodling is
> > > more for us than for Him.
> > >         The more I read my Bible, the more I'm beginning to realize how
> > > differently God's design for my pages in life are different than his
> > > original plan.  I'm often guilty of wanting to clutter in as much as I
> > > can to make the pages more interesting and to insure that I look busy and
> > > important.  God, however, seems to be more interested in
> > > simplicity.    He seems to be more interested in simple pictures and
> > > simple thoughts that stand out on the page, no crowding or clutter to
> > > distract from the main point.  And really, when you think about it, isn't
> > > that what we prefer too?
> > >         How often we complain about the stress and hurriedness in our
> > > lives, forgetting that Stress is not one of the gifts of the spirit.  It
> > > is so easy for us to hustle here and bustle there, always keeping the
> > > desire to do God's will somewhere in the background, but allowing it to
> > > get lost, or remain unfocused, in competition with the other images on
> > > the page.
> > >         Jeremiah said that the Lord's mercies are new every morning.  Do
> > > we really see them?  Jesus tells us to take His yoke upon us and that in
> > > doing so we will find rest.  Does that describe your life right
> > > now?  I'll admit that it doesn't always describe mine.  I often miss His
> > > mercies, but I think that I would see them better if I were taking more
> > > rests.    This year, I'm wanting to move toward having a more simple life
> > > so that I can have even more time with God.
> > >         I thought that I would share with you a few ideas that I picked
> > > up off of a commercial that was airing last year called, "one minute to
> > > less stress."  These ideas sound so simple.  It's hard to believe that
> > > these simple suggestions could make my life so much less harried and,
> > > maybe, my pages so much less cluttered, but if these suggestions can help
> > > me to focus more on what God wants on my pages rather than what I
> > > carelessly put there, I want to try so that His glory will stand forth
> > > instead of my clutter.
> > >
> > >One minute to less stress.
> > >1.      Pray
> > >2.      Go to bed on time.
> > >3.      Get up on time so that you can  start your day unrushed.
> > >4.      Say no to projects that don't fit into your time schedule and
> > >might compromise your mental health.
> > >5.      Simplify and unclutter your life.
> > >6.      Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.
> > >7.      Spread out big changes and difficult projects over time.
> > >8.      Don't lump hard projects together.
> > >9.      Live Within your budget
> > >10.     Don't use credit cards for ordinary purchases.
> > >11.     Have back ups. Carry around extra keys:  an extra car key in your
> > >wallet, an extra house key buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.
> > >12.     Keep your mouth shut.  This simple piece of advice can prevent an
> > >enormous amount of trouble.
> > >13.     Get enough exercise.
> > >14.     Talk to God immediately when you encounter a problem.
> > >15.     Don't wait to go to bed to pray.
> > >16.     Every day, find time to be alone.
> > >17.     Keep a to do list.  Every item not on the list adds to your
> stress.
> > >18.     Every night, before you go to bed, give thanks for something that
> > >you've never given thanks for before.  (find the Lord's mercy of the
> day.")
> > >19.     Don't use TV as your primary stress reliever.
> > >20.     Remind yourself that you're not the general manager of the
> universe.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Was any of that new or useful to you?  Maybe not.  Maybe you already know
> > >all this stuff.  If so, thanks for letting me preach a sermon to
> > >myself.  It's just so important that we remember who the author and
> > >finisher of our faith is. He won't be interested in seeing a book full of
> > >all our little pet projects and distractions, He will be interested in
> > >seeing the work that we did for Him.  As He turns the pages of your life,
> > >will He be able to see easily, what you have done for Him, or will he have
> > >to search through the page, like a maze to find His hidden treasure.
> > >         As midnight strikes tonight, we say that you have the opportunity
> > > to turn over a new page.  What will yours look like?
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--=====================_31551468==.ALT--
> >
> >Brad
> >
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> >   Connecting people's goods  with the good people of NW Wisconsin and
> >Greater Twin Cities!


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