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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 1 Jan 2006 21:05:08 -0700
text/plain (78 lines)

You've heard me say this before, and perhaps I have said it hear on the
list, I can't recall, but since I have been working with sexually abused
women and a few multiple personality situations, I discovered something,
which fortunately, turns out to be very useful.  Often when praying, or
simply talking, with people who are hurting, I can hear the little girl, or
the little boy, inside actually doing the talking.  I often hear the almost
instant switching back and forth from the little child to the adult.  This
in no way means a person is schizophrenic, of course, but during prayer
sessions, it helps when hearing the difference because it gives me a clue
where to pray, and what to pray, in relationship to what I just heard.  With
someone who is multiple personality, or has Dissociative Identity Disorder,
being able to hear these differences makes it much easier to determin how to
pray and when just to talk and when just to listen.  Men are pretty good at
hiding the little boy under toughness, hardness, and just plane will power
but I hear the little boy in men now, too, in many cases.  It has given me a
greater spiritual understanding of why Jesus calls us his little children
and why He tells us to be as little children.  Brook couldn't hide the
little girl inside of her that was been wounded if she tried because the
pain is so great.  When she asked if she could hug me yesterday, I clearly
heard the little girl asking for her dad whom she has not seen or heard from
for most of her life.  Four years ago, when I could hardly function due to
the anxiety and panic attacks, I was standing in a little church singing
during the worship time.  I forced myself to sing because I could not do it
any other way.  In the middle of all my terrible fearfulness and pain, I
heard the Lord clearly say, You are going to be a father to the fatherless.
You could have knocked me over with a feather.  Me?  I said to the Lord, I
don't even know anybody who is fatherless.  The Holy Spirit answered and
said, How about your two daughter in laws.  Both of them had fathers who
left them when they were little tiny girls.  I have prayed many times with
them both now and watched Jesus bring peace into areas of their lives that
the Enemy was trying to use to destroy them.  I know this sounds stupid, but
I have actually caught myself on several different occasions, praying for
all the wounded little girls.  The first time it happened, I was praying in
tongues on my deck swing and been for several minutes.  when I stopped
praying in tongues, my mouth kept moving and I heard myself speaking in
English about all the little girls in the world.  I knew in my heart what I
had just been praying about.  Jesus never forgets.  My call to be an
intercessor back in June of 1985, before I even knew what an intercessor
was, has sharpened my compassion for others in ways I never thought was
possible.  I feel the heart of Jesus now in ways I cannot even describe.
After a few hundred hours sitting in prayer sessions and hearing little boys
and little girls crying and telling how they were hurt and what they are
frightened about and how their dad said he wished they'd never been born
and, as I heard just the other day, a little girl was told by her mother,
Honey, I love you but I don't like you.  At any rate, after hearing these
things, and the worse things I will skip mentioning, you begin to understand
why we often feel the way we do as adults.  The greatest of all, of course,
is hearing the little ones growing up, sort of speak, through prayer and
knowing the Enemy lost again.  I've sat with grown men, including recently a
psychologist, and watched as the Lord touched the broken and hurting and
fearful and painful areas and the little child inside cried out.  then in
amazement, as if I have never seen it before, watch as the Lord walks into
their life and totally repairs everything.  A man stopped by just before
Christmas that I have been praying with off and on for the last 9 months or
so.  He sat in my office and gave me a check for 250 dollars, which I could
really use at the time, and as we talked, he said, Phil, this last year has
been the best year of my life.  This man had been off work for 6 years with
a disability.  After two or three prayer sessions, the Lord healed the
frightened little boy in dozens of places that simply amazed me once again.
The man used to make 6 figures.  He lost his wife and his job and his 19
year old daughter is almost incapasitated due to anxiety attacks.  He is now
working, dating again, and he has brought three other people to me for
prayer.  I have done so little for this man, it is rediculous.  He hears
from the Lord so easily, our prayer sessions rarely last more than 30 to 40
minutes.  If I posted on the list some of the things he saw and heard and
felt in the prayer sessions, I would be acused of being a whacked out new
age false teacher or something.  I've been called worse, and by my own
family, but when I get letters, as I did from a pastor in another state with
whom I have prayed only about four or five times over the phone, who talked
about how the anxiety attacks are gone and they are walking in peace, I just
laugh at the name calling stuff any more.  Besides, I know who Jesus is and
I know His voice and I know freedom when I see it.  So, I got off on a
tangent again for some reason.
