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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 1 Dec 2005 06:00:25 -0600
text/plain (53 lines)
Wil pray. You might ask Christopher and Troy to stop putting you and the
group on such a pedestal, as if yawl are any better than he. Them feelin
gas though they let yawl down is telling me  for one that they  are keeping
clean for reasons other than their own choices or  will of God for their
life, and secondly that they feel as though they are lookin gup at you from
a lower vantage point. It is a level playing feild.


At 10:36 PM 11/30/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>Christopher is a 35 year old man who comes to our Friday and Sunday
>meetings.  I have prayed with him once.  He is a former addict but he has
>done time in the passed for drugs.  He is on probation.  Today he had a
>court hearing when he learned, because he had not been compliant, that is,
>he had not attended all his drug and alcohol classes, that they were sending
>him back for another six months in prison.  Fortunately, it isn't the big
>house, that is, the Colorado state pen but it will be a minimum security
>facility.  He will be allow to go off campus to work and it is more like
>apartment living, or dormitory, than in the penitentiary.  Gretchen went to
>see him tonight because he will spend a few days in a local county jail
>before being transferred.  He told Gretchen to tell all of us at church that
>he was sorry he let us all down.  I'm going to try and see him Saturday.
>Anyhow, Christopher is trying to go straight but he has lived half his life
>on and off drugs.  He is a good guy and I personally don't think he meant
>for this to happen, but, when the judge tells you, and your parole officer
>tells you, here are your classes and you must attend, and you don't get to
>them all, the courts get tired of seeing you and screwing around with your
>excuses.  So, when you think of him, pray for him because he is getting way
>too old to keep this up.  We will be able to spend time on the phone with
>him, too, when he is transferred to the minimum security facility.  He will
>now spend Christmas, New Years, and his 36th birthday in jail.  Like I said
>once before, I never thought I would be pastoring junkies but there are four
>of them in our group.  One is my friend Keith and he has been clean for over
>25 years and he was never arrested but he committed a lot of crime before he
>got saved.  Troy, whom you've heard me talk about, hasn't been coming to our
>meetings for several months but we see him from time to time.  He is back to
>drinking and drugging so he feels ashamed to come and meet with us but we
>keep trying to work on him because he did 8 years of hard time for beating
>people up years ago and if he is not careful, he'll end up in the slammer
>again so pray for Troy, too.
>Victory Isn't Something You Have; It Is Who You Are.


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