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belltower <[log in to unmask]>
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belltower <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 1 Nov 2005 00:17:42 -0500
text/plain (304 lines)
hi Phil I will pray concerning this sitchuation. bonnie
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 10:45 AM

>I thought this was worth forwarding to the list.
> Phil.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Regner Capener" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: "Regner Capener" <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, October 31, 2005 7:37 AM
> Good Monday Morning, Folks!
> Today is one of those days when we will deviate from our normal discussion
> to take up a crisis situation needing your prayers.
> During the weekend, I received two emails from friends that deserve
> passing
> on.
> The first one was forwarded to my by Dave Severy.
> --------------------------------------------------------
> Dear Saints,
> I received a newsletter from a Paw Creek Ministries and Church in
> Charlotte,
> North Carolina.  TODAY this request was at the TOP of the page :
> Our missionaries in Haiti, Rev. David and Mrs. Alicia Lloyd have just
> called
> with a desperate prayer call.  They are the superintendents of our Home
> for
> Children.  Their two children, Davy and Hannah, approximately ages 7 and
> 4,
> have just been kidnapped.  This is a constant threat in Haiti and it is
> desperate.  To find them alive will be a miracle.
> Please go to God with us and tell everyone you know to pray.
> Joseph R. Chambers
> Dave Severy  aka
> <':sheep:')>SEV
> --------------------------------------------------
> The second email came concerning the persecution of Christians in
> Indonesia
> by Islamic fundamentalists.
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> As you know, Christians have been taken and abused, tortured and beheaded
> by
> the thousand throughout the past years in Indonesia.  In the year before
> the
> tsunami struck, more than a thousand pastors were seized and
> systematically
> beheaded for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, their churches burned to the
> ground
> and their congregations warned not to worship Jesus Christ on pain of
> death.
> The blessing has been that the more Christians have been persecuted, the
> more the Gospel spreads.  The world is not accustomed to seeing people die
> with hands outstretched, declaring the love of God to their persecutors
> and
> executioners.  In Indonesia, Islam -- as it does everywhere -- hates the
> Gospel with a vengeance.  The message of Islam is not a message of peace
> and
> love, but a message of submit, "or else."
> This week, I saw both the hatred of demonic Islam and the love of Christ
> exhibited in a single event.  Three Indonesian Christian teenage girls
> were
> on their way to worship services when they were accosted by Islamic
> terrorists.  The terrorists were not the brand of terrorist you read about
> in the newspaper, but simply hate-filled fundamentalists out to eradicate
> Christianity in Indonesia.
> They threatened the three girls with instant death if they continued on
> their trek to the church.  The girls apparently attempted to share the
> Gospel with their detractors, who became even more enraged.  We found the
> beheaded bodies of these three girls later that day when we realized they
> were missing.  Each of them had a peaceful look on their faces -- not what
> you would expect to see on those knowing they were going to die.
> The body of Christ at large needs to realize that persecution for
> Christians
> is a way of life here in the islands.  All of us are in constant danger,
> our
> lives threatened daily.
> We simply ask that Christians everywhere pray for the message and impact
> of
> the Gospel to be heard in Indonesia, and that prayers be offered for the
> safety of all who minister Jesus Christ.
> In Christ,
> Anna
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> The two emails brought to mind some Scriptures I have lived with
> periodically throughout the years.
> Paul was writing to Timothy when he said, "Yea, and all that will live
> Godly
> in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."  (see II Timothy 3:12)
> When writing to the Romans, he says, "Who shall separate us from the love
> of
> Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or
> nakedness, or peril, or sword?  As it is written, For thy sake we are
> killed
> all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.  Nay, in
> all
> these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us.  For I
> am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor
> principalities,
> nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth,
> nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God,
> which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."  (Romans 8:35-39)
> The Lloyds in Haiti know full well what it is to suffer persecution.
> Having
> one's children attacked is a common methodology used by the Enemy in order
> to discourage, defeat and drive away those who would preach Christ.
> The three Christian teenage girls in Indonesia refused to let
> persecution --
> and the sword (literally) -- separate them from the love of Christ.  Their
> deaths for the Gospel make them conquerors -- more than conquerors.
> They not only conquered their fear of death, and the threats of
> demonically-controlled persecutors; their deaths will surely result in
> even
> more Muslims being converted to Jesus Christ.  Every time a believer is
> killed for the sake of Christ, their life becomes as a seed cast into the
> ground.
> That seed springs forth, bearing even more fruit.  For every life that is
> taken in and for the name of Jesus Christ, Satan loses tens, hundreds and
> even thousands of people who have been under his dominion.  It is the
> thing
> that drives the God and Jesus-haters absolutely stark raving batty.  Their
> persecution has the absolute opposite effect.
> I won't spend a lot of time on this topic because I've already shared much
> of this in past Coffee Breaks, but when I was in Barrow, Alaska, pastoring
> Inupiat Christian Center and presiding over the operations and growth of
> the
> Christian Broadcasting Network in Alaska, persecution for the Gospel was
> the
> order of the day.
> Christians lacking in understanding of the purposes of God would say to
> me,
> "Brother, you must be out of the will of God or you wouldn't be going
> through all of this."  Yet for all the opposition and persecution, we saw
> the Gospel spread into areas where it had not been able to previously
> reach.
> We saw people born again by the grace and power of God who had suffered
> Satan's bondage their entire lives.
> Two of my older children, Christian and Melodie, became the object and
> device by which Satan attempted to drive me out of Barrow before the Lord
> was finished with us there.  During the winter months when it is
> perpetually
> dark and the sun never shines (you have 66 consecutive days beginning in
> November and ending in January when the sun never rises), all of your
> activities have to take place in near-total darkness.  You do have
> starlight
> and the moon during its phases -- and that can provide a fair amount of
> light when reflected off new-fallen snow -- but in the community,
> buildings
> tend to blot out much of the available light, and there are times when you
> navigate as much by your sense of direction as you do by what you can
> actually see.
> It was always dark when Chris and Melodie would get out of school at the
> end
> of the day.  When our detractors, therefore, decided to attack, it was
> easy
> to hide in the shadows and strike out at the children.  For the most part,
> their attackers were adults -- not kids they played with.  I can't begin
> to
> remember the number of times they came home with their clothing ripped or
> damaged, their faces and bodies bruised, and their noses bloodied after
> being attacked in the darkness.
> Sometimes the attacks were carefully orchestrated; other times they were
> opportunities seized as advantageous for the purpose of sending me a
> message: "Get out of Barrow."
> Complaints to the local Department of Public Safety yielded little in the
> way of results until DPS happened to hire a fellow Christian from a police
> department in the state of Washington.  Once we were introduced and he
> became aware of what was taking place, he vigorously pursued the
> attackers.
> The situation ultimately became bad enough that I sent Chris and Melodie
> to
> Saint Paul Island to live with my parents for a year.  Debbie -- my oldest
> daughter -- was an adopted Eskimo from Barrow.  Although she came under
> attack and was shot at six times, her primary attacker was arrested and
> jailed, essentially ending the attacks on her.  She was nearing graduation
> from High School anyway, and elected not to leave Barrow when given the
> opportunity.
> Important in all of this is the attitude we retain towards those around
> us -- and particularly our detractors.  I won't say that I handled myself
> well in the face of it all at the time, but it became a learning
> experience;
> and I realized that continuing to maintain an attitude of love and peace
> drove my enemies nuts.
> There were many other events that I won't take the time to talk about
> today,
> but the ultimate end was that people scattered throughout remote
> communities
> throughout Alaska heard the message of Jesus Christ, responded to the
> offer
> of salvation, and experienced His life-changing love in their lives.
> People don't normally deliberately head into circumstances and situations
> that threaten themselves and their families with injury or death, but as a
> Christian, once you find yourself faced with it you really only have one
> option: STAND!
> That said, today's Coffee Break is another plea for you as members of the
> body of Christ to lift up these persecuted Christians daily, and to
> intercede on their behalf.  Do it now!
> Jesus Christ looks continually for a people willing to be naturally
> supernatural -- and ready to pay whatever price necessary in their flesh
> to
> become supernaturally natural!
> Blessings on you!
> Regner A. Capener
> Ekklesia House
> RR-15, Box 6180
> Mission, TX  78574-9589
> (956) 583-5355
> All Coffee Break articles are copyright by Regner A. Capener, but
> authorization for reprinting, reposting, copying or re-use, in whole or in
> part, is granted - provided proper attribution and this notice are
> included
> intact.  Coffee Break archives are available at:
> or<>.
> Coffee Break articles are published daily, Monday through Friday, except
> for
> holidays.
> If you would like to have these articles arrive each morning in your
> email,
> please send a blank email with the word "Subscribe" as the subject to:
> [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. To unsubscribe, please follow the
> same procedure with the word, "Unsubscribe" as the subject.
> R & DC MINISTRIES is a tax-exempt church ministry. Should you desire to
> participate and covenant with us as partners in this ministry, please
> contact us at either of the above email or physical addresses.
> To arrange for speaking engagements, please call Della Capener at (956)
> 490-7171.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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