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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 11 Aug 2005 16:24:08 -0400
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Tom and Anne Donlon <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (116 lines)
This is a fascinating discussion. I have seen people use Scripture to
support so many things, I tend to be a bit skeptical and take a devil's
advocate stance (sheesh what a phrase to use in this context).

I had a few questions and thought others might have comments/thoughts...

They didn't eat meat in Eden, did they? I thought the first animal
"sacrifice" was when The Lord killed an animal to clothe Adam and Eve after
the fall. And isn't Adam's assigned task in Eden - taking care of the garden
and the animals - a sort of agriculture? Do we know what they were growing
and eating there?

And flesh was first eaten after Noah's flood. (Perhaps something happened
after that flood - where waters came from the atmosphere and the earth -
that caused it to be necessary to eat meat?)

Another question: when the children of Israel were given the Mosaic law and
the list of clean and unclean foods were given, why were grains not
mentioned? Wouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for us to be warned off
of grains? And dairy? And other items that are paleo-verboten?

Was the kind of "bread" described in Ezekiel 4 the normal kind of bread
eaten then and, if so, were the foods therein non-harmful to humans because
they were primitive and hadn't faced several thousand years of UN-natural
selection yet?

And another: if scripture is anti-grain, why would bread be given such high
symbolic value in scripture? "I am the bread of life..."   "Take, eat; this
is my body which will be given for this in memory of me..."

And one more passage I have questions about: "and thus He declared (to St.
Peter in Acts) all foods clean."

These are tons of references to grain, wheat, bread, etc. in the Bible, and
I could go on and on. These are just the few that came immediately to mind
when trying to decide if there's support for the idea that the Bible speaks
one way or the other about paleo.

I personally think that the principles of diet in the Bible should be given
more weight than the actual food items mentioned. Those principles being,
IMHO: give thanks for it, share it with others, don't eat too much of it,
consider the [insect] that stores up foor for later, and don't worry about
where the next meal's coming from...


-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]] On Behalf Of Susan Carmack
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2005 2:19 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Paleo is in the Bible too!

Hi Kristina and paleopeoples,

Kristina asked: I am a Christian and have often wondered how Christianity
and a Paleo
lifestyle fit together. There are so many times in the bible that they talk
about eating bread. Are you saying that this bible verse indicates that God
was saying bread would make us sick?

You will find throughout the Bible that everybody is sick - but Adam and
Eve were made perfect. After they sinned and followed Satan, they got sick
and died. They were made to live forever on a Paradise Earth but their
punishment for sinning was Death and Disease having been thrown out of
Eden. If you do a search in the Bible, you will find epilepsy, leprosy,
blindness, lameness, plagues, just about every disease and abnormality we
see today. As we have discovered through the paleo, celiac, nomilk, no
sugar, etc lists (that originate by people who love their fellow man so
much that they want them to live!), just about all disease can be cured by
a diet of foods that God supplied - not that Man cultivated. That is the
pretense for Neanderthin.
So, Satan is in charge of the bad foods with Rockerfeller and the boys
profiting. If we eat what God created,  we are on our Way back to Eden and
Everlasting Life. There are a number of spiritual requirements too of

Also, I have the story of Daniel and his 3 friends who went on a grain free
diet according to God's direction. They were granted health, wisdom and
insight and were thus able to interpret King Nebuchadnezzar's dreams and
predict the future of the world!!

'women' would suffer greatly
>during childbirth

I have a friend who went completely paleo - no grains - who just had a baby
at her house in a tub of water. NO pain. 3 1/2 hours of labour. She is 40
and said it was so easy, she would have 'a million more'. Her husband
agreed to one. She has 2 toddlers at home already!! This woman was
originally scheduled for a Caesarian (Caesar is in the Bible too) because
she almost died last time from heart disease/or an allergic reaction to

Is this pain free birth indication that we could be close to going back to
the Garden?

>     Planting and tilling and harvesting,
>     sweating in the fields from dawn to dusk,
>     Until you return to that ground yourself, dead and buried;
>     you started out as dirt, you'll end up dirt."

The advent of agricultural revolution and the cultivation of grains! This
is coincident to Eliots post about the grains for slaves project. We became
slaves when Adam and Eve got the boot!
Adam and Eve had everything to eat in the Garden, no sweat involved:

(Genesis 2:8-9) . . .. 9 Thus God made to grow out of the ground every tree
desirable to one's sight and good for food and also the tree of life in the
middle of the garden and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad.

...but it didn't take long to wreck the Place.
