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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 16 Nov 2005 22:27:59 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Buharry, Walahi.  There is no turning back.

Chi Jaama


>From: Momodou Buharry Gassama <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [>-<] Opposition Leaders Arrested by Yahya Jammeh
>Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 23:18:50 +0100
>Hi Joe!
>            Indeed. This calculated move to arrest the NADD leadership
>seriously tests the resolve of all Gambians. Whilst the possible motivation
>for such a move can take several forms, the result is that Gambains have
>this time been seriously challenged. It is important that you have
>highlighted several means of addressing the situation as it calls for a
>multi-pronged approach. Every person should do his/her best to ensure that
>the rule of law returns to our country. The NADD leadership has so far been
>silent. I think they are waiting for the constitutionally mandated 72 hour
>period for being charged or released. They should however not be seen to be
>passive. They should organise a press conference for starters to show their
>unity and resolve, publicise the arrest of Halifa, OJ and Hamat
>internationally etc. Gambians at home and abroad should contribute in
>whatever way they can to ensure justice for the NADD trio. It should be
>impressed on the security services that the human and constitutional rights
>of the gentleman should in no way be violated. The government should
>that they are creating an impossible situation and a recipe for disaster in
>a region that has seen so much mayhem and institute changes before it is
>late for our beloved country. Have a good evening.
>                                                        Buharry.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]>
>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>Sent: Wednesday, November 16, 2005 9:14 PM
>Subject: Re: [>-<] Opposition Leaders Arrested by Yahya Jammeh
>>Buharry, yes, the stakes are getting higher.  When a murderer is cornered,
>>he is going to intimidate, harass, arrest, and murder, if the people let
>>him.  Thus, Gambians should know that in the history of dictatorships,
>>has been gotten rid of through wishing away, or endless prayers.  Africans
>>by now have abundant examples that it is through our sweat, blood, and
>>resolve did we end physical colonization in our continent.  That is how
>>South Africa liberated themselves, same as Zimbabwe, Zaire and many
>>countries in our 52 states on the African continent.  How will that be
>>different for Gambia?  We will never liberate ourselves from tyranny by
>>wishing and praying to eternity.  So, like you, Gambians should demand
>>immediate release.  That is not going to happen by appealing to Yaya, or
>>filing this and that paper in the courts, or lodging a complaint to the
>>British Embassy or the American Embassy.  Gambians must take matters in
>>their own hands.  So, I see this situation as an opportunity for Gambians
>>break the fear that shackled them for the past eleven years.
>>To the NADD leadership, this is a wake up call to the reality that you are
>>dealing with a blood thirsty and desperate criminal and you underestimate
>>his vision to wipe you out to your own detriment.  This is not time for
>>to take six weeks to utter your first words.  Gambians are looking to you
>>for leadership and you are expected to do what the situation demands -
>>up a press conference today and demand their immediate release and at the
>>same time mobilize your supporters to back that demand.  The
>>of Yaya must end today.  Civil disobedience is an extension of diplomacy
>>playing the nice guy or treating Yaya with respect is not going to yield
>>nothing but more brutality.  Thus, Gambians do not want to hear you to
>>them to go slow or the ball is in Yaya's court.  Wake up, this is a trial
>>run for more things to come, so you better revise your game plan.  Most
>>Gambians anticipated this action and have been telling you'll to be ready.
>>For folks in the diaspora, this is an opportunity to channel our disgust
>>create a stronger force.  If you have been active, please continue with
>>intensity.  If you have be passive/inactive, this is the time to break
>>yolk and join any movement to dismantle the monster.  If you have not been
>>supporting NADD financially, this is an opportunity to start helping them
>>fund the fight.  There are thousands on-line and if each person
>>$100 to a NADD fund, that would be tremendous help to the struggle.
>>However, we cannot talk here and demand the sky from NADD and when they
>>our help, we fold our hands and find better things to do.  Each of us must
>>look within and ask themselves whether we have been fair to our country
>>people.  We have a lot of Gambian doctors, lawyers, scientists,
>>professors, bankers, room service people, students, etc.  None should be
>>good to help their country.  Folks, we can be as successful as we want to
>>be, but if you loose your country and people, you have nothing to live
>>All we ask is for you to contribute financially in the liberation of your
>>country.  Contrary to the dominant opinion that most Gambians are not
>>on-line, most of the people listed are on line, we just don't hear them.
>>That is the power we have in our hands if we only use it.  If you do not
>>want your ID known, you can send your money in many ways and your privacy
>>will be secured.  So, let us see this occasion as an opportunity for mass
>>From here on out, there will be a lot of activity by Gambians both at home
>>and abroad.  The greatest weapon against any dictator or tyrant is mass
>>action.  Be prepared to join your fellow Gambians on the ground for mass
>>action.  Diasporans should be ready to converge in Washington DC, New
>>and various cities to protest these arrests.  If you cannot make it
>>your area organize and protest in your own communities.  This is a time
>>sacrifice.  Those on the ground are doing that every day they wake up, so
>>cannot hide behind our jobs or other excuses to not participate.  Our
>>brothers in the EU and environs are going to do the same, so please join
>>them in their efforts.
>>To those folks that supported the APRC or are "neutral" and are appalled
>>this action by Yaya, this is a time for you to really evaluate what you
>>supporting or are neutral about.  Are you going to wait until there is
>>general mayhem for you to be convinced that Yaya is bad news for Gambia?
>>you do, that would be a real tragedy.  You know deep down that this and
>>other mass arrests and murders by Yaya are wrong, what would it take for
>>to say no to tyranny and join others to stop the madness that is Yaya?
>>support is what is helping him kill folks and this savage behavior.
>>To the NIA and the Security Forces, there comes a time that you must
>>to whom you are loyal to.  You must either choose to assist Yaya to abuse
>>Gambians, or to be loyal to the citizens that pay your salaries.  Your
>>numbers cannot withstand the force of the masses so not even your weapons
>>can protect you from a mass rage.  The other side to this equation is that
>>Gambian citizens at some point are going to take matters in their own
>>to deal with some of you, and that time is fast approaching.  Gambia is a
>>small country and we all know each other.  We know some of you that are
>>doing the bidding for Yaya and we are fed up with your behavior and are
>>going to even the score, either on your person or someone close to you.
>>can bank that the citizens of Gambia are not going to allow you to
>>to arrest, intimidate, or murder them.  There are those of you that are
>>equally abused by this regime.  You should be on the side of the people.
>>To the "elders" and "religious leaders", please take stock.  You have
>>and abetted this monster for a decade plus and you got to change your
>>Stop the begging for trinkets and be true to your calling.  Speak the
>>when the situation demands it.  If you are an Imam, Reverend, Pastor,
>>you are morally obligated to denounce Yaya's behavior in your Mosques,
>>Churches, and other places of worship.  You must tell your congregations
>>that they do not deserve this treatment from Yaya.  A couple of weeks ago,
>>you'll lined up in front of Yaya, hat in hand, under the guise of a
>>visit.  Let us not kid ourselves.  This may have been customary practice
>>dating back to decades ago, but its usefulness has long expired and if it
>>were a consumable, it would have been banned and labeled unfit for human
>>consumption.  We all know that even during the time of Jawara, you'll
>>went there to exchange ideas about the health of the nation and offer
>>suggestions.  Instead, the trip is an opportunity to line your pockets and
>>there have been fights amongst yourselves as to who should be or not be in
>>the delegation.  So, having cursed out by Yaya and threatened with arrests
>>the next time around, and the promise to kill the opposition, you can
>>your integrity and form that same delegation to tell your benefactor that
>>needs to release these people immediately.  Your support is what is
>>him to continue to abuse Gambians.  How can you look at your congregation
>>the eye, knowing that you do not count when it is time to stand for the
>>truth?  Thus, it is time for the adults and senior citizens and religious
>>leaders of our country to walk their call.  Stop aiding and abetting
>>This is a time for Gambians to take action, not prayer or wishing our
>>problems away, for it will never happen.  I hope we will not see a recur
>>prior events like the April massacre, the murder do Deyda, etc., where we
>>were hot for a moment and cold the rest of the time.  Right here on-line,
>>can easily raise $10,000.  Just last night, a few of your fellow
>>and women and friends of Gambia raise $3,000 in one sitting.  I am
>>therefore, challenging each and everyone out there is wants change in the
>>Gambia to send there $100 to Sigga Jagne or the STGDP on behalf of NADD.
>>This is not money that is going to the STGDP account, but will be
>>and sent to NADD, ASAP for the fight ahead.  Representatives from various
>>organizations in the US that support NADD were present and they were the
>>ones that raised the $3,000 mentioned above.  We are talking about 30
>>people.  Just imagine what our collective power online can do.  I hope
>>would not read this mail and brush it aside, for if you do, you can bank
>>that others may do just like you, which unfortunately most of us have been
>>doing.  This fight is our to win, but we must do what the situation
>>to take victory.  You are the hope of Gambia, so step up and be counted.
>>Chi Jaama
>>>From: "Momodou Buharry Gassama" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>>>To: "The Gambia and related-issues mailing list"
>>><[log in to unmask]>,   <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Subject: Re: [>-<] Opposition Leaders Arrested by Yahya Jammeh
>>>Date: Wed, 16 Nov 2005 00:19:42 +0100
>>>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "Momodou Buharry
>>>Gassama" <[log in to unmask]> ]
>>>    This is a very serious and disturbing development. As the 2006
>>>elections approach, the stage is being set for the creation of a state of
>>>insecurity. The result may be a state of emergency, the cancellation or
>>>postponement of the elections and the thwarting of the democratic
>>>aspirations of the Gambian people. The arrest of the NADD leadership
>>>be condemned by all Gambians and friends of the country. Trying to blame
>>>NADD for the problems between Gambia and Senegal is beyond reason. I
>>>therefore demand in the strongest possible manner that they be released.
>>>the security personnel coming into direct contact with them, I urge you
>>>to engage in any acts that violate their human and constitutional rights.
>>>To Halifa, O.J. and Hamat, my thoughts are with you. I pray that sanity
>>>returns to our country before we follow the path of our West African
>>>neighbours into the abyss. Thanks and have a good night.
>>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe Sambou" <[log in to unmask]>
>>>To: <[log in to unmask]>
>>>Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 9:39 PM
>>>Subject: Re: [>-<] Opposition Leaders Arrested by Yahya Jammeh
>>>>Guys, thanks for this alert.  Folks, the show is about to start and I
>>>>that Gambians will take note of what time it is.  The liar is trying to
>>>>preempt NADD from exposing him with the lies he ascribed to Wade.  NADD
>>>>proceed with their game plan for him to cough up the evidence or be
>>>>and called the liar he is.  Let him be mistaken and even scratch any one
>>>>them, and our promise to him will be fulfilled.  The NIA and security
>>>>are also warned in advance for what ever their role is in this.  Thanks
>>>>the alert and please keep us posted on any further developments.
>>>>Chi Jaama
>>>>>From: Movement for Democracy and Development <[log in to unmask]>
>>>>>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>>>>>To: [log in to unmask], [log in to unmask]
>>>>>Subject: [>-<] Opposition Leaders Arrested by Yahya Jammeh
>>>>>Date: Tue, 15 Nov 2005 11:33:41 -0800 (PST)
>>>>>It just came to our notice that, Yahya Jammeh mede good of his promises
>>>>>deal with the Opposition. OJ Jallow and Hamat Bah were picked up and
>>>>>detained, while Jammeh's Radio and TV had been announcing that: halifa
>>>>>Sallah is a wanted man and should report to the nearest police station
>>>>>ASAP. Futhermore, anyone harboring Halifa is committing a serious
>>>>>Details to follow.
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