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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Amy Gordon <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 15 Oct 2005 17:18:39 -0400
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (68 lines)
    Thanks for the update.  I have been praying.  Glad to hear she is being
healed in the areas she needs healing in.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 5:10 PM
Subject: Donna Followup

>      My daughter in law called me Friday afternoon to see if I had any
> time to pray.  she had taken time off work that afternoon due to the
> emotional sadness she was experiencing because the miscarriage she
> had.  Fridays I normally don't schedule any appointments for prayer
> session, except for situations like this, when people call on the fly
> as it were, because they need prayer.  I told her I had plenty of time
> so she decided to take a shower and then come over.
>      In the shower, and to keep her mind off the feelings she was
> having about the miscarriage, she was singing praise and worship songs
> to herself.  Suddenly, and without warning, she heard a tiny baby
> laughing in her thoughts.  She stopped and listened.  A voice spoke
> and said, "See, Donna?  Your baby gets to play with Jesus."
>      When she came over to pray, the first question she asked me was
> if that was God speaking or the Enemy.  Here is what I told her.
>      If it had been the Enemy speaking, there likely would have been
> no followup as to the explanation.  In other words, it would have been
> a mocking taunt which was used to torment her.  The Enemy also, if he
> did talk, would have said things such as, "See?  You aren't worth
> having a baby or the Lord would have given you one.  He isn't worth
> trusting.  You might as well forget having any children because you
> aren't worth it.  If you were, God would have allowed it.  Go ahead.
> Admit it.  God killed your baby."  These are but a few of the things
> he might say; I've heard much more sinister.
>      As we pray that afternoon, the Lord healed Donna in a number of
> places.  He even showed her, in her thinking, the ultra sounds and
> told her that He would take care of everything.  He additionally
> gathered up all the older memories which had negative words, hurtful
> words, and painful things that people had said to her over the years
> relating to the Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome she has.  I have seen this
> occur many times and knew what it was as soon as she reported all
> these memories were flashing in and out of her mind very rapidly.  I
> told her just to view them and allow them to flash on through her
> mind.  After awhile, I prayed and asked the Lord what He wished to do
> with all these hurtful words buried in the memories He revealed to
> her.  He showed her by healing her of the pain.  It is a wonderful
> think to witness the Lord healing someone collectively as He did with
> Donna that day.
>      Does Jesus really heal this way today?  You'll have to decide for
> yourself.  Donna knows, on the other hand, so why don't you talk to
> her.
>      Thanks for praying for her.  She specifically thanked echurch for
> all the prayers and wanted you to know how much she appreciated your
> prayers in her behalf.
>      Phil.
> Victory isn't something you have, it is something you are.