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VERA R CROWELL <[log in to unmask]>
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African Association of Madison <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Nov 2006 10:41:26 -0600
text/plain (151 lines)

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Unfortunately, greed transcends national boundaries and responsibilities.

----- Original Message -----
From: Aggo Akyea <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Friday, November 24, 2006 10:33 am
Subject: Yet Another Sad Story of Africans against Africans ... When, Oh When, Africa!!!
To: [log in to unmask]

> *****************************************************************
> Note: Fiscal year of AAM is October 1 - September 30.
> *** Subscriptions for 2006/07 Membership are now due!!!!
> Join African Association of Madison, Inc. for $25 per year
> Mail check to: AAM, PO Box 1016, Madison, WI 53701
> Phone: 608-258-0261 -- Email: [log in to unmask]
> Web: www.AfricanAssociation.org
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> Ivory Coast officials blamed for lethal toxic slick 
> By Lydia Polgreen
> The New York Times 
> Mismanagement, negligence and fraud by government agencies and private 
> companies led to the dumping of a highly toxic cocktail of 
> petrochemical waste in Ivory Coast in August, according to a 
> government report issued there Thursday.
> At least 10 people died and thousands were sickened after chemical 
> waste pumped from a tanker chartered by a Netherlands-based oil 
> trading company was dumped across Abidjan, the capital of Ivory Coast, 
> in the main landfill and near poor residential neighborhoods.
> Citing the "lack of rigorous management, failure to observe 
> professional ethics and nonapplication of regulations," the report 
> concluded that officials at the city's port and in several government 
> ministries responsible for monitoring the shipping and handling of 
> waste and petroleum allowed the chain of events that led to the 
> dumping, despite repeated red flags.
> The waste arrived in Abidjan on Aug. 19 aboard the Probo Koala, a 
> Greek- owned tanker flying a Panamanian flag and leased by Trafigura, 
> an oil trading corporation. The tanker carried a toxic mix of 
> chemicals that the ship had already tried to dispose of in Amsterdam 
> in July, saying the waste was ordinary slop from cleaning the tanks of 
> petroleum products. But workers in Amsterdam's port refused to take 
> the waste for the initial price, $15,000, saying it was toxic and 
> would require special disposal.
> Instead of paying the more than $300,000 it would cost to dispose of 
> the waste in Europe, the ship sailed a circuitous route that included 
> stops in Estonia and Nigeria, eventually arriving in Abidjan, where a 
> subsidiary of Trafigura, Puma Energie, arranged to have the waste 
> disposed of by Tommy, a local company.
> The report identified Tommy, which agreed to dispose of the waste for 
> $20,000, and its manager, Salomon Ugborugbo, as mainly responsible for 
> the dumping. The company had "neither the qualifications, the 
> competence or the technical ability to treat this waste."
> The report said Tommy "was created during the same period when the 
> Probo Koala left Holland for the Ivory Coast," and that it had "had 
> all appearances of a shell company created for the circumstance."
> Before the waste arrived, Ugborugbo wrote an electronic message to a 
> Trafigura official, saying that he had found a place "outside the city 
> called 'Akwedo' where he would dump the products," the report said. 
> Akouedo is the city landfill surrounded by poor neighborhoods and 
> frequented by thousands of people who make a living picking recyclable 
> items from the trash. Once the waste arrived, Tommy hired 12 tanker 
> trucks, paying them about $250 each, and sent them to dump the 
> material in Akouedo, according to the report. But the material ended 
> up being dumped in more than a dozen sites across the city.
> Trafigura said in a statement Thursday that it was aware of the 
> report, but was not ready to comment on it. The company said it "will 
> continue to cooperate fully with all relevant authorities 
> investigating this matter."
> Earlier this month, Trafigura appointed a British lawyer, Peter 
> Fraser, to conduct an inquiry into the Probo Koala dumping. Trafigura 
> has already said in statements that it complied with local and 
> international laws, and that its own analysis of the chemicals on 
> board the ship showed that they were not toxic.
> But other experts, including one at the University of Amsterdam who 
> examined test results from waste samples, disagreed, saying the 
> analysis showed extremely high levels of caustic soda; mercaptans, a 
> kind of sulfur compound; and hydrogen sulfide.
> Ugborugbo, a Nigerian, has been jailed in Ivory Coast pending criminal 
> charges, as have two European officials and several Ivorian businessmen.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Copyright © 2006 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com 
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Aggo Akyea
> http://www.tribalpages.com/tribes/akyea
> "Instead of studying how to make it worth men's while to buy my 
> baskets, 
> I studied rather how to avoid the necessity of selling them."
> WALDEN by Henry David Thoreau – 1854
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