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Samantha Smith <[log in to unmask]>
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Samantha Smith <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Feb 2006 15:19:30 -0800
text/plain (82 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thank you to everyone who responded!  Some people shared their own experiences, recommended websites, suggested further testing, gave their opinions, etc.  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Not one person thought the gf diet could be responsible for gout.  Websites for further information regarding what it is, causes, and treatment:
  www.pubmed.com  . 
  There were suggestions for further testing – “run a blood test for the parathyroid hormone” to check for secondary hyperparathyroidism and a “dexa scan to check for osteoporosis. “He should have his ferritin and serum iron checked, as gout can occur in early hemochromatosis.”  “ 
  Someone asked, “Have they checked his kidney function that he is eliminating things as he should?”  (The answer is yes and he is not - he has too much calcium in his urine.)

One person recommended a SCDiet, stating that “Doctor's will never spread the news 

that candida is the cause of disease because then they would have to teach nutrition . 

Another person referred us to “knowthecause.com, Doug Kaufmann, a health-show 

host I've been watching for about 9 months now, provides educational info about how 

fungi, through ingestion of moldy grain (also inhalation through moldy ducts/filters,etc.)

can contribute to gut permeability by the fungi burrowing into gut lining, which could 

cause food sensitivities/immune reactions, gout, joint deterioration, skin problems, etc.”


There was a reminder of vitamin deficiencies - “It probably has more to do with what he 

is not eating that what he is eating.  I found a couple of article that mention gout and 

vitamin deficiencies as a possible cause.  One is vitamin d.  Milk is a good source of 

Vitamins A & D because it's enriched.)   ... suggesting A, B1 (thiamine), B12, and C.

... The general population gets their B vits in enriched grains.  GF food are generally 

not enriched, celiacs wouldl probably need supplements just to stay even...plus

even more to compensate if absorption rate in not 100%. “ 

I had never heard of some of the suggestions to lower the uric acid levels - 

“Cherry juice, dried cherries, fresh cherries,  Larabars, cherry fruit leathers, 

Quercetin (a supplement), and Pantothenic acid (a supplement) tend to lower 

purines or reduce uric acid - I'm not sure which - and help counteract the effects 

of eating purines.”

  Several people who responded or their loved ones take medications.  Only one 

specified that their wife “takes one Allopurinol, 300mg, tablet daily which keeps her

uric acid level in the mid-range with no gout systems.”

Thanks again!  Samantha


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