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Lynn Evans <[log in to unmask]>
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Lynn Evans <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 22 Jun 2005 10:52:14 -0400
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Hello Listers:

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Peter Seymour" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2005 4:13 AM
Subject: Re: Why Vicug's Are Important

: And that Oregon funding article isn't the first about an NFB shady deal to
: be posted to this list. Remember this one?
: Diebold and the Disabled
: By Kim Zetter
: Wired News
: October 12, 2004
: Story location:
:   In the controversy over electronic voting machines, activists
: for disability groups have been at the forefront of campaigns to
: convince counties and states to purchase touch-screen voting
: systems. They've attested to the security and accuracy of the
: machines, going so far as to sue counties and states that don't
: purchase the machines.
:   And they've opposed e-voting machines that produce a paper
: trail.
:   The disability groups say they're just fighting for the right
: to use accessible machines, because touch-screen voting systems
: are the only ones that let them cast ballots without assistance.
:   But other voting activists say disability groups have become
: shills for the voting companies, pressuring counties to buy
: insecure voting systems over other options.
:   "I feel they're using blind voters to pursue an agenda that's
: actually not in the interest of any voters," said Maryland voting
: activist Linda Schade of TrueVoteMD. " Because these machines
: don't discriminate when they lose votes, they can lose or
: inaccurately record the votes of blind voters as well as seeing
: voters."
:   Financial connections and a partnership between one disability
: group and Diebold Election Systems' parent company also raise
: questions about motives and conflicts of interest.
:   In May 2000, Diebold, a maker of automated teller machines,
: agreed to pay the National Federation of the Blind $1 million to
: help build a new research and training institute. The money was
: offered in exchange for the NFB agreeing to drop a lawsuit it
: filed against Diebold for installing ATMs inaccessible to blind
: customers, when technology for making the machines accessible was
: available. The NFB also formed a partnership with Diebold to help
: the company develop and market accessible ATM machines -- an
: agreement that later extended to the company's touch-screen
: voting systems.
:   The NFB, which calls itself "the voice of the nation's blind,"
: then used the Americans with Disabilities Act to file lawsuits
: against banks not using accessible ATMs. It later sued two states
: to force them to upgrade or obtain e-voting machines -- while a
: debate about the security and reliability of such systems was
: growing nationwide.
:   The NFB and its state affiliates have also advised states and
: the federal government on accessible voting issues and pushed for
: legislation regarding such systems without disclosing the group's
: relationship to Diebold. James Gashel, the NFB's lobbyist who
: testified on e-voting in congressional hearings in 2001, said
: most of the testimony and advising were done in 2000 and 2001,
: before Diebold entered the domestic voting business in 2002.
:   "I have not said boo to the Congress about voting since March
: 2001," he said. But even if he were to testify before Congress
: today, he said, he would not disclose the information unless
: asked because he doesn't think the issues are related.
:   "The resolution of a lawsuit involving ATMs (doesn't) have a
: thing to do with voting," Gashel said. "Voting and ATMs are two
: different kinds of technology." He also said the NFB's
: relationship with Diebold isn't a secret -- both entities in 2000
: released announcements about the grant, which are posted on their
: websites.
:   But Alex Knott, political editor at the Center for Public
: Integrity, said even if the information is available publicly,
: the NFB should disclose it when speaking to states or federal
: agencies.
:   "It's important to note that his organization shares an
: affiliation with a company that has something to gain (from
: endorsements he makes)," Knott said. "If you're talking about a
: relevant topic and are receiving money from a company like that,
: it's important for you to be transparent."
:   Gary Ruskin of the Congressional Accountability Project
: agrees. "This is basic information that bears on his point of
: view and the value of his testimony, and the public needs to know
: of any actual or potential conflicts of interest when he speaks
: to Congress or to states," Ruskin said.
:   By lobbying the government on legislation that would benefit
: Diebold while taking money from the company and helping to market
: Diebold products, Ruskin says the NFB risks the appearance that
: the NFB and its endorsement are "for sale."
:   "A million dollars is a lot of money for a nonprofit to
: receive," Ruskin said. "Anyone in Washington knows that money
: often comes with strings attached. He who pays the piper calls
: the tune. That's what Washington lobbying and gift giving is all
: about."
:   The NFB isn't the only disability group to receive money from
: voting companies. The government lobbyist for the American
: Association of People with Disabilities, who has traveled around
: the country testifying on behalf of touch-screen voting,
: acknowledged this year that his organization received at least
: $26,000 from voting companies, but only after first denying it.
:   When asked in April, Jim Dickson, vice president of government
: affairs for the AAPD, told Wired News his organization had never
: received money from voting companies. But in June, he told The
: New York Times the organization had gotten money.
:   Dickson didn't disclose the gifts at hearings in California
: this year, where he tried to convince officials not to decertify
: touch-screen voting machines made by Diebold and other companies.
: Nor did he disclose the information in Washington in May when he
: participated in hearings with the federal Election Assistance
: Commission.
:   "He comes to states where he's not even registered to vote and
: he gives this very heartfelt testimony about how meaningful it is
: to vote independently," said Natalie Wormeli, an attorney in
: California who is blind. "But in his testimony he never says he's
: a professional spokesperson, he never says he's not a registered
: voter in the state, and he never discloses how he's getting
: paid."
:   Dickson did not respond to repeated calls for comment.
:   The NFB's willingness to align itself with Diebold seems
: particularly strange in light of its own policy, expressed by
: lobbyist James Gashel before the Committee on Labor and Human
: Resources. Gashel told the committee that whenever the NFB tested
: technologies to evaluate their accessibility, it always purchased
: the equipment, rather than accept it gratis from vendors and risk
: the appearance of impropriety.
:   "The challenging word is 'buy' -- not 'accept' or 'receive,'
: but 'buy,'" Gashel said. "We find the money to support this
: effort because we want to be completely independent from
: manufacturers or marketing interests. This is essential if the
: advice we give or reports we publish are to be regarded as
: credible."
:   The issue of impropriety becomes especially sensitive where
: lawsuits are involved.
:   In March 2001, the president of the Vermont affiliate of the
: NFB initiated a lawsuit against Banknorth, Chittenden Bank,
: Northfield Savings Bank and the Vermont State Employees Credit
: Union. A year later Banknorth settled and agreed to install
: accessible ATMs at 470 locations in six states. Other banks
: settled as well. .
:   But when Chittenden announced it would spend $250,000 over
: five years to modify or replace 35 of its 68 ATMs, the Vermont
: Free Press reported that "the NFB said that was not enough, and
: continues to push for more talking ATMs, faster."
:   Activists said the goal was to increase Diebold's revenue.
:   The company's domestic revenue did increase by about 10
: percent, or $2 million, the first year after its legal settlement
: with the NFB. But the revenue came mostly from services rather
: than the sale of products, which actually dropped during that
: period. And domestic revenue the next year dropped to less than a
: million.
:   "It's a decent increase," Diebold spokesman Michael Jacobsen
: said of the initial revenue boost. "But that came from a number
: of things. We haven't seen anything in terms of lawsuits against
: our bank customers that had an appreciable impact on our
: business." If banks upgraded their products to make them
: accessible (Diebold and other ATM makers have upgrading kits for
: this), it would cost only $1,000 to $2,000 per machine, as
: opposed to $40,000 for a new ATM.
:   ATM lawsuits aren't the only concerns, however. The NFB and
: AAPD have turned their attention to voting lawsuits that promise
: to benefit vendors as much as voters with disabilities.
:   The NFB, AAPD and individuals with disabilities have filed
: half a dozen lawsuits in California, Washington, D.C., Florida
: and Philadelphia to force counties and states to purchase
: touch-screen voting machines. In Ohio, the NFB filed suit after
: Ohio Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell decided to delay the
: purchase of touch-screen machines over concerns that the systems
: were insecure.
:   In 2002, five visually impaired voters sued Maryland to force
: the state to buy accessible voting machines more quickly than it
: thought wise, and the NFB joined the suit six months later.
: Maryland now uses Diebold machines statewide, except in one
: county. This year, the NFB switched sides to defend the Maryland
: Board of Elections in a different suit filed by voting activists
: who challenged the legality and integrity of the Diebold systems.
:   Although in lawsuits the NFB has never specified which brand
: of touch-screen machines states and counties should purchase, the
: group has made no secret of its preference.
:   In 2002, when Maryland's Board of Elections asked researchers
: at the University of Maryland to conduct a usability study of the
: Diebold system, the researchers reported that visually impaired
: voters found the system "confusing and hard to navigate." The
: board took issue with the report and defended the Diebold system
: saying it "is the system preferred by the National Federation of
: the Blind."
:   In September 2003, after computer scientists released reports
: showing that the Diebold touch-screen system was flawed, NFB
: President Marc Maurer said the NFB had "complete confidence in
: the proliferation and capacity of electronic voting systems and
: in Diebold Election Systems, in particular, to operate at an
: optimal level of security, accuracy and accessibility that
: protects the integrity of elections."
:   Doug Jones, a University of Iowa professor of computer science
: and a member of that state's board of examiners for voting
: systems, thought it was a strange comment to make for a group
: that knows nothing about computer programming.
:   "Why in the world would an organization like the NFB, that has
: no expertise in computer security or reliability, say something
: like that?" Jones said.
:   An NFB member wondered the same thing when he posted to an NFB
: e-mail list last September expressing concern about a conflict of
: interest "if NFB seems to only single out one company, and one
: that has contributed substantially to NFB coffers."
:   California attorney Wormeli is more concerned that by using
: the court system to force counties and states to purchase voting
: machines before they can be made more secure, they're putting the
: democracy at risk.
:   "It's the wrong approach at the wrong time," Wormeli said. "By
: letting them be sponsored by these corporations who only want to
: sell machines, they don't necessarily look out for our interest,
: which is to make sure our votes are getting counted properly."
:   As Wormeli told a hearing in California earlier this year, "We
: have time to let the technology that's being perfected find its
: way to California. I refuse to be an impatient passenger in the
: back of the car saying, 'When are we going to get there?' I know
: we're going to get there, but I want to get there safely."
: Laila Weir contributed to this report.
: At 08:11 PM 6/20/05 -0500, Kelly Pierce wrote:
: >Eighty cents of nearly every dollar raised in Oregon by the national
: >Federation of the blind was shipped out of state to one of its
: >nationally-based businesses.  Of the remaining funds, some obviously was
: >used for administrative purposes, leaving little on the table for the
: >of Oregon.  Money raised by Vicug's stays in the community to be used to
: >blind people rather than line the pockets of wealthy blind business
: >or blind non-profit bureaucrats.  vicug's are transparent in their
: >activities and finances and welcome the participation of community
: >The article below from Sunday's Baltimore Sun describes what apparently
: >commonplace at America's largest organization of blind people.
: >
: >Kelly
: >
: >
: >The Baltimore Sun
: >
: >June 19,  2005
: >
: >
: >    business
: >
: >A warning to charitable donors and a case for tougher disclosure laws on
: >nonprofits
: >
: >by: Jay Hancock
: >
: >----
: >
: >    RIIIING. IT'S the National Federation of the Blind of Oregon, calling
: >across that state. They want money "to help the blind of the area,"
: >according to a fund-raising script from 2003.
: >
: >    "This year we are working to make more reading materials accessible
: >the blind and to provide more help to blind seniors and blind children,"
: >says the telemarketer. "We were hoping you could help us with a donation
: >of, say, $25 or so?"
: >
: >    Helping blind children. What a great cause. You write the check.
: >("That would be wonderful!" the telemarketer is supposed to say.) Too bad
: >the script left out several pertinent details, the main one being that
: >most of your $25 would get nowhere near blind children or any other blind
: >people in Oregon.
: >
: >    Beware, philanthropists. Despite progress in recent years,
: >on where charity donations go is still obscure and often disturbing when
: >it emerges, even when the practices appear completely legal.
: >
: >    An examination of the Baltimore-based National Federation of the
: >and its affiliates offers another case for better disclosure laws and, in
: >their absence, more openness by nonprofits.
: >
: >    Of a $25, phone-solicited gift to the National Federation of the
: >of Oregon, $15 - 60 percent - would be taken off the top by a for-profit
: >fund-raising company called CMS Inc., according to a contract on file
: >Oregon's Department of Justice, one of the few state regulators to police
: >nonprofits. The contract is dated 2002, but other documents furnished by
: >the regulator indicate that CMS continues to work for NFB Oregon.
: >
: >    The president of CMS for many years has been Ramona Walhof, a
: >director of one nonprofit, American Action Fund for Blind Children and
: >Adults, which shares NFB's Baltimore headquarters and has NFB president
: >Marc Maurer as its top-paid employee, and another, the Jacobus tenBroek
: >Memorial Fund, which owns the NFB headquarters building.
: >
: >    Taking that $15 cut leaves $10. Half of that would be sent to NFB
: >headquarters in a big building in South Baltimore that NFB and affiliates
: >recently expanded at a cost of $19.5 million.
: >
: >    The other $5 would arrive at NFB Oregon, which provides scholarships
: >for blind students, lobbies on issues important to the blind and does
: >other good work. But $5 is only a fifth of the $25 donation.
: >
: >    In January, NFB Oregon agreed with the state Department of Justice to
: >correct alleged violations that included failure to tell donors that some
: >funds were sent to Baltimore and misrepresenting big fund-raising
: >commissions as "community outreach" expenses benefiting the blind. In
: >correcting the deficiencies, NFB Oregon denied "liability of any wrongful
: >acts," according to the settlement.
: >
: >    Back in Baltimore, legal records and NFB documents show, a house
: >by Mary Ellen Jernigan, NFB's executive director of operations and the
: >widow of late NFB President Kenneth Jernigan, was bought in 2003 for
: >$490,000 by the Action Fund. . For 2005 the Maryland Department of
: >Assessments and Taxation assessed the house, in Baltimore's Irvington
: >section, at $154,040.
: >
: >    Despite the fact that charity business with insiders often raises
: >questions about whether the nonprofit is getting the best deal with donor
: >money, the house's purchase was not disclosed in IRS filings by either
: >Action Fund or NFB.
: >
: >    Nor was the fact that Walhof, a director of both the Action Fund and
: >the tenBroek Fund, has been doing big business as a fund-raiser with an
: >NFB state affiliate. NFB of Oregon paid $176,836 to CMS in 2002.
: >
: >    Still glad you wrote the check? NFB says you should be.
: >
: >    NFB of Oregon President Carla McQuillan did not return my phone call.
: >
: >    But in its battle with the Oregon Department of Justice, the
: >contended that the phone solicitations were "community outreach" programs
: >worth the 60 percent commission because the script had the telemarketer
: >say, "Do you know anyone who is losing vision or blind and may need our
: >help?" NFB Oregon contended the calls helped it identify frequently
: >isolated blind people.
: >
: >    "There are many number of people going blind who simply don't know
: >about the National Federation of the Blind or the National Federation of
: >the Blind of Oregon," said Andrew Freeman, a Baltimore attorney who
: >represented NFB Oregon in its dealings with regulators. The calls did
: >identify blind people, he said, although he didn't know how many. "From
: >our point of view it is outreach, but it is also fund-raising."
: >
: >    Many calls, however, were directed to people who had a history of
: >giving to NFB Oregon, a 2004 letter from CMS to the nonprofit shows. And
: >according to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants,
: >fund-raiser compensation hinging on percentages of contributions must be
: >reported by nonprofits as a fund-raising expense, no matter what other
: >service the fund-raiser may perform.
: >
: >    Of the 60 percent commissions, Freeman said that "my understanding is
: >that it's a market rate" and that because community outreach occurred CMS
: >did more than raise money. Regulators' criticism of NFB Oregon for not
: >telling donors that funds went to Baltimore was "nitpicking," he said,
: >because NFB national serves blind people across the country, including
: >those of Oregon.
: >
: >    CMS head Walhof declined to comment. James Gashel, executive director
: >for strategic initiatives for the national NFB, says that he is
: >with the Oregon details but that as a blind person Walhof understands the
: >needs of NFB affiliates, "is doing a credible job" and "is not living a
: >lavish lifestyle." (Does the National Federation of the Blind of Maryland
: >hire fund-raisers who take similar percentages? President Sharon Maneki
: >says NFB Maryland sometimes uses a professional fund-raiser for a small
: >part of its revenue and like other affiliates shares half of what's
: >with national headquarters. She declined to say what percentage the
: >fund-raiser is paid, saying it's proprietary, and there is no Maryland or
: >federal law that says she has to.)
: >
: >    Gashel, who is an Action Fund director in addition to working for
: >also defended the fund's purchase of the Jernigan house. First, $232,696
: >of the $490,000 purchase price was for rare, vintage Braille books that
: >came with the property, Gashel said. He showed me the books and
: >appraisal. Second, he said, the house dates to the 19th century, is much
: >bigger and older than neighboring rowhouses and is surely worth $300,000
: >or so - again producing an appraisal.
: >
: >    He's probably right. It's a dignified old mansion, with wide-plank
: >floors, nine fireplaces and 12-foot ceilings with plaster rosettes.
: >
: >    And the house is historic, Gashel said, because it was lived in for
: >years by Jernigan, a leading figure in the civil rights struggle of the
: >blind by virtue of his longtime NFB presidency. Mrs. Jernigan has moved
: >and the house is used by NFB for meetings, parties and quiet work by
: >executives, Gashel said.
: >
: >    "Dr. Jernigan was in effect our Martin Luther King," added Gashel,
: >like all top NFB officials is blind. The Irvington home and the expensive
: >NFB headquarters are held in trust for all blind people, and their
: >appeal "tells us that we can be first-class citizens," he added. "Most
: >blind people don't have that."
: >
: >    OK, but how about a little more voluntary disclosure and less of what
: >looks like somersaults to avoid disclosure requirements?
: >
: >    Other than perhaps the NFB Oregon issues, alleged by the state
: >Department of Justice to constitute "fraudulent and dishonest conduct,"
: >all of what is described in this column appears to be within the laws
: >governing nonprofits. Because the Jernigan house was bought with Action
: >Fund money and not NFB money, and by waiting until five years after
: >Kenneth Jernigan's 1998 death to make the purchase, the NFB could
: >requirements to list the purchase on IRS forms asking about insider
: >transactions.
: >
: >    There is little legal limit on what fund-raisers can make; as long as
: >some money trickles into a nonprofit, it's OK. Because Walhof is a
: >director of NFB siblings tenBroek and Action funds and not NFB itself,
: >there appears to be no requirement by NFB to report her work for NFB
: >Oregon as an insider transaction on its IRS forms, says Daniel Kurtz, a
: >New York lawyer specializing in nonprofit law and a former charity
: >regulator.
: >
: >    And in a landmark case in the 1980s that involved the National
: >Federation of the Blind itself, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that free
: >speech rights prohibit regulators from interfering much with nonprofits'
: >solicitation pitches. Neither the Oregon Department of Justice nor any
: >other regulator can require fund-raisers to disclose fees when they're
: >asking for money.
: >
: >    But is that the best we should expect from a large, nationally
: >respected charity and its affiliates?
: >
: >    NFB does many worthy deeds, furnishing meaning and resources to many
: >of the nation's blind. But the disclosure trigger in any charitable
: >transaction should be: Is this information that a potential donor and the
: >public would want to know? The answer for the items mentioned here, I
: >believe, is yes.
: >
: >    It shouldn't take a snoopy columnist or Oregon regulators, however,
: >find out. Congress ought to make charities disclose, say, a fraction of
: >the information required from a mutual fund. And charities should try
: >to avoid even appearances of conflicts of interest and always err in the
: >direction of letting in too much sunshine rather than too little.
: >
: >    That really would be wonderful. Meanwhile, caveat donor.
: >
: >
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: >
: >
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