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Thu, 5 Feb 2004 21:17:07 -0500
text/plain (32 lines)
I know this message is off-topic for this list, but since I've seen
messages of this sort posted here in the past, I thought it might be okay
for me to post my message.

Tonight I happened to have on in the background the show called "Extreme
Makeover" on ABC-TV.  Since I wasn't really paying attention to the show, I
can't quote what was said, but I can give you the gist of it: A man was
going to have Lasik eye surgery after being told his vision was 20/200, and
that he was legally blind.  I'm guessing it was the doctor who later said
something to the effect that the man couldn't expect to do much in space or
for NASA or something along those lines with that kind of vision; and then
he went on to say something like, "It's not good for much on Earth,
either."  I really wish I could quote what was said, but unfortunately I
can't.  Is anyone on this list aware of such a comment being made on
"Extreme Makeover"?  I'm not much into writing protest letters  myself, but
I know that many of you are.  I'm not suggesting you necessarily write to
ABC to protest the aforementioned comment; I'm just letting you know what I
heard, and you can then take it from there.  If you do write any letters of
protest, though, I would love to see them.

Thanks, and my apologies if you feel this was an inappropriate post.

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