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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 8 Sep 2005 22:37:04 -0500
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It is sad really, if they don't believe  the word for a simple precept as
stating the jesus doesn't even know but the Father only, how can they
believe all else  it says.


on 11:16 AM 9/7/2005, Kathy Du Bois said:
Hey Brad,
There are those pre-millenium evangelists who do gather a following
for there predictions.  There is Jack Van Empe who believed that
Jesus had to return between 1976 and 1980 because that was a
generation after the reformation of Israel.  And who can forget the
great book, "88 reasons Christ will return in 88," which was endorsed
by, I believe the American Bible Society.  In fact, this organization
believed it strongly enough to give all of their employees September
30, 1988 off so that they could spend the day with their families.
This was the day that Christ was supposed to return.  I've always
wondered what it was like to go back to the office on October 1.  Oh
well.   Of course we're all familiar with the fear of all the
computers crashing in the year 2000 , sending us back in to the dark
ages.  That one was pushed along by Christians as well.  I'm just
saying, while you have the good sence to avoid these kinds of bogus
profecies, obviously, there are those in the body of Christ who still
haven't learned that lesson.  If you want to draw a crowd, publicize
that you are preaching on Revelation and the end times and you'd get
a crowd because everybody wants to know how it will end and how close
we are to it.  It is so sad!
          I agree with you pretty much on your post.  Your thoughts
just evoked these thoughts in me and I felt like sharing.  Maybe I"m
just practicing free association.  I don't know.

At 06:51 PM 9/6/2005, you wrote:
 >I was getting along pretty well with Mister coffee for a while there,
 >then our biblical interpretations seemed to part ways a bit. While I
 >that foretelling future events is only a small portion of a prophets
 >scripture warns against following such. In fact I struggle to find any
 >example of foretelling future events past Jesus' words nor
 >find  instruction or giftings in that area to the apostles and/or
 >disciples who were referred to as prophets of the day. So today's
 >prophets, that is those  prophesying the word of God, I don't believe
 >gifted as such, thus no need to worry about following such. I believe we
 >do get words individual to our own lives and perhaps to those we may
 >individually who are in need but that may well be wisdom alone, but a
 >proclamation of events to come in the world, I don't think so. I welcome
 >scripture otherwise though. One can obviously take a good stab and say
 >that there will be famine in the lands, wars and great terror among the
 >nations, and on and on and on, but that is just paying attention to
 >reading what has already been written regarding these end times and
 >nothing revealing by God in any special way. I was listening to our
 >Christian radio station one day back when the space shuttle Discovery
 >due to re-enter the Earth's atmosphere. Of course there was a section of
 >the thermal blanket missing, and even I was doubting their calmness
 >it not posing a threat to the astronauts inside after knowing such was
 >cause of the tragedy a few years back. Let alone this piece  that was
 >missing was covering a fuel tank. Anyway, back to the radio
station.  One
 >of the morning show guys was talking about a radio show he tuned into
 >night before which had a preacher on there telling the interviewer that
 >had a word from god that the Discovery would crash, and was foretelling
 >this openly. Well we all know  the only thing that crashed was this
 >preachers credibility. So, indeed, we ought not dismiss false
 >as such.
 >Mister Coffee is also taking the conservative stand on doctrines
 >healing and etc. And that all died out with the "last prophet". First if
 >Mister Coffee is stating we misjudge or mistakenly discredit prophets
 >a non exact foretelling by a prophet, how can he state there was indeed
 >"last prophet". The disciples and apostles were given written
 >to do the work of Christ, and greater works. Not, in deeds, as some
 >but greater in number I suppose as to referring to his Earthly ministry.
 >doubt anyone can top dying for the world's sake who some will reject.
 >John said Jesus did so much it was too much to write, so I'd say we have
 >yet a long way to go in greater works to even come close. However I do
 >agree with Mister coffee that there are doctrines which prey on the
 >itching ears of those who do not find abrasions on them selves from
 >rubbing up against the word of God. Those that do all manner of things
 >Jesus name, and as long as you wrap up a phrase  with   "in Jesus mighty
 >name" they tend to think it is OK. Well,  I am aware that I may not have
 >the perfect bent on God's word at my aged 40 year old self, in fact I'm
 >positive of it, but there are staple points of doctrine  I may not
 >understand, but believe nonetheless, and I've been given enough measure
 >wisdom to know if I am not disciplined now and again, or find reproof,
 >otherwise corrected through Gods' word, I am not living it.