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Wed, 29 Jun 2005 17:25:55 -0600
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Hey that sounds fun I remember camps like that one time we did a walk
through the bible and it was fun

Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shelly Pryor" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 29, 2005 11:57 AM
Subject: camp report

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
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> I am sorry if any of you get this twice. i've sort of lost track of =
> who's onmy lists and who isn't.=20
> This past week June 19 to 26 i attended Sunset Lake camp for my tenth =
> summer. I have seen many changes over the past 10 years and this year =
> brought more.
> There is once again a new director. I liked his personality and was =
> thrilled to see an increased speeritual emphasis at camp. There was =
> always a christian
> focus but I felt it had lessened under the previous director. The =
> continue to be physical changes to the camp as well which I mostly like. =
> This year there
> were 36 campers. There were 6 cabbins 3 girls and 3 guys devided =
> acordking to to age.  My cabbinmates and I are all in the twenty to =
> thirty age range.
> Although they were arund my age, they all had developmental delays. It =
> was like living with 5 nine year olds whiny complaining nine year olds =
> who enjoyed
> repetive conversation. It got really frustrating at times. I've =
> requested that next year i be placed with the older girls where the =
> majority are not developmentally
> delayed. Please understand I have nothing persona against them just that =
> I would enjoy spending the week with those who were had more things in =
> common
> with me.
> Our days began at 7 with flagraising at 7:45 with breakfast right after. =
> The food at camp is great! Camp councel a short worship time with =
> devotions was
> at around 9. The director his assistant or another staff member preached =
> the devotions. Each day there was a theme for the day that all the =
> worship times
> tied in to. For each theme they presented about God's relationship to us =
> and our relationships with each other. The themees were
> Monday lose the fear find a friend
> tuesday arms wide open
> wednesday go the extra mile
> thursday simple fun
> and Friday forever friends
> I found the devotions enjoyable.
> then we had a nactivity period at ten followed by lunch at twelve =
> rest/free time  till 3 and another activity period till around 5:30. =
> Sunset Lake has used just about every
> activity scheduling process you can think of. And for me at least  the =
> longer periods were new.I didn't like it. You were stuck somewhere with =
> the group
> they assigned you too whether you wanted to do it or not. And that much =
> time is more than enough for most activities. We also weren't abloe to =
> parcipate
> in all activities available.
> This years I had to chance to horseback ride, ride the motorboat canoe =
> or swim, do archary, create several, crafts,  drive the go-carts, =
> participate in a drum circle
> and attempt several chalenge course options.On wednesday the whole camp =
> went on a field trip to the zoo.=20
> Each year at camp I chalenge myself to try something new or something =
> I'm afraid of. This year it was the flying squirel on the chalenge =
> course. You are
> strapped in a harness connected the rope. PPl pull on the rop and you =
> are lifted in to the air. Its quite a strange feeling being weightless.
> My favorites were riding the horse although it was far to short of a =
> ride, only about a half hour. I loved driving the go-cart! I like to go =
> fast! fast!
> fast! I like to turn sharply too. I love riding the boat. i love the =
> feel of going over waves and the spray on your face. Again its fast! =
> fast! fast! with
> sharp turns. I was having a blast with the backseat all to myself until =
> the drivermade an extremely sharp turn and a ton of water the =
> temperature of which
> acording to the driver was point 9 degrees above freezing went all over =
> me! There wasn't a dry part on me! I used words those 7th day addventist =
> never
> heard before!
> After the last activity we had dinner and then recreation where some =
> type of game was oranized. i didn't participate in any of them just hung =
> out and talked.
> Next we lowered the flag and headed for evening program. The program =
> consisted of a longer worship set. And and the staff put on a play on =
> all but the night
> of the talent show. The fplay lasted 3 nights each night demonstrating =
> that days theme through the continuing story set in the old west which =
> was a wonderful
> demonstaration of salvation simple enough for all the campers to =
> understand.  The Friday night play was very moving it was called the =
> last leaf. It was
> about a man who died trying to save another person. Its obvious what the =
> theme was isn't it? However the line that impacted me most was "you must =
> choose
> to live" It made me think a lot about the speeritual work I've been =
> doing lately. An interesting thing happened that night that has kept me =
> thinking. After the play we were
> asked to go with our cabbins to a place by the lake to talk about what =
> the Lord had done in our lives this week and any comitments we'd made. =
> As we left
> campfire several campers were upset or arguing and stuff. When we =
> reached the lake 3 of the campers in my cabbin were upset because they =
> didn't understand
> the meaning of the play. One of them pitched a huge fit and ran off =
> crying. When we finished the sorry excuse for the discussion we were =
> supposed to be
> having the my counselors got in to an argument. My peaceful worshipful =
> mood wad destroyed and I was feeling down. One of the counselors said =
> that Satan
> was working really hard to destroy what God was doing by causing the =
> depression and anger. That made complete sense to me. I'm hesitant to =
> blame the devel
> for my depression. I know there's a chemical embalance and crap from my =
> past ect. I also think ppl blame him for things that our choices and =
> thoughts we
> have that are our own doing.  But it was so obvious  who was involved in =
> trying to keep us away from God that night. And I wonder how often he's =
> working
> in me.
> The music this year was wonderful! We didn't sing the little kid camp =
> songs but sang songs that you would sing in church. The guitarists and =
> singers were
> good. During the worship times and programs I continued the growing the =
> growing I've been doing over the past couple months.
> Saturday is when addventist observe the Sabbath day of rest, so the day =
> is full of special programming. We have church and Sabbath school and an =
> afternoon
> activity. This year in in the services we talked about the importance of =
> evangelism and different ways to spread the gospel. In the afternoon we =
> visited
> 6 "countries" spread around a portion of the camp. We learned a bit =
> about christianity in that country and had either the cnance to look at =
> objects from
> that country like instruments or handwoven blankets or to dtry that =
> countries food.
> Despite the frustration of my cabbinmates I enjoyed my week. Those of =
> ywho requested copies of my camptapes will be getting them towards the =
> end of the
> week.Shelly
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> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am sorry if any of you get this =
> twice. i've sort=20
> of lost track of who's onmy lists and who isn't. </FONT></DIV>
> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>This past week June 19 to 26 i attended =
> Sunset Lake=20
> camp for my tenth summer. I have seen many changes over the past 10 =
> years and=20
> this year brought more.<BR>There is once again a new director. I liked =
> his=20
> personality and was thrilled to see an increased speeritual emphasis at =
> camp.=20
> There was always a christian<BR>focus but I felt it had lessened under =
> the=20
> previous director. The continue to be physical changes to the camp as =
> well which=20
> I mostly like. This year there<BR>were 36 campers. There were 6 cabbins =
> 3 girls=20
> and 3 guys devided acordking to to age.&nbsp; My cabbinmates and I are =
> all in=20
> the twenty to thirty age range.<BR>Although they were arund my age, they =
> all had=20
> developmental delays. It was like living with 5 nine year olds whiny =
> complaining=20
> nine year olds who enjoyed<BR>repetive conversation. It got really =
> frustrating=20
> at times. I've requested that next year i be placed with the older girls =
> where=20
> the majority are not developmentally<BR>delayed. Please understand I =
> have=20
> nothing persona against them just that I would enjoy spending the week =
> with=20
> those who were had more things in common<BR>with me.<BR>Our days began =
> at 7 with=20
> flagraising at 7:45 with breakfast right after. The food at camp is =
> great! Camp=20
> councel a short worship time with devotions was<BR>at around 9. The =
> director his=20
> assistant or another staff member preached the devotions. Each day there =
> was a=20
> theme for the day that all the worship times<BR>tied in to. For each =
> theme they=20
> presented about God's relationship to us and our relationships with each =
> other.=20
> The themees were<BR>Monday lose the fear find a friend<BR>tuesday arms =
> wide=20
> open<BR>wednesday go the extra mile<BR>thursday simple fun<BR>and Friday =
> forever=20
> friends<BR>I found the devotions enjoyable.<BR>then we had a nactivity =
> period at=20
> ten followed by lunch at twelve rest/free time &nbsp;till 3 and another =
> activity=20
> period till around 5:30. Sunset Lake has used just about =
> every<BR>activity=20
> scheduling process you can think of. And for me at least&nbsp; the =
> longer=20
> periods were new.I didn't like it. You were stuck somewhere with the=20
> group<BR>they assigned you too whether you wanted to do it or not. And =
> that much=20
> time is more than enough for most activities. We also weren't abloe to=20
> parcipate<BR>in all activities available.<BR>This years I had to chance =
> to=20
> horseback ride, ride the motorboat canoe or swim, do archary, create =
> several,=20
> crafts, &nbsp;drive the go-carts, participate in a drum =
> circle<BR>&nbsp;and=20
> attempt several chalenge course options.On wednesday the whole camp went =
> on a=20
> field trip to the zoo. <BR>Each year at camp I chalenge myself to try =
> something=20
> new or something I'm afraid of. This year it was the flying squirel on =
> the=20
> chalenge course. You are<BR>strapped in a harness connected the rope. =
> PPl pull=20
> on the rop and you are lifted in to the air. Its quite a strange feeling =
> being=20
> weightless.<BR>&nbsp;My favorites were riding the horse although it was =
> far to=20
> short of a ride, only about a half hour. I loved driving the go-cart! I =
> like to=20
> go fast! fast!<BR>fast! I like to turn sharply too. I love riding the =
> boat. i=20
> love the feel of going over waves and the spray on your face. Again its =
> fast!=20
> fast! fast! with<BR>sharp turns. I was having a blast with the backseat =
> all to=20
> myself until the drivermade an extremely sharp turn and a ton of water =
> the=20
> temperature of which<BR>acording to the driver was point 9 degrees above =
> freezing went all over me! There wasn't a dry part on me! I used words =
> those 7th=20
> day addventist never<BR>heard before!<BR>After the last activity we had =
> dinner=20
> and then recreation where some type of game was oranized. i didn't =
> participate=20
> in any of them just hung out and talked.<BR>Next we lowered the flag and =
> headed=20
> for evening program. The program consisted of a longer worship set. And =
> and the=20
> staff put on a play on all but the night<BR>of the talent show. The =
> fplay lasted=20
> 3 nights each night demonstrating that days theme through the continuing =
> story=20
> set in the old west which was a wonderful<BR>demonstaration of salvation =
> simple=20
> enough for all the campers to understand.&nbsp; The Friday night play =
> was very=20
> moving it was called the last leaf. It was<BR>about a man who died =
> trying to=20
> save another person. Its obvious what the theme was isn't it? However =
> the line=20
> that impacted me most was "you must choose<BR>to live" It made me think =
> a lot=20
> about the speeritual work I've been doing lately. An interesting thing =
> happened=20
> that night that has kept me thinking. After the play we were<BR>asked to =
> go with=20
> our cabbins to a place by the lake to talk about what the Lord had done =
> in our=20
> lives this week and any comitments we'd made. As we left<BR>campfire =
> several=20
> campers were upset or arguing and stuff. When we reached the lake 3 of =
> the=20
> campers in my cabbin were upset because they didn't understand<BR>the =
> meaning of=20
> the play. One of them pitched a huge fit and ran off crying. When we =
> finished=20
> the sorry excuse for the discussion we were supposed to be<BR>having the =
> my=20
> counselors got in to an argument. My peaceful worshipful mood wad =
> destroyed and=20
> I was feeling down. One of the counselors said that Satan<BR>was working =
> really=20
> hard to destroy what God was doing by causing the depression and anger. =
> That=20
> made complete sense to me. I'm hesitant to blame the devel<BR>for my =
> depression.=20
> I know there's a chemical embalance and crap from my past ect. I also =
> think ppl=20
> blame him for things that our choices and thoughts we<BR>have that are =
> our own=20
> doing.&nbsp; But it was so obvious&nbsp; who was involved in trying to =
> keep us=20
> away from God that night. And I wonder how often he's working<BR>in =
> me.<BR>The=20
> music this year was wonderful! We didn't sing the little kid camp songs =
> but sang=20
> songs that you would sing in church. The guitarists and singers =
> were<BR>good.=20
> During the worship times and programs I continued the growing the =
> growing I've=20
> been doing over the past couple months.<BR>Saturday is when addventist =
> observe=20
> the Sabbath day of rest, so the day is full of special programming. We =
> have=20
> church and Sabbath school and an afternoon<BR>activity. This year in in =
> the=20
> services we talked about the importance of evangelism and different ways =
> to=20
> spread the gospel. In the afternoon we visited<BR>6 "countries" spread =
> around a=20
> portion of the camp. We learned a bit about christianity in that country =
> and had=20
> either the cnance to look at objects from<BR>that country like =
> instruments or=20
> handwoven blankets or to dtry that countries food.<BR>Despite the =
> frustration of=20
> my cabbinmates I enjoyed my week. Those of ywho requested copies of my =
> camptapes=20
> will be getting them towards the end of the<BR>week.Shelly</FONT></DIV>
> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV></BODY></HTML>
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