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Sharon Hooley <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 11 May 2005 15:40:43 -0700
text/plain (416 lines)
Now that is a lot more encouraging than the one about the pastor who
struggles with depression.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Vicki and The Rors" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 3:35 AM
Subject: Fw: May 11, 2005 - "God, Please Don't Send Me to Africa" - Daily

> This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
> ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01C555E2.DB8F5220
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> ----- Original Message -----=20
> From:
> To: [log in to unmask]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:46 AM
> Subject: May 11, 2005 - "God, Please Don't Send Me to Africa" - Daily =
> Devotional
>     =20
>       =20
>                   May 11, 2005 =20
>             "God, Please Don't Send Me to Africa"
>             by John Fischer
>             What do you love to do? Chances are that love can be tapped =
> into as service for the Lord. This kind of thinking may seem obvious, =
> but it is radical at least to my Christian upbringing.
>             I grew up with a kind of warped Christianity that taught =
> that if I was passionate about something, it was probably wrong. God was =
> the great killjoy in the sky. Virtue was painful. The good usually felt =
> bad. The bad (we were told) felt good. Denying yourself meant never =
> doing anything you really wanted to do. Conversely, if you hated doing =
> something, that was most likely what God was calling you to do. "God, =
> please don't send me to Africa" was a prayer you'd better not pray, =
> because that was the first place He would probably send you if you =
> prayed that prayer. As you might imagine, this kind of thinking turned =
> out a generation of very dull, boring Christians who were always =
> suspicious of having fun. Where do you think the Church Lady on Saturday =
> Night Live came from, anyway?
>             Actually, God is one who delights in giving us our heart's =
> desire. In fact, He's the one who gave us our desires in the first =
> place, and He gave them to us, not to frustrate us but to help us be =
> useful and fulfilled in our service for Him.
>             Think of what you know about King David in the Old =
> Testament. Now here's a guy who obviously loved music, poetry, women and =
> war. So he became a warrior/king and all his passions, in their proper =
> places and under the Spirit's control, drove him to be not only a great =
> king, but a man after God's own heart. God didn't give him all these =
> passions and then tell him to spend his life being a scribe in a cave =
> somewhere. (He saved that for me!)
>             As a child, I had a passion for music. I would spend hours =
> doodling on the piano, and when I got my first guitar, it became the =
> goal of my life to make the same sounds I heard in my favorite songs. =
> When, as a young adult, God put the idea in my head to use all these =
> passions and skills to write and perform music about His gospel and His =
> truth, I thought I wasn't hearing correctly at first. That couldn't be =
> serving God; that would be too much fun! It took an adjustment of my =
> understanding of God and His ways to really believe God was in this. Now =
> I know that this is the way He works. If He wants us to do something, =
> He'll put a desire in our heart to do it.
>             God is not in the frustrating business; He is in the =
> fulfilling, joy-filled business. So if you are desirous of serving God, =
> think first about what you can do and what you love to do. Serving God =
> will be along those lines.
>                 =20
>                   John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven =
> Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, =
> Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher =
> and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.
>                  =20
>                     Click HERE to sign up for The Better Life, an =
> e-newsletter brought to you by, with articles by =
> Rick Warren and other insightful writers.
>                   To see a sample of The Better Life, click HERE.
>                   =20
>            =20
>             =A9 2005 Purpose Driven Life. All rights reserved.=20
>      =20
>     =20
>       Miss out on one of the Daily Devotionals? View the online archives =
> at:
>       Have questions regarding the Daily Devotionals? Browse our =
> Frequently Asked Questions at:
>       =
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> -------=20
>       You are receiving this daily email (Monday through Friday) because =
> you requested a subscription to the Devotional from =
> You are subscribed as [log in to unmask] If =
> you wish to unsubscribe, click the link below.=20
>       Click Here to UNSUBSCRIBE=20
>       Purpose Driven Life | 20 Empire | Lake Forest, CA 92630 =20
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> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>
> <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message -----=20
> <DIV style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; font-color: black"><B>From:</B> <A=20
> [log in to unmask]
> href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">PurposeDrivenLife.=
> com</A>=20
> </DIV>
> <DIV><B>To:</B> <A [log in to unmask]
> href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</A> </DIV>
> <DIV><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, May 11, 2005 2:46 AM</DIV>
> <DIV><B>Subject:</B> May 11, 2005 - =93God, Please Don=92t Send Me to =
> Africa=94 -=20
> Daily Devotional</DIV></DIV>
> <DIV><BR></DIV>
> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D600 border=3D0>
>   <TBODY>
>   <TR>
>     <TD bgColor=3D#000000 colSpan=3D3><IMG height=3D1=20
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>           <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D535><BR>
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> border=3D0>
>               <TBODY>
>               <TR>
>                 <TD class=3DorangeText width=3D203>May 11, 2005</TD>
>                 <TD class=3DorangeText width=3D349>
>                   <DIV align=3Dright><A=20
>                   =
> href=3D"
> =3D1051"><IMG=20
>                   =
> src=3D""=20
>                   border=3D0></A></DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
>             <CENTER></CENTER>
>             <P><BR><!-- Daily Devotional Copy Start --><SPAN=20
>             class=3DlgHeader>=93God, Please Don=92t Send Me to =
> Africa=94</SPAN><BR>by=20
>             John Fischer<BR><BR><FONT size=3D2>
>             <P>What do you love to do? Chances are that love can be =
> tapped into=20
>             as service for the Lord. This kind of thinking may seem =
> obvious, but=20
>             it is radical at least to my Christian upbringing.</P>
>             <P></P>
>             <P>I grew up with a kind of warped Christianity that taught =
> that if=20
>             I was passionate about something, it was probably wrong. God =
> was the=20
>             great killjoy in the sky. Virtue was painful. The good =
> usually felt=20
>             bad. The bad (we were told) felt good. Denying yourself =
> meant never=20
>             doing anything you really wanted to do. Conversely, if you =
> hated=20
>             doing something, that was most likely what God was calling =
> you to=20
>             do. =93God, please don=92t send me to Africa=94 was a prayer =
> you=92d better=20
>             not pray, because that was the first place He would probably =
> send=20
>             you if you prayed that prayer. As you might imagine, this =
> kind of=20
>             thinking turned out a generation of very dull, boring =
> Christians who=20
>             were always suspicious of having fun. Where do you think the =
> Church=20
>             Lady on Saturday Night Live came from, anyway?</P>
>             <P></P>
>             <P>Actually, God is one who delights in giving us our =
> heart=92s=20
>             desire. In fact, He=92s the one who gave us our desires in =
> the first=20
>             place, and He gave them to us, not to frustrate us but to =
> help us be=20
>             useful and fulfilled in our service for Him.</P>
>             <P></P>
>             <P>Think of what you know about King David in the Old =
> Testament. Now=20
>             here=92s a guy who obviously loved music, poetry, women and =
> war. So he=20
>             became a warrior/king and all his passions, in their proper =
> places=20
>             and under the Spirit=92s control, drove him to be not only a =
> great=20
>             king, but a man after God=92s own heart. God didn=92t give =
> him all these=20
>             passions and then tell him to spend his life being a scribe =
> in a=20
>             cave somewhere. (He saved that for me!)</P>
>             <P></P>
>             <P>As a child, I had a passion for music. I would spend =
> hours=20
>             doodling on the piano, and when I got my first guitar, it =
> became the=20
>             goal of my life to make the same sounds I heard in my =
> favorite=20
>             songs. When, as a young adult, God put the idea in my head =
> to use=20
>             all these passions and skills to write and perform music =
> about His=20
>             gospel and His truth, I thought I wasn=92t hearing correctly =
> at first.=20
>             That couldn=92t be serving God; that would be too much fun! =
> It took an=20
>             adjustment of my understanding of God and His ways to really =
> believe=20
>             God was in this. Now I know that this is the way He works. =
> If He=20
>             wants us to do something, He=92ll put a desire in our heart =
> to do=20
>             it.</P>
>             <P></P>
>             <P>God is not in the frustrating business; He is in the =
> fulfilling,=20
>             joy-filled business. So if you are desirous of serving God, =
> think=20
>             first about what you can do and what you love to do. Serving =
> God=20
>             will be along those lines.</P></FONT><!-- Daily Devotional =
> Copy End -->
>             <P></P>
>             <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 width=3D556 =
> border=3D0>
>               <TBODY>
>               <TR>
>                 <TD width=3D16 bgColor=3D#eadcd3><IMG height=3D8=20
>                   src=3D"images/spacer.gif" width=3D16></TD>
>                 <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D525 bgColor=3D#eadcd3><BR>John =
> Fischer is=20
>                   the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily =
> Devotionals.=20
>                   He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti =
> and=20
>                   son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, =
> Christopher=20
>                   and Anne. John is a published author and popular=20
>                   speaker.<BR><BR></TD>
>                 <TD width=3D16 bgColor=3D#eadcd3><IMG height=3D1=20
>                   src=3D"images/spacer.gif" width=3D16></TD></TR>
>               <TR>
>                 <TD bgColor=3D#eadcd3>&nbsp;</TD>
>                 <TD vAlign=3Dtop bgColor=3D#eadcd3>
>                   <P>Click <A=20
>                   =
> href=3D"">HERE</A>=20
>                   to sign up for <STRONG>The Better Life</STRONG>, an=20
>                   e-newsletter brought to you by, =
> with=20
>                   articles by Rick Warren and other insightful =
> writers.<BR>To=20
>                   see a sample of <STRONG>The Better Life</STRONG>, =
> click <A=20
>                   =
> href=3D"">HERE</A>.=
> <BR><BR></P></TD>
>                 <TD bgColor=3D#eadcd3>&nbsp;</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
>             <P><BR></P></TD>
>           <TD vAlign=3Dtop width=3D21><IMG height=3D1=20
>             =
> src=3D""=20
>             width=3D20></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
>       <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D8 width=3D598 border=3D0>
>         <TBODY>
>         <TR>
>           <TD class=3Dfooter bgColor=3D#954f22>=A9 2005 Purpose Driven =
> Life. All=20
>             rights reserved.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD>
>     <TD bgColor=3D#000000><IMG height=3D1=20
>       src=3D"" =
>     width=3D1></TD></TR>
>   <TR>
>     <TD bgColor=3D#000000 colSpan=3D3><IMG height=3D1=20
>       =
> src=3D""></TD><=
> <TABLE cellSpacing=3D0 cellPadding=3D8 width=3D598 border=3D0>
>   <TBODY>
>   <TR>
>     <TD vAlign=3Dtop>Miss out on one of the Daily Devotionals? View the =
> online=20
>       archives at:<BR><A=20
>       =
> href=3D"">http://www.purp=
>       questions regarding the Daily Devotionals? Browse our Frequently =
> Asked=20
>       Questions at:<BR><A=20
>       =
> href=3D"">http:/=
> /</A><BR><BR>----------=
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------=20
>       <BR>You are receiving this daily email (Monday through Friday) =
> because you=20
>       requested a subscription to the Devotional from =
> You=20
>       are subscribed as [log in to unmask] If you wish to =
> unsubscribe, click=20
>       the link below. <BR><BR><A=20
>       =
> href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]
> 0013MTIxNTUx">Click=20
>       =
> href=3D"">http://www.pu=
>       Driven Life | 20 Empire | Lake Forest, CA 92630=20
> ------=_NextPart_000_005E_01C555E2.DB8F5220--