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Visually Impaired Computer Users' Group List <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:41:25 -0500
Peter Altschul <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Altschul <[log in to unmask]>
Jamal Mazrui <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset="windows-1250"
text/plain (514 lines)
                                           INFORMAL SOLICITATION

                                Minnesota Department of Administration

Consultant with Expertise in Accessibility and 
Usability of E-Government Services

Description of Project: As the Internet is 
changing the way that people communicate with 
each other, obtain information, access services, 
and conduct business, government is necessarily 
having to change the way that it serves the 
public.  The State of Minnesota is increasing its 
use of the Web and offering citizens a broad 
range of services, including online 
correspondence with elected officials, 
information about government services, renewing 
various types of license, tax information, and job services.

The greater use of information technology and the 
ever changing advances in technology are proving 
to be much more cost effective and efficient in 
informing and serving citizens.  At the same 
time, it is incumbent upon government to ensure 
that all citizens, including people with 
disabilities have access to and can use this 
technology in a manner that is comparable to 
members of the general public without disabilities.

The GCDD is seeking a consultant, on an 
intermittent basis during a six-month time 
period, who can work with an interagency team to 
improve the accessibility and usability of state E-Government services..

Sample Tasks:

1.       Work with an interagency team throughout 
all aspects of this project to arrive at a set of 
recommendations to help resolve current barriers 
to full access to e-government services.

2.       Review data collected to date on accessibility issues.

3.       Test the types of accessibility 
barriers/issues presented, rate/rank common 
issues and those that may be unique to how 
certain types of information, or products/services are presented.

4.       Identify a range of solutions, including 
those that relate to programming and those that 
are inherent in the hardware/software itself.

5.       Provide advice and consultation to the 
Office of Enterprise Technology (OET), the IT 
Standards and Resource Management Program (ISRM), 
and the Materials Management Division (MMD) on 
State of Minnesota nonvisual access standards and Section 508 requirements.

NOTE:  This Informal Solicitation does not 
obligate the state to award a contract or 
complete the project, and the state reserves the 
right to cancel the solicitation if it is 
considered to be in its best interest.

Desired Skills and Experience:

1.       High level of expertise in information 
technology with specific knowledge and 
understanding of State of Minnesota nonvisual 
access standards (Minnesota Statute 16C.145) 
and  accessibility requirements under Section 508 
of the Rehabilitation Act (federal law).

2.       Experience in testing equipment and 
running software applications to determine accessibility problems.

3.       Experience in working with a broad range 
of people with disabilities, including people with low literacy skills.

4.       Experience in working with public and 
private sector entities to identify accessibility 
problems and how to solve those problems.

5.       Ability to work together with teams to 
strengthen and focus their combined concerns on 
accessibility and usability issues.


Questions concerning this Informal Solicitation should be directed to:

             Mary Jo Nichols
Grants Administrator
           Department of Administration
Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities
           370 Centennial Office Building
           658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155

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           651-282-2899 voice
           651-297-7200 fax
           877-348-0505 toll free
           MN Relay Service: 800-627-3529 OR 711

Response Content and Evaluation Point Distribution:

1.       Discuss your knowledge, skills, and 
abilities in information technology including 
years of experience related to the application of 
State of Minnesota nonvisual access standards and 
Section 508 requirements (25 points).

2.       Discuss your experience in working with 
people with disabilities on issues related 
specifically to access and usability of 
information technology in both public and private 
sectors, and identify the specific 
problems/barriers they encounter (20 points).

3.       Discuss your knowledge of information 
technology products and accessibility features, 
and experience in proposing business solutions 
that include fully accessible information technology products (15 points).

4.       Discuss your experience in working with 
groups, your approach to assuring that the 
knowledge and insights of all members are 
considered, any specific challenges, and your 
approach to resolving them in order to maintain 
the project focus and complete all tasks (10 points).

5.       Budget and breakdown of costs (30 points).

Response Delivery:

All responses must be in writing and delivered to:

             Minnesota Governor’s Council on Developmental Disabilities
370 Centennial Office Building
658 Cedar Street
St. Paul, Minnesota 55155

All proposals must be received, by mail or hand 
delivery, no later than 11:00 a.m. Central 
Daylight Time, on  Friday, September 5, 2008.

Late responses will not be considered.  Fax or 
email responses will not be accepted.

All responses received by the due date and time will be evaluated.

Conflicts of Interest
Responder must provide a list of all entities 
with which it has relationships that create, or 
appear to create, a conflict of interest with the 
work that is contemplated in this request for 
proposals.  The list should indicate the name of 
the entity, the relationship, and a discussion of the conflict.

Disposition of Responses
All materials submitted in response to this 
Informal Solicitation will become public record 
after the evaluation process is completed.  The 
State will not consider the prices submitted by 
the responder to be proprietary or trade secret materials.

Organizational Conflicts of Interest
The responder warrants that, to the best of its 
knowledge and belief, and except as otherwise 
disclosed, there are no relevant facts or 
circumstances which could give rise to 
organizational conflicts of interest.  An 
organizational conflict of interest exists when, 
because of existing or planned activities or 
because of relationships with other persons, a 
vendor is unable or potentially unable to render 
impartial assistance or advice to the State, or 
the vendor’s objectivity in performing the 
contract work is or might be otherwise impaired, 
or the vendor has an unfair competitive 
advantage.  The responder agrees that, if after 
award, an organizational conflict of interest is 
discovered, an immediate and full disclosure in 
writing must be made to the Assistant Director of 
the Department of Administration’s Materials 
Management Division which must include a 
description of the action which the contractor 
has taken or proposes to take to avoid or 
mitigate such conflicts.  If an organization 
conflict of interest is determined to exist, the 
State may, at its discretion, cancel the 
contract.  In the event the responder was aware 
of an organizational conflict of interest prior 
to the award of the contract and did not disclose 
the conflict to the contracting officer, the 
State may terminate the contract for 
default.  The provisions of this clause must be 
included in all subcontracts for work to be 
performed similar to the service provided by the 
prime contractor, and the terms “contract,” 
“contractor,” and “contracting officer” modified 
appropriately to preserve the State’s rights.

Foreign Outsourcing of Work Prohibited

All services under this contract shall be 
performed within the borders of the United 
States.  All storage and processing of 
information shall be performed within the borders 
of the United States.  This provision also 
applies to work performed by subcontractors at all tiers.

Insurance Requirements

A.   Contractor shall not commence work under the 
contract until they have obtained all the 
insurance described below and the State of 
Minnesota has approved such 
insurance.  Contractor shall maintain such 
insurance in force and effect throughout the term of the contract.

B.   Contractor is required to maintain and 
furnish satisfactory evidence of the following insurance policies:

1.     Workers’ Compensation Insurance:  Except 
as provided below, Contractor must provide 
Workers’ Compensation insurance for all its 
employees and, in case any work is subcontracted, 
Contractor will require the subcontractor to 
provide Workers’ Compensation insurance in 
accordance with the statutory requirements of the 
State of Minnesota, including Coverage B, 
Employer’s Liability.  Insurance minimum amounts are as follows:

$100,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease per employee
$500,000 – Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate
$100,000 – Bodily Injury by Accident

If Minnesota Statute exempts Contractor from 
Workers’ Compensation insurance or if the 
Contractor has no employees in the State of 
Minnesota, Contractor must provide a written 
statement, signed by an authorized 
representative, indicating the qualifying 
exemption that excludes Contractor from the 
Minnesota Workers’ Compensation requirements.

2.     Commercial General Liability: Contractor 
is required to maintain insurance protecting it 
from claims for damages for bodily injury, 
including sickness or disease, death, and for 
care and loss of services as well as from claims 
for property damage, including loss of use which 
may arise from operations under the Contract 
whether the operations are by the contractor or 
by a subcontractor or by anyone directly or 
indirectly employed by the Contractor under the 
contract.  Insurance minimum amounts are as follows:

$1,000,000 – per occurrence
$2,000,000 – annual aggregate
$2,000,000 – annual aggregate – Products/Completed Operations

The following coverages shall be included:

Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage
Personal and Advertising Injury
Blanket Contractual Liability
Products and Completed Operations Liability
State of Minnesota named as an Additional Insured

3.     Commercial Automobile 
Liability:  Contractor is required to maintain 
insurance protecting the contractor from claims 
for damages for bodily injury as well as from 
claims for property damage resulting from the 
ownership, operation, maintenance or use of all 
owned, hired, and non-owned autos which may arise 
from operations under this contract, and in case 
any work is subcontracted the contractor will 
require the subcontractor to provide Commercial 
Automobile Liability.  Insurance minimum amounts are as follows:

$1,000,000 – per occurrence Combined Single limit 
for Bodily Injury and Property Damage

In addition, the following coverages should be included:

Owned, Hired, and Non-owned Automobile
State of Minnesota named as an Additional Insured-

4.     Professional/Technical, Errors and 
Omissions, and/or Miscellaneous Liability Insurance

Contractor is required to carry the following minimum amounts:

$1,000,000 – per claim or event
$1,000,000 – annual aggregate

Any deductible will be the sole responsibility of 
the Contractor and may not exceed $50,000 without 
the written approval of the State.  If the 
Contractor desires authority from the State to 
have a deductible in a higher amount, the 
Contractor shall so request in writing, 
specifying the amount of the desired deductible 
and providing financial documentation by 
submitting the most current audited financial 
statements or other approved documentation so 
that the State can ascertain the ability of the 
Contractor to cover the deductible from its own resources.

The retroactive or prior acts date of such 
coverage shall not be after the effective date of this Contract.

This policy will provide coverage for all claims 
the contractor may become legally obligated to 
pay resulting from any actual or alleged 
negligent act, error, or omission related to 
Contractor’s professional services required under 
the contract, and include an extended reporting 
period provision of a minimum of three (3) years 
following completion of the work.

       C.  Additional Insurance Conditions:

·        Contractor’s policy(ies) shall be 
primary insurance to any other valid and 
collectible insurance available to the State of 
Minnesota with respect to any claim arising out of this contract;

·        Contractor’s policy(ies) will provide 
the State of Minnesota with thirty (30) days 
advance notice of cancellation, nonrenewal, or 
reduction in limits of coverage or other material change;

·        Contractor is responsible for payment of 
Contract related insurance premiums and deductibles;

·        PLEASE NOTE:  If Contractor is 
self-insured, a Certificate of Self-Insurance must be attached;

·        Include legal defense fees in addition 
to its liability policy limits, with the exception of B.4 above; and

·        Obtain insurance policies from an 
insurance company having an “AM BEST” rating of 
A- (minus); Financial Size Category (FSC) VII or 
better and must be authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota.

D.    The State reserves the right to immediately 
terminate the contract if the contractor is not 
in compliance with the insurance requirements and 
retains all rights to pursue any legal remedies 
against the contractor.  All insurance policies 
must be open to inspection by the State, and 
copies of policies must be submitted to the 
State’s authorized representative upon written request.

E.     The successful responder is required to 
submit acceptable evidence of insurance coverage 
requirements prior to commencing work under the contract.



Check all that apply:
q The services to be performed under the 
anticipated contract as specified in our proposal 
will be performed ENTIRELY within the State of Minnesota.

q The services to be performed under the 
anticipated contract as specified in our proposal 
entail work ENTIRELY within another state within the United States.

q The services to be performed under the 
anticipated contract as specified in our proposal 
will be performed in part within Minnesota and in 
part within another state within the United States.

q The services to be performed under the 
anticipated contract as specified in our proposal 
DO involve work outside the United States.  Below 
(or attached) is a description of:
       (1) the identity of the company (identify 
if subcontractor) performing services outside the United States;
       (2) the location where services under the 
contract will be performed; and
       (3) the percentage of work (in dollars) as 
compared to the whole that will be conducted in 
each identified foreign location.


By signing this statement, I certify that the 
information provided above is accurate and that 
the location where services have been indicated 
to be performed will not change during the course 
of the contract without prior, written approval from the State of Minnesota.
Name of 




Date:__________________________ Telephone 


I swear (or affirm) under the penalty of perjury:

1. That I am the Responder (if the Responder is 
an individual), a partner in the company (if the 
Responder is a partnership), or an officer or 
employee of the responding corporation having 
authority to sign on its behalf (if the Responder is a corporation);

2. That the attached proposal submitted in 
response to the ________________________ Request 
for Proposals has been arrived at by the 
Responder independently and has been submitted 
without collusion with and without any agreement, 
understanding or planned common course of action 
with, any other Responder of materials, supplies, 
equipment or services described in the Request 
for Proposal, designed to limit fair and open competition;

3. That the contents of the proposal have not 
been communicated by the Responder or its 
employees or agents to any person not an employee 
or agent of the Responder and will not be 
communicated to any such persons prior to the 
official opening of the proposals; and

4. That I am fully informed regarding the 
accuracy of the statements made in this affidavit.

Responder’s Firm Name: 

Authorized Representative (Please Print) ______________________________

Authorized Signature: _____________________________________________

Date: __________________

Subscribed and sworn to me this ________ day of ___________

Notary Public

My commission expires: ________

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