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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 6 Mar 2006 17:53:36 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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Abdou, sometimes I wonder how you come up with your conclusions.  This is 
not about censorship, is it?  Who said anything about tribal politics?  We 
are talking about folks to subscribe like everyone and send their articles 
like everyone and you are talking about making wedgets in China.  How can 
you miss the issue at hand Abdou?  To post stuff on the G_L, one has to 
register to be able to do that?  Unless we are hypocritical about our 
affairs, what is wrong with Daffeh registering and to engage and be engaged 
directly?  What will change if Daffeh sends his mails directly so those that 
wish to respond to him, can do so directly?  Is anyone going to kill him?  
Then why are you having an ulcer for him to do like all else?  So, like I 
said, if Daffeh is a phantom, then folks will not respond to phantoms for it 
is a waste of time.  Thus, I ignore Daffeh or whomever is behind it.  Is 
that a crime, you tell us.  Commonsense tells you that, that is what any 
decent folk would expect from those that wished to be taken seriously and 
the list managers will decide on that.

Abdou, I careless whether you think I'm a tribalist or not and it does not 
phase me one bit.  The fact is when it comes to matters Gambian, folks 
better keep their neurosis in their pockets and know that we are all equal.  
Anything less will be thrown back to where it came from and I have no qualms 
doing that.  Have I ever deviated from that stance, you tell me.  If you 
have a problem with my reaction towards Ousainou's interests, well, tough 
luck, the sun rising and setting does not depend on your or my mood.  Life 
would have been perfect for some of you had I supported the APRC, so you can 
say ah ha, he's a jola that's why.  When is it going to sink in some of you 
as to what informs my politics?  Who is a Jola among Ousainou, Hamat, Waa, 
Halifa, and OJ?  Abdou, I was born free and do not intend to be second class 
to any human being.  At the end of the day, we all have a need for the 
bathroom ok.  You stick to that rule, your mind will be free.

For now, we are talking about Mballow registering Daffeh or that the 
managers allow everyone to be able to do like Mballow - be a conduit/cover 
for something.  If "New Statesman" was an individual, I would have urged you 
to subscribe them so they can speak for them self and be spoken to, 
directly.  Has anyone ever tell you to stop culling articles from that 
publication?  Again, how you miss the issue at hand really puzzles me.   But 
hey, I've seen worse.

Chi Jaama


>From: abdoukarim sanneh <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list              
><[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: List Manager(s): SS. Daffeh/Peace Justice
>Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 08:42:22 -0800
>   I have much respect for you but your posting was centerd on the blame 
>factor painting tribal politics. Our attitude on Gambia and related matters 
>is shows example bankcrupt ideals which much of our country men share 
>against good people of our country who wanted the evils of the regime to be 
>a thing of the past. The essence of free speechis to tell people what they 
>don't want to hear.
>Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>   Edi, I am glad you picked up on the dishonesty that has been going on 
>Mballow/Daffeh, et al, which sounds more like "Me, Myself, and I". I just
>ignore those postings for they are irrelevant in the bigger scheme of
>things, for I know that their interest in a future Gambia is not the same 
>mine. But, what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. I'm
>sure the managers will clarify on this point and a way forward.
> >From: Edi JAH
> >Reply-To: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list
> >
> >To: [log in to unmask]
> >Subject: List Manager(s): SS. Daffeh/Peace Justice
> >Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2006 16:15:44 -0000
> >
> >List Manager(s),
> >
> >I just want to bring to your attention the fact that Saihou Mballow is
> >circumventing the rule below, by letting people who are not subscribed to
> >this list send mails here through Peace Justice and by fowarding SS
> >Daffeh's mails here. This is the most bizzare e-mail address, bar none:
> >[log in to unmask] .
> >
> >IMO, if the rule below applies to one it should apply to all, thus I am
> >appealing to you to unsubscribe Peace Justice; and ask Mballow not to
> >foward Daffeh's postings here, please. IMO, [log in to unmask] :-)
> >and his Peace Justice colleagues should individuallly subscribe like
> >everyone else, if they wish to post to this forum. Unless there's 
> >DODGY-- I don't think daffeh/smballow and his Peace Justice colleagues 
> >object to subcribing to the list.
> >--------------
> >
> >''Your request to join the GAMBIA-L list has been forwarded to the list
> >owner for approval. If you have any question about the list, you can
> >reach the list owner at GAMBIA-L [log in to unmask] Thanks
> >you for your interest to join GAMBIA-L. As a result of past abuses
> >of this forum's open-to-all, unmoderated policy, by people subscribed
> >under pseudo-names, we are requiring all new applicants with freemail
> >(hotmail, yahoo and msn) addresses to be sponsored before they are
> >subscribed. To be eligible a
> >sponsor must have a .edu, .gov, .gm, and .org addresses, and
> >other known companies in Europe and Africa and no one sponsor is allow to
> >sponsor more than 2 applicants. We regret any inconvenience this
> >regulation may cause but we find it necessary to prevent name-calling,
> >libel and other unruly conduct. If you use a freemail service, please
> >contact a sponsor and let him/her send a message to us. All sponsorhip
> >messages must be directed to: [log in to unmask] If
> >you do not use a freemail address you will be added by one of our
> >Managers in the earliest time possible.''
> >
> >Cheers,
> >Edi Jah
> >
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: The Gambia and related-issues mailing list on behalf of
> >[log in to unmask]
> > Sent: Sat 04/03/2006 12:57
> > To: [log in to unmask]
> > Cc:
> > Subject: Re: Ss. Daffeh
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Mballow,
> >
> > I never challenged your right to forward Daffeh's writings or your right
> >to
> > have a differing view. I just pointed out my surprise at the cowardly
> > approach of "Daffeh" to send his views through someone else rather than
> >coming
> > online to do it himself, that is if he exists.
> >
> > I went on further to express dismay at how your assertions that you
> >support
> > a unified coalition contracts with your being the messenger of messages
> >that
> > are divisive and dishonest.
> > I also vehemently challenge the hypocrisy and warped reasoning that 
> > who are asking the rest of the opposition to go join the UDP/NRP are
> >trying to
> > market complete with their very convenient side-stepping of the major
> >fact,
> > that the UDP/NRP alliance bypassed a democratic selection process and 
> >the
> > coop when things did not go their way and are now trying to force the 
> >of
> > others to come join them after appointing themselves king of the hill.
> >
> > Those are the issues I am addressing mainly to de bunk this warped
> >reasoning
> > that "Daffeh" and his allies are trying to feed the people.
> >
> > Gone are the days when people will buy any old twisted logic devised by
> > those with a personal agenda and I for one will not hesitate to say so
> >simply
> > because our people are tired of agenda driven folks who pretend to have
> >their
> > interest at heart when it is as plain as daylight that their actions
> >dictate
> > otherwise.
> >
> > Jabou Joh
> >
> > In a message dated 3/3/2006 11:01:34 P.M. Central Standard Time,
> > [log in to unmask] writes:
> >
> > Joh,
> > i am sorry to say but i don't need an advice from
> > someone who will tell me not to forward Daffeh's
> > articles or any other Gambian writer.
> > This is so because many Gambians have expressed
> > positive feelings about Mr Daffeh's writtings.
> >
> > It is troubling that few people on this list exhibits
> > a strikingly low level of political intolerance and i
> > don't believe you are part of those people. They don't
> > want to see any thing written against their favor.
> >
> > Daily we see people on this list using "F" words but
> > do any anyone care to tell them to stop, NO.
> > Therefore, it is unfair for me to reject forwarding
> > Daffeh's writings. Daffeh has always been backing his
> > articles with facts and records.
> >
> > What i expected from you was a response with authentic
> > figures to challenge his statistical data but not to
> > label him as someone divisive.
> >
> > Saihou
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > Camara,
> > >
> > > First, I responded to "Daffeh" because I got tired
> > > of reading all of the
> > > twisted propaganda he and those who share his views
> > > on this issue have been
> > > trying to feed us. I don't think you guys realize
> > > how much like the APRC you are
> > > beginning to sound, trying to explain the
> > > unexplainable and twisting
> > > information to suit your needs and you are doing
> > > exactly that again here.
> > >
> > > I never said anything in my response about whether
> > > Darboe would have made a
> > > good candidate or not had he been selected, but the
> > > key word here is "had he
> > > been selected"
> > >
> > > That is not the issue here, the issue is that he
> > > abandoned this alliance and
> > > now, those who are trying to unashamedly market this
> > > idea that NADD should
> > > now join those who have betrayed the ideals the
> > > alliance stood for and who
> > > then went on to try to force the hand of others by
> > > devious tactics are the ones
> > > right and reasonable.
> > >
> > > There was a very democratic process in place for the
> > > selection of the
> > > flagbearer and Darboe signed on to that agreement
> > > when the MOU was signed. He left
> > > NADD when he realized that the selection procedure
> > > may not result in him
> > > being chosen as the flag bearer, so he left with
> > > Hamat Bah in tow to go form his
> > > own coalition in which he is flag bearer and anyone
> > > who joins him has to
> > > agree to that fact.
> > > So you don't like the democratic process, then
> > > bypass it and try to force
> > > the hand of others to succumb to your wishes.
> > > Is that what we are aspiring to in The Gambia and
> > > what is the difference
> > > between that thinking and that of Yaya Jammeh who
> > > has operated along the same
> > > lines for the past decade?
> > >
> > > It is Darboe who abandoned the coalition and set
> > > about creating the
> > > polarization you are trying to turn the tables and
> > > accuse others of doing. He did
> > > this by holding rallies and criticizing his
> > > colleagues openly.
> > > Is it important for an aspiring leader to keep his
> > > word and honor his
> > > agreements? Is it OK to bypass a democratic process
> > > if you think the results will
> > > not favor you? Is that really what we are looking
> > > for in our future leader?
> > >
> > > Instead of trying to turn the tables and asking NADD
> > > to join the UDP/NRP
> > > coalition that ran away from NADD when things would
> > > not go their way, you and
> > > your associates need to expend your energies to
> > > persuade the UDP/NRP coalition
> > > to go back and honor the agreement they entered
> > > into.That is what will
> > > restore the hopes and dreams of the people if they
> > > are at all important in this
> > > process.
> > >
> > > That will also convince the Gambian people that
> > > Darboe and Bah put the
> > > Gambia first instead of their own interests first
> > > and that they do respect and
> > > abide by the democratic process which we the public
> > > must insist any aspiring
> > > leader to abide by. So it is also a question of
> > > integrity in addition to being a
> > > question of putting the people first.
> > >
> > > I agree with you, a splintered coalition will not
> > > win against Yaya Jammeh
> > > and the splintering was initiated by the UDP & NRP
> > > walking away and with all
> > > the other defections going on all over the place, it
> > > looks like the pursuit of
> > > self interest by politicians will once again leave
> > > the Gambian people at the
> > > mercy of Yaya Jammeh and the blame falls on the
> > > shoulders of those who
> > > initiated the betrayal of trust and it looks like
> > > every body else is following suit.
> > >
> > > It is time for some truth and honesty and it is not
> > > hard to find in this
> > > situation if that is what one is after.
> > > Jabou Joh
> > >
> > >
> > > In a message dated 3/3/2006 3:34:12 P.M. Central
> > > Standard Time,
> > > [log in to unmask] writes:
> > >
> > > Jabou,
> > > I read your mail after reading that of Daffeh
> > > through
> > > Mr. Mballow. I could not find any good reason(s)
> > > why
> > > Darboe would not have been a great candidate had he
> > > been chosen as the flag-bearer for NADD. Daffeh
> > > articulated very well why Darboe would be a better
> > > candidate than Halipha. I like Halipha 100% and I
> > > believe he would have been a great candidate with
> > > all
> > > the opposition parties (I mean former NADD)behind
> > > him.
> > > I also believe that Darboe would have been a superb
> > > candidate had he been chosen as the NADD leader.
> > >
> > > Can we all direct our efforts towards finding ways
> > > to
> > > make the opposition unite again instead of further
> > > polarizing the situation? I do not think either
> > > NADD
> > > under Halipha (as it is now) or UDP/NRP under
> > > Darboe
> > > can dislodge the dictator. A fragmented opposition
> > > has
> > > a very slim chance. As long as Dartboe agrees to
> > > be
> > > in power for only 5 years (and not to support any
> > > party later), I see no reason why NADD should not
> > > join
> > > the UDP/NRP coalition and revive a new NADD.
> > >
> > > thanks,
> > > Madi.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- [log in to unmask] wrote:
> > >
> > > > In a message dated 3/2/2006 6:50:40 P.M. Central
> > > > Standard Time, SS
> > > > [log in to unmask]
> > > > (mailto:[log in to unmask]) writes:
> > > >
> > > > In fact if the Brikama show down is anything to
> > > go
> > > > by, Lawyer
> > > > Ousainu Darboe is still a vote magnet. Mr
> > > > Darboe’s
> > > > electoral record is actually a good foundation
> > > for
> > > > the
> > > > opposition to build on. If the opposition is
> > > really
> > > > serious about looking for a realistic option to
> > > > dislodge APRC, they need to recognise this and
> > > > rally
> > > > behind the UDP/NRP Coalition in the interest of
> > > > their
> > > > ultimate common objective, which is to dislodge
> > > > APRC.
> > > > In the same way, NADD should drop the idea of
> > > > Staging
> > > > up Halifa Sallah as a candidate in the up coming
> > > > presidential election. This man has being the
> > > face
> > > > of
> > > > PDOIS for decades and yet he never achieved
> > > > anything
> > > > more than 3% for that party. How on earth can
> > > > anybody
> > > > even dream of choosing such a man as President
> > > > Jammeh’s challenger and expect Gambians to
> > > take
> > > > you
> > > > seriously?
> > > > unquote
> > > >
> > > > Mr Mballow,
> > > >
> > > > Since you are the man behind the mask of SS
> > > Daffeh,
> > > > please relay the
> > > > following to him for me on behalf of the Gambian
> > > > people.
> > > > The point is not who is more sellable or who
> > > gained
> > >
> > === message truncated ===
> >
> >
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