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richard wright <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information
Sun, 11 Apr 2004 19:38:43 -0400
text/plain (30 lines)
I have encountered a problem that has me stumped.  Yesterday, I tried to
open a  WordPerfect recipe file in WordPerfect 9, same as WP2000.  The file
came up as Braille showing only dot patterns on the screen.  I can create
other files or load existing files and they come of as regular print
text.  I have the same file on another PC.  In fact the file in question is
a copy of the one from my old PC.  The old file loads as print on the old
PC, but if I bring another copy to my new PC, it also loads as Braille.  I
divided the file into individual recipes on the old PC and made each of
them into a separate file and put them in a folder.  When I copied the
folder to my new PC each of the sub files comes up in Braille.
I have the following Braille Translation software on my new PC where the
problem exists. Megadots 2.0, a DOS program; WinBraille, a program that
works with my Index Everest Braille Printer but only uses MS Word; JAWS
5.0; Handytech software including a grade 2 translator with my Braille Star
40 refreshable Braille device.
If anyone has had my experience or has heard of WP doing this kind of
Braille translation, I would appreciate hearing about it.
Richard Wright

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