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Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 12 Sep 2005 21:55:19 +0000
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Speaking of knowing recently I came across some verses talking about how we do not know somethings that God is doing in Heaven for us right now and other places.  I wish I could think of the verses but I have never been good ar remember what verse unless God speaks them thru me.  We know he is preparing a place and has mantions for us but it talked of things we don't know.  I am sure Brad, Phil or Ned knows where and what verses I am taling about.
When Satan is knocking on your door.  Simply say, "Jesus could you get that for me?"
Karen Carter '74

> Ouch Brad.  Good points.  Thanks for sharing.  Sometimes I wonder if for all
> this time I've lived on this earth, how it feels like I seem to know so
> little about what the Lord would have me to do.  That's probably why this
> hit home.
> Blessings,
> Vicki
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Brad D" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Sunday, September 11, 2005 2:36 PM
> Subject: [ECHURCH-USA] Following the Holy Spirit
> > Recently I was listening to a sermon which focused on a litmus test that
> > might help determine whether or not I was following the will of God for my
> > life, that is following the Holy Spirit's guidance in life. The three
> > checkpoints were
> >
> > 1. Am I frustrated?
> >
> > 2. Do I irritate others?
> >
> > 3. Am I jealous or envious?
> >
> > I wouldn't limit these three negative or selfish emotions to that test for
> > sure as certainly there are others that would also serve to show the same
> > result, but I found myself focused on these three. I began to think of
> > jealousy or envy. I found myself looking back at various thoughts or
> > aspirations I had and found they were birthed out of a jealous or envious
> > heart. I look at some I know who never seem to have financial issues,
> > plenty of money to go around, and actually to be even more sinful as long
> > as I'm at it, notice they spend it very foolishly and much on self
> > indulgences. I sit back and wonder if I had that, how I could not only
> > live better personally, but just think how much I could help others in
> > need. Either buy them something they need, or give them money to help them
> > through a rough time, help fund a missionary work in other countries, go
> > on a mission work myself, and here these folks just spend spend spend
> > foolishly. And so, I found myself feeling jealous and envious of what they
> > have, the lifestyle they now have. Granted it wasn't always this way for
> > these people, they worked for it for sure, but still I had those feelings
> > nonetheless. Convicted after hearing this message on following the Holy
> > Spirit, I realized that perhaps my discontentment is birthed not out of a
> > real need fore more things and better lifestyle, but  that I really don't
> > have a clue on what god wants me to do with my life, and that I'm really
> > not letting the Holy Spirit guide me. Or if I am following what God is
> > saying, I've fallen off the spiritual wagon and drifted off to selfish
> > desires. It occurred to me that if I really, honestly, and confidently was
> > following the guidance of God through the Holy Spirit, it wouldn't matter
> > if a neighbor lived a life of perverseness and suddenly won the lottery,
> > or if a different neighbor who was a continuous financial bumbler
> > inherited a wealthy estate and now is set for life, or any number of
> > scenarios that seemed unfair or unjust were to be witnessed. If I felt I
> > really was following god, I would indeed be joyful, and satisfied where I
> > was no matter what I had or did or the like. Perhaps one might parallel it
> > to a husband and wife relationship. If a wife notices that a neighbor was
> > getting a bit friendly with her husband and she was glued with a boiling
> > rage as she watched them converse, if their spousal relationship was not
> > solid, jealousy would rise and take over her will. Where as if they had a
> > rock solid and integretous relationship, she could probably glance over
> > and without a care go change the clothes in the washer or some abstract
> > task. In other words, if we find discontentment, frustration, find
> > ourselves cool towards others or otherwise irritate or aggravate them,
> > become jealous or envious, perhaps we need to look at where we are in
> > relationship with God through his guidance by the Holy Spirit.  If we are
> > indeed following God, what could we possibly be frustrated, irritated,
> > envious or jealous about? We would know that where we are presently, no
> > matter what others may have has no affect on us as God is in control and
> > we are in tune with what is best for us. We know that God wants us to live
> > peacefully, abundantly, live prosperously and fill our days with his joy,
> > and the best method of achieving that in our own individual lives is to
> > follow God keeping our eye on him and not our neighbor. We can live
> > prosperously, abundantly, peacefully and joyfully no matter how much money
> > we have, no matter what we are going through currently in life knowing
> > confidently we are following God and just where we are meant to be at this
> > time.
> >