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Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 6 Sep 2005 13:43:14 -0600
text/plain (418 lines)
I thought you may wish to read the third in the series so I have forwarded
it to the list.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Regner Capener" <[log in to unmask]>
To: "Regner Capener" <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 7:05 AM


Good, Good, Good Morning!

Wired up?  Are ya cookin' today?  Got your coffee poured, yet?

You're drinkin' the good stuff today, aren't you?  Dark Roast?  Columbian,
or maybe Ethiopian, or perhaps Jamaican Blue Mountain?  Hehehehehe......

I still want to take you into the eight characteristics I outlined last week
that depict the nature and character of this spirit, and that's where we
will go with it today.  At least we'll start.  How far we get today remains
to be seen.

Well, let's start off with that prophecy that John gives in Revelation 2 to
the Ekklesia in Thyatira: "Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee,
because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a
prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to
eat things sacrificed unto idols.  And I gave her space to repent of her
fornication; and she repented not.   Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and
them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they
repent of their deeds.  And I will kill her children with death; and all the
churches shall know that I am he which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I
will give unto every one of you according to your works.  But unto you I
say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and
which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you
none other burden."  (Revelation 2:20-24)

Last week, I outlined the eight characteristics of the spirit of Jezebel
described in this word, and we need to refresh ourselves with those
descriptions before we continue.

1. "She calleth herself a prophetess."   Hmmmmm.  OK.  False prophet(ess)
and false prophecy.

2. "to teach and seduce my servants."  Right.  This spirit poses as a
seductive teacher, promoting doctrines and teachings that lead the people of
God astray.

3. "to commit fornication."  This seduction is both spiritual and sexual.
We'll get into that in more detail shortly.

4. "and to eat things sacrificed unto idols."  Uhh Huhh.  Idolatry: the
worship or reverence of things, or individuals, or entities other than the
Lord Himself: the prioritizing of doctrines over a relationship with the
Lord Jesus Christ.  Just wait.  It gets worse.

5. "I gave her space to repent of her fornication."  So Jezebel (or those
individuals contaminated with that spirit) is actively committing
fornication.  That doesn't mean they are necessarily running around, having
promiscuous sexual relations, although they well may.

6. "and she repented not."  So those afflicted with this spirit generally
tend to be unrepentant.  They have no remorse over their sin, can't see that
what they are doing is sin, and refuse to repent when faced with exposure of
their sin.

7. "Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with
her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds."  It's more
than just fornication: it is adultery, too.  We'll get into this more, too,
as this discussion proceeds.

8. "And I will kill all her children with death."  Strange phrase, isn't it?
If one gets killed they are dead, are they not?  How do you kill someone
with death?  This is an interesting Hebrew metaphor occurring in the Greek
text.  In this case, the Lord is talking about more than physical death: He
is talking about an eternal death and separation from all possibility of
redemption or future relationship with Him.

If there is any hallmark of the spirit of Jezebel, or some particular
characteristic that sums up and describes its overall purpose, it would be
"usurper."  The primary objective of the spirit of Jezebel is to usurp the
operational authority of the Lord Jesus Christ in those who are anointed and
appointed by the Holy Spirit to minister, to present itself as THE voice of
the Lord instead, and to take control of the leadership of God's people.
See that word, "control"?  It goes with manipulation.  It's called

Now, let's begin breaking down these eight descriptive characteristics.

Most of us think of false prophets and false prophetesses as being folks who
stand up and make predictions about future events that go wrong.
Unfortunately, that completely misses the whole picture of what prophecy is
all about, and what a prophet - true or false - is all about.

Only the tiniest part of prophecy is about foretelling events to come, and
we mistakenly refer to ministers or leaders within the body of Christ as
"false prophets" if they predict something that doesn't unfold in exactly
the manner they describe.  Real prophecy comes out of the character and
makeup of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Jesus spent very little of His teaching
and preaching dealing with future events, and yet He IS the Spirit of

John wrote in Revelation 19:10b, ".your brethren that have the witness and
evidence of Jesus worship God: for the witness and evidence of Jesus is the
Spirit of Prophecy." (My translation)

Does that make sense to you?  We can come back to this later, if necessary,
but I want to show you how the spirit of Jezebel counterfeits this witness
and evidence.

One of the biggest evidences of this spirit in the body of Christ is the
very seductiveness of it.  I'll get to the fornication part momentarily.

Stop and think about this for a second.  How do you seduce someone who is a
Bible-believing Christian?  How do you entrap them with words that are

Seduction, by its very nature, uses pleasant thoughts, draws mental images
with carefully chosen words that sound good and - in this case - usually
quotes verses of Scripture to support enticement to disobedience.  The
biggest area of seduction is self-justification for committing sin.  The
enticement comes in making you feel OK about your disobedience to the Word
of the Lord.

The enticement is doctrines that please the flesh, allowing Christians to
avoid the disciplines of the Gospel and permitting them a route of escape
from the necessary processing of the Holy Spirit.

The seduction is the teaching of doctrines that make you believe that you
are just fine where you are in the Lord - that healing the sick, raising the
dead, performing miracles and doing the works that Jesus did (never mind
doing greater works! were ONLY for the apostles, or for a select few chosen
by the Lord; that all of this passed away out of the life of the body of
Christ in the second century AD with the death of the last of the apostles.

The seduction - AND THE FORNICATION - comes in compelling people to be
obedient to the Law AND live under the Grace of Jesus Christ.  The
fornication comes into the picture because people say they love the Lord
Jesus Christ (and they believe that they do!), that they have accepted the
atonement for their sins through His death and resurrection, while at the
same time placing upon them requirements of the Law with obedience to Mosaic
commandments and statutes.

The apostle Paul put it like this (See Galatians 2:16-20), "Knowing that a
man is not justified by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus
Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by
the faith of Christ, and not by the works of the law: for by the works of
the law shall no flesh be justified..For I through the law am dead to the
law, that I might live unto God. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I
live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in
the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave
himself for me."

One cannot be married (using the metaphor of Bridegroom (Jesus) and Bride
(us) to the Lord and then run to the Law for satisfaction.  It is impossible
to keep the Law and please the Lord.  One does not keep the Law by faith
because the Law holds power over the flesh - NOT the spirit.  Flesh can have
no faith: faith is a function of our spirit working through our love of the
Lord Jesus Christ.

To supposedly claim we love the Lord, therefore, and then justify ourselves
by the Law is to commit adultery.  Are you seeing the seduction now of the
Spirit of Jezebel?

This is a spirit which entices men and women to measure themselves and their
righteousness according to the Law - and quotes a bazillion scriptures to
justify it, thus negating Jesus' redemptive work on the Cross on our behalf
and making salvation of none effect.

If the Spirit of Prophecy is the Word of God, consider then the deadly
nature of the spirit of Jezebel calling itself a "prophetess" (or in the
case of it taking up residence and operating through a man, a "prophet").
This spirit stands in many pulpits today - both in men and women - usurping
the name, the authority and the power of the Lord Jesus Christ, all the
while passing itself off as speaking in the name of, and on behalf of, the

Those that succumb to its voice and its seductive deception (usually)
unknowingly commit spiritual fornication and adultery by virtue of doing
things either directly contrary to the expressed will of God, or setting
aside and ignoring the demonstration of the Spirit and Power.

The spirit of Jezebel is usually very selective in the choice of people it
has around it, and those so afflicted become spiritually effeminate and
powerless, lacking in true authority but reveling in a show of pretended
authority along with lots of public recognition, praise and adulation.
Those so afflicted come under the control and manipulation of a spirit of
witchcraft that works hand in hand.

The spirit of Jezebel, you see, IS a spirit of witchcraft and sorcery.  It's
entire purpose for existing is to entice men and women, to control them and
to manipulate them with lies and seduction in such a way that they are
rendered impotent as Christians.  They become spiritual homosexuals or
lesbians, making love to one another instead of having a true
Bride/Bridegroom relationship that produces spiritual offspring.

One of the manifestations of the spirit of Jezebel and its operation in
churches today is the acceptance of, or presence of just about every kind of
sexual perversion known to man.  This is the driving spirit behind physical
homosexuality and physical lesbianism, and churches that pervert the
authority of the Lord Jesus Christ are often populated with sexual perverts
and deviants.

Strong stuff, I know, but the body of Christ needs a housecleaning!  It's
time for Christians to wake up and realize just how impotent this spirit has
rendered them, and the fellowships of which they are a part.

Don't somebody, please, now suggest that I hate homosexuals and lesbians!  I
don't hate the people.  I do hate the sin!  But that sin is just as
forgivable as lying, cheating, stealing and every other sin.  It just needs
repenting from like every other sin.

You see, the lie of this perversion is its inherent lack of procreative
ability.  EVERYTHING about God's creation is predicated on the Law of
Seedtime and Harvest.  Everything is predicated on creation, the planting of
seed and the reproduction of that seed.  It requires male and female to

The spirit of Jezebel wipes out our spiritual ability to procreate.  It
attempts to neuter the Word of God.  It destroys the Father image of God,
the Son of God, and the spiritual procreation that comes between the Son as
the Bridegroom and us as His Bride.

The neutering of the Word is clearly evidenced in many churches across
America and around the world today in the fact that there is no ongoing
spiritual procreation.  People aren't coming to Jesus Christ, being saved,
healed, delivered, growing into abundant life, being filled with the Holy
Spirit, and then reproducing new Christians by virtue of the new life within
them.  Sure, you see churches where folks supposedly get "saved" after they
respond to a salvation message on Sunday morning or Sunday night, but they
get stuck there!  There is no life in Christ that leads them to abundance,
to prosperity, to growth in the Spirit, to a life of miracles one after
another after another after another with the Word of God coming forth
through their lives in a demonstration of the Spirit and of Power!

They die in their Christian baby cribs.  They never grow up in God!  They
never learn what it is to walk in the Spirit, to live in the Spirit, to
speak in the Spirit, to demonstrate the abundant life available in the

I was going to tell you another personal story of an experience I had
several years ago to illustrate the deceptiveness of the Spirit of Jezebel
and how it seeks to gain control in the body of Christ, but it's pretty
clear that there just isn't time to accomplish that today.  Maybe I can get
to that tomorrow.

The point I want to leave with you today is the understanding that the false
prophecy of Jezebel isn't so much in the fake foretelling of events; it is
literally embodied in the false "forthtelling" of what supposes to be a
rhema or a direct, spoken Word from the Lord to His people.  That false
"forthtelling" comes in the form of preaching and teaching - and
prophesying, although usually the prophesying of extremes.

Those extremes either come in the form of dire warnings of doom and gloom
from which we must escape, or they come in the form of spiritual niceties,
great abundance, health, wealth and prosperity MINUS any teaching or
understanding of what it takes in the way of obedience to walk in that
abundance, health or wealth.

Folks get lulled to sleep with this garbage, or led down some primrose path
following some leader who hasn't a clue to what the Holy Spirit is saying
and doing in the earth today.  Thus, they get sucked in by false prophecy,
seduced and enticed by words that please their fleshly nature, and they
commit fornication or adultery with the Lord through their unfaithfulness to

I've only scratched the surface with this topic.  There's so much more to
talk about, but we need to finish our overall picture so that you understand
the deadliness of this spirit and its operation among Christians today.
Tomorrow, we'll take up the concept of "eating things sacrificed unto

I'm an Extremist!  I'm extreme enough to believe God can do ANYTHING - for
me -- AND for you.

Blessings on you!

Regner A. Capener
Ekklesia House
RR-15, Box 6180
Mission, TX 78574-9589
(956) 583-5355

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