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Sun, 4 Sep 2005 20:47:18 -0600
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Oh my gosh Phil oh my ewwwwwwwww eeeeeeek now that is scary

Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:41 PM
Subject: Dead In The Water

> Here is a true story.  You will find many such true stories on my
> website.  Go there and click on the first link which is called Items Of
> Interest To The Blind.  Then click on the link called As The Blind See It.
> You will find over 50 such stories and if you are blind and have a story
> to
> add, please feel free to email it to me.  Now, for the rest of my story.
> What's In The Bottle?
> By Phil Scovell
>     The pastor stopped and came in.  "Let me get a bottle of
> water out of the garage for my wife," I said, "and I'll be ready
> to go."  He said ok and I walked to the door going into our
> attached garage.  We had a water distiller and I had moved it into
> our garage, since we had no basement in our new home, and this
> way, we could keep the heat that the machine generated out of the
> house.  Closing the door behind me and carrying the quart bottle
> into the kitchen, I walked toward the sink where I planned on
> setting the bottle down.
>     "Hey," the pastor said as I neared the sink, "let me see that
> bottle.  I turned and held it up.  I figured he was just looking
> at the label that was still on the bottle that I was now using to
> keep my distilled water in.  He took it from me and said, "Just a
> second," and he walked to the garage door.  Coming back, he handed
> me the bottle and said, "Ok, let's go."
>     Driving down the hill away from my house, the pastor placed a
> bottle that looked just like the ones we were using for our
> distilled water in my lap.
>     "What's this?" I asked; puzzled.
>     "It is the bottle you brought out of the garage and was about
> to sit on the counter for your wife to use next to the sink for
> drinking water."
>     "So," I said as I touched the coolness of the glass and made
> sure the lid was screwed on tightly so none of its contents might
> accidentally spill on my clothes.
>     "So," he replied quietly, inside that bottle is a floating
> dead mouse."
>     To this day, my wife and I, both blind, then and now, have no
> idea how much water we had been sharing with field mice before
> the pastor discovered they were drinking my distilled water with
> us.
>     I was mystified how the mouse got in the bottle.  The opening
> was a good inch and a half wide.  The pastor suggested, since the
> level of the water was a couple of inches below the top of the
> bottle's lip, they were leaning down inside to reach the water and
> one fell in and drown.  Then I dutifully came out, unawares of
> course, and screwed on the lid to start another bottle of water
> distilling.  Yes, I brought the distiller into the house and kept
> it in the laundry room from then on.  To this day, however, I am
> still a little paranoid about drinking from a bottle of any kind.
> No.  I absolutely have no grief or compassion for the mouse so you
> are welcome to turn me in to the animal rights people.