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Karen Carter <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 2 Aug 2005 15:43:07 +0000
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I would warm the bottom and boot him out.  Unfortunately I had to do that to my brother.

Christ is either Lord of all or he is not Lord at all.
Karen Carter '74

> Kathy and Phil, Wow! I can't believe what I read. I am so sorry these
> things are happening for you both. Kathy, I don't know how you do it! You
> are loving! If I had a child who behaved like Chris, I'm afraid that I
> would warm his bottom, ooooo! I forgot, can't do that. Well, they would
> have to catch me first. It sounds to me like you and Greg are doing the
> right thing.
> Phil, Oh! I'm so sorry to hear things are going bad again. I'm praying for
> you and Sandy, too! You guys are so very loving! I don't blame you for what
> you are doing! I'm praying for everyone in your family! I'm praying for
> Peace and love for everyone here.
> Love and Blessings,
> Pat Ferguson
> At 07:09 AM 8/1/05, you wrote:
> >Boy Phil,
> >          You and I sound like we are cut out of the same cloth.  The
> >good news is that those phone tapping recorders are only $100  now at
> >radio Shack.  Just thought I'd mention it in case  you feel the need
> >to get a new one.
> >          I'm so sorry to hear that things have turned sour again for
> >you guys.  You're right though, the peace and sanctity of the home
> >must come first for the innocent ones that reside there.  The devil
> >has been working overtime on us, but pep talks like yours help.
> >thanks,
> >Kathy
> >
> >
> >At 07:40 PM 7/29/2005, you wrote:
> > >Well, Kathy, put me in jail because I listened to my daughter's phone calls
> > >with a stelth recorder I spent 300 dollars on just for that purpose.  You
> > >think I care it made her mad?  She may still be reading the echurch mailing
> > >list for all I know so she might be reading my message.  Good.  I just said
> > >the other day to my wife that I wish I could see to drive.  I'd follow my
> > >daughter around to find out where she is really going.  She has been
> > >recently caught in lies but she had backup lies for the original lies.  Same
> > >old routine and she is no teenager.  It's rough, Kathy, when one of your
> > >children thinks they are smarter than God.  I had a migraine headache this
> > >week, which I haven't had for years, that could have killed an elephant.  My
> > >daughter chose, in public, out in front of everybody that wanted to listen,
> > >to tear her mother down to the ground by using every four letter word in the
> > >book.  But, as I often say, church ain't over until the fat man/lady sings.
> > >My daughter does not get the last word in my house.  Nobody does.  My
> > >youngest son, due to circumstances that got out of control, refused to leave
> > >my home one night.  I wasn't mad until he said, "I'm not afraid of you,
> > >dad."  Then I did get mad but not stupid mad; just hot.  I pushed in all the
> > >way across the house to the front door.  Pretty stupid, I know, pushing a
> > >guy around who is bigger and has his third degree black belt, but nobody
> > >ever said I was the smartest kid my mother ever had.  Then I made a big
> > >mistake.  I picked up the phone and pretended to call the police to have him
> > >removed.  I know, it was dumb, but like I said, I was mad by this point.  I
> > >wasn't angry; there is a difference.  Anyhow, maybe I told this before, it
> > >sounds familiar even to me but I'll repeat what I said, if this is a repeat,
> > >my son started crying and said he couldn't believe I would call the police
> > >on him.  We talked that night, and again a few days later, and straightened
> > >things out.  I even told Donna, his wife, the mistake I made and that was, I
> > >broke my son's heart instead of his will.  I don't want you and Graig to
> > >ever forget, however, your home is a place where God dwells.  Chris has no
> > >right to violate your home, or you for that matter, and I think you guys
> > >have been doing everything in your power to help the little brat.  So what
> > >do you get in return?  A kid who pokes his wrist as if he is going to kill
> > >himself?  A punk who man handles his mother, his blind mother, I might add?
> > >A spiritual pygmy defying his own father?  A dope smoker who thinks he can
> > >whip the world?  Mercy belongs only to those who receive it.  shoot, I broke
> > >cassette tapes, broke dope pipes, tore up cigarettes and dumped them on the
> > >bed, searched my daughter's purse every time I got the chance, hunting
> > >through her room and drawers and closets and clothes and pockets and braws
> > >and shoes and you know what?  I'm even worse about it now because there are
> > >two children involved, one whom we have legal guardianship over, and I'll
> > >kick butt if I have to in order to save them from human stupidity and sin.
> > >It gets old, as I am sure you and Graig have learned, being used by your own
> > >children and especially by the one who thinks they can get away with sin
> > >against God.  Warm up that baseball bat I told you about once a long time
> > >ago, Kathy, and take some practice swings.  It isn't your son the devil is
> > >after; it is your family and your marriage and your church and your church
> > >members.  Come out swinging.  I'll fly out and visit you in jail if I have
> > >to but don't go down without making a big statement and hitting a couple of
> > >home runs first.
> > >
> > >Phil.