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virgie underwood <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Jul 2005 21:21:12 -0400
text/plain (237 lines)
         I do not have the words to describe my feelings as I read Carol's
His love for us is so amazing, and he loves us in spite of our behavior.
Thanks, Carol, for sharing this story with us.
Huggs and blessings, Virgie Underwood At 04:29 PM 7/30/2005, you wrote:

>Carol emailed me this testimony she wrote and asked me to put it on my
>website.  I haven't done so as of yet but am working on formatting it for my
>site.  For now, I thought echurch people would be encouraged by reading her
>testimony.  There is way more coming from Carol that you may find difficult
>to believe.  This story is one that some will have trouble believing but I
>know all the details behind this story and everything you read is true.
>Carol will likely be sharing more as time goes by.  She needs to write an
>auto biography because she could certainly fill a book with all the many
>things the Lord has done, and is continuing to do, in her life.  Some of you
>old timers to echurch may remember a discussion Carol brought up many years
>back about her love for chocolate and how concerned she was and didn't know
>why.  In prayer sessions we had together, the Lord showed her what the
>chocolate was all about.  Even recently, the Lord revealed even more to her
>as you will see.
>By Carol Pearson
>One day recently I reached for a chocolate bar.  It was  far too
>hot to bother to get anything else to eat and,  anyway, I felt
>pressured by others and a bit down.  . .  ..  Things weren't going
>too well;  that sinking feeling  down into "depression" was
>crowding in on me.  .  As I  reached for the chocolate, I realized
>again how many  times I had done this before.  It had become a
>well-worn  path over more than fifty years of my life!  .  Yes, I
>wanted it somehow to be a consolation to me at that very  moment!
>I knew, Even if I'd done something wrong or just  hadn't quite
>achieved . . . the chocolate WOULD  help me  to feel "Just a bit
>better about myself and my situation!   Again (as I had many times
>before) I reminded the Lord  that I had been concerned about my
>"habit" (to eat this  wonderful tasting "stuff" for a while now
>but I was  powerless to do anything about it.  I told Him again
>that  I wanted Him to reveal any root cause and show me if I
>should leave it alone completely.  Again, I found myself  thinking
>that perhaps I could just cut it down.  . . ..   At that point
>"discipline" came to the fore and I ate  just a third of the bar
>and put the rest away until  another time!
>Later that day my mind flashed back to the thoughts I had  had
>when taking the chocolate and then, as if a light had  been turned
>on, I found myself thinking about an occasion  much earlier in my
>life when I was a junior at boarding  school.  I recalled much
>detail of this memory, although  this has not always been the case
>when the Lord has  healed me from past wounds and wrong thinking.
>At that  time we had a visit from a researcher who was most
>interested to learn how blind people "tick", what sort of  things
>we could do, how imaginative we were and whether  we could learn a
>complicated little route.  His tests  were quite numerous and
>varied and I quite enjoyed them.   We listened to a series of
>noises and had to tell a story  around them, adding to the story
>as each noise was given  to us.  We had a maize through which we
>had to walk and  most of us got horribly lost.  We had yet another
>test  which involved working out exactly where a sound came  from.
>There were others also, but I don't remember them   now.  I do
>however remember that after each test we were  rewarded with small
>bars of chocolate.  It seemed to me  that some friends got more
>than others, and perhaps this  was because they were better at the
>tests but it may have  been because they were "the favourites",
>and of course I  didn't like that very much . . ..  However, we
>all got  some chocolate each time a test was given and that was
>the best part of taking the tests and made it all  worthwhile!
>Truly, when we had done badly, the chocolate  was a consolation!
>As I had seen that flashback to that memory so clearly, I  then
>saw His truth as He revealed it to me!  "That's  right, Lord," I
>said:  "The chocolate was 'my  consolation' - it was given to me
>whether I did well or  badly.  I reflected, "It was given at other
>times in my  childhood also.  It was the way to say "Thank you
>very  much, little girl, for your services" as, on a number of
>occasions, I was forced to please relations and friends  of the
>family as they allowed their sexual desires to  have full pleasure
>as they did what they wished with a  small, frightened child.  The
>chocolate bars were the  presents for "being a good little girl
>and saying nothing  to anyone about these terrifying experiences!"
>Again,  the bars of chocolate were given as a consolation from
>Daddy when there was nothing else he could give to me  when he had
>been away working and I had not been able to  understand where he
>was and why he had left me!  Yes,  they were my "consolations" and
>"my comforts" and I  enjoyed them!
>I understood a long time ago that people often took  comfort in
>their eating and even knew that I did it  myself, but now, as He
>spoke into my situation and  thinking, this became personal to me.
>I was able to  understand where this root had its beginnings and
>to face  the lies which emerged every time I ate the chocolate!  I
>knew how Dad had felt so much better when he gave me the
>chocolate on his return from another work trip, but the  gift he
>bore each time soon became a "must" for his  little girl who
>needed the comfort she thought it  afforded!  The chocolate had
>also served to help those  who took me to their beds to feel
>better about what they  had done to me and be reasonably sure that
>I would keep  quiet.  I had to face it though, that it only
>satisfied  for a little while, then I needed some more to be "my
>fix" for depression, loneliness, bereavement,  disappointments and
>so many other problems in my life.  I  needed that chocolate time
>and again!  What a ghastly  state.  I knew without a doubt that I
>was certainly no  better than those who abuse their bodies with
>drugs and  alcohol and all I could do was to cry out to the Lord
>for  His victory for me!
>I acknowledged before my Heavenly Father that I had  substituted
>all that He had to give to me and all that He  would do for me
>with "my temporary fix" of chocolate.   For years, I had said time
>and again that I wanted to  know the riches of God and His
>abundance in my life, but  over and over again I had chosen my own
>comfort!  I knew  I had treated my Heavenly Father very badly in
>taking the  chocolate instead of asking for His mercy and great
>riches.  I poured out my heart to Him and asked His  forgiveness.
>Then I waited quietly to see what He would  say to me.  I knew He
>would speak because otherwise I  would be left with a problem far
>too big for me to  address!  I knew well enough that He would not
>leave me  comfortless but He would come to me!  (See John 14:18.)
>  He had spoken those words to me, as He did to His  disciples, on
>a number of occasions during my walk with  Him, so they were very
>He showed me a picture.  A tiny baby lay in His arms.   (Yes, that
>baby was me.)  There was a large comfort  blanket tucked under my
>chin.  I had been sucking it,  because it was my comforter.  As I
>fell asleep, He gently  removed it.  Then, something else
>happened.  He spread me  out in front of Him and began to breathe
>into my  nostrils.  I was receiving the very life of God Himself!
>  I could no longer use that blanket to meet my needs  because now
>they were being met by the very breath of God  as He continued to
>fill me!  I had nothing to do except  just to lie there and take
>in the pure sustaining Spirit  of God!
>Now that He has spoken clearly to me and answered my  prayers, I
>know my need can no more be met with a bar of  chocolate!  When I
>find, for any reason, that I am not  coping with pain and grief,
>fear and frustration, or  anything at all that separates me from
>Jesus Christ  and causes me to move from my place of rest, I have
>to go  directly to the One Who Satisfies.  Taking the chocolate
>first and then going to My Father in Heaven is no longer  an
>option for me.  He requires that I go straight to Him  and find He
>has more than enough to supply all my need!   I have thanked Him
>that, by His grace alone, He will work  this in me to His glory!
>It has been very important here that God has come to me  in answer
>to my prayers and spoken with me about this  problem  I had in my
>life.  Hearing from others about the  hold of a habit in a life
>and even agreeing with them is  not enough!  We have to invite the
>King of Kings and Lord  of Lords to come in and take His rightful
>place.  He is  gracious and heals and restores.  He does not
>condemn us  for our weakness.  He understands it and makes us
>strong   as He deals with everything that we have placed before
>Him in our lives.  There are some who believe that they  do live
>completely without sin in their lives now that  they are
>Christians.  Well, I long for that day to be  true in my life, but
>I choose right now to acknowledge  the truth and confess God's
>Word, as the Apostle John  wrote in his first letter:
>8  If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves,  and the
>truth is not in us. 9  If we confess our sins, he  is faithful and
>just to forgive us [our] sins, and to  cleanse us from all
>unrighteousness. 10  If we say that  we have not sinned, we make
>him a liar, and his word is  not in us. (1 John 1:8-10 AV)
>One day I will know the joy of the power of Jesus living  always
>and forever in my life.  Meantime, I do still  reach for that
>chocolate occasionally, but now have a far  greater understanding
>of what I'm doing (yes, committing  sin) if I take it to pacify
>some need in my life which  God wants to meet!  Then I have to
>confess it, get up  again and go on giving all to Him and asking
>Him to show  His power in me!
>I don't know what things you find yourself reaching for  when the
>going gets tough, but He knows and, if you will  only ask Him, He
>will work a miracle in your life that  will free you from any
>bondage however long you have been  bound by it!  We cannot free
>ourselves but we can want  Him to free us!  He is our God and He
>has the right to  say to us, "You shall have no other god but Me"!
>  That simply means having nothing to depend upon (trust or  rely
>upon) or give our affections to that takes His  rightful place!
>We can be in bondage to many things or people.  We have  wrong
>relationships where we seek to serve another  person, (sometimes
>allowing our flesh to be gratified.   We go on doing what pleases
>others and not what pleases  God!  We get into such messes and
>cannot help ourselves  out of them.  Praise God!  He waits to be
>gracious to us  and to free us from everything that does not
>glorify Him!
>God doesn't give Himself as "a consolation".  He gave   Himself
>fully when He sent His son to die on a cross for  each one of us,
>taking with Him all the sin of a fallen,  depraved world!  He
>doesn't offer a consolation prize  for being good because none of
>us are good in His eyes,  but He does offer us His grace in
>abundance which brings  us from darkness into His wonderful light
>and sets us on  course to gain that prize of eternal life with Him
>which  He has for every one of us if we will live according to
>His rules!  Put very simply, we win only as we put Him  first in
>all things and love Him with all our mind and  soul and strength
>and that means putting nothing before  Him and allowing Him daily
>to satisfy all the longings of  our grieving, hurting, wounded,
>sin-sick souls.  Will you  go there with me and offer up to Him
>whatever it is that  you reach for to satisfy every pain that you
>bear today?   If you will do this, He will give to you much, much
>more  than you could ever dare to imagine.
>If you want to do this but need help to share your pain  and
>suffering with Him, Safe Place Fellowship offers you  help and
>security as you find your way through whatever  troubles you to
>that place of wholeness in God as we find  His provision to be
>sufficient for all our needs!
>Copyright:  Carol Pearson - July 2005.
>Safe Place Fellowship
>Phil Scovell
>Denver, Colorado USA
>Phone:  303-507-5175
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