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Sat, 23 Jul 2005 14:11:01 -0400
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Vinny and Angel,
Your two posts reminded me of something I 
received in email this morning.  I'll paste it here for all to read:

July 23 "for this is My blood of the covenant, 
which is to be shed on behalf of many for the 
forgiveness of sins." 
<>Matthew 26:28

Risky Business

Forgiveness - What does forgiveness look like? 
That's not the same question as what it means. We 
are inclined to use a lot of theologically 
correct language when we talk about forgiveness. 
We mention casting away guilt, dealing with sins 
and bridging the gap between man and God. All 
that is correct and good to know. But what does 
forgiveness look like in action? The imagery of the Greek word can help us.

Aphesis (forgiveness, remission) comes from two 
other Greek words. One is the simple preposition 
"from" (apo). The other is hiemi, to send. 
Literally, to send from, to send away. This 
combination results in meanings like, "to 
dismiss, to let pass, to send forth, to let go 
of, to release, to forsake, to leave and to 
abandon". What does forgiveness look like? It 
looks like the last rays of the sun disappearing 
over the horizon. It looks like the last wave of 
the passenger on the cruise ship. It looks like 
the airplane pulling out of sight. Forgiveness is a disappearing act.

Is this your vision of forgiveness? When you 
forgive, do you see the incident disappear from 
your horizon? Do you wave it good-bye? Do you 
release it from your history and your vocabulary? 
Forgiveness is the active choice to send 
something away from you. God's forgiveness sends 
away the guilty verdict and the implied 
punishment. God's active choice in the matter 
means that it is removed from His vocabulary 
about us and from His actions toward us. Gone. 
Disappeared. God doesn't stand on the shore and 
look out at the sea, catching the wisp of smoke 
from the ship in order to remind Himself that He 
"forgave" us. There is no telltale sign on the 
horizon. God isn't looking in that direction.

Dr. Laura gave advice about forgiveness to a 
caller. She said that forgiveness was not 
necessary unless the offender demonstrated 
remorse and changed behavior. Dr. Laura might 
have been well received among the Pharisees but 
she certainly would have had difficulty with 
Jesus. Jesus made forgiveness the most risky 
business in the world. From Jesus' perspective, 
forgiveness never demanded remorse or changed 
behavior. Forgiveness is my decision to wave 
good-bye. It does not depend on your response. 
Forgiveness with expectation is subtle 
obligation. And God is not subtle when it comes to dealing with sin.

Let it go. Send it away. Release it. Take the risk. Wave good-bye. He did.

Copyright 2003-2005 © Skip Moen and All Rights Reserved.
Articles may be reproduced in whole under the 
following provisions: 1) A proper credit must be 
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Earlier, Vinny Samarco wrote:
Well, Angel,
I'm glad the guy turned out to be a transcriber, and I'm glad you can
forgive him, neverless, as you said in effect, he is not about to be your
best friend.  Also, that still doesn't mean he can't or won't do that kind
of thing again.  I'm so very sorry that that had to happen to you and your
Yes, in spite of all, we have to pray that if there is anything that God can
redeem and use for the good out of a situation like that, that He will do
soAll in All, we just have to give it to the Lord, and be thankful to Him
for any good that came out of it.
In my case, I had to forgive someone who caused us to have to leave our
home.  I can't go into details, but, as I am sure you have learned,
forgiveness is as much for us as it is towards the other person.
Forgive my rambling.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Angel" <[log in to unmask]
To: <[log in to unmask]
Sent: Saturday, July 23, 2005 6:06 AM
Subject: Something I discovered