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John Schwery <[log in to unmask]>
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 21 Apr 2005 18:18:33 -0500
text/plain (159 lines)
Phil, I suppose that in both memories, you were told that you are like
Jesus.  As to why I do things for Jesus, I don't think about that much,
they just come out.  I don't do them to perform or feel better about
myself.  I just enjoy doing them.

earlier, Phil Scovell, wrote:
>Like Jesus Or Jesus Like?
>By Phil Scovell
>      It was money again.  To be more specific, it was the lack of
>money again.  I sighed heavily as I consider the bills we had to
>pay; knowing the money wasn't going to reach.  I didn't like the
>feeling I had but identifying that exact feeling wasn't easy to
>recognize.  Turning to the Lord, I said, "Lord?  This doesn't feel
>right.  Where is this coming from?"  He immediately flashed a
>memory image into my mind.  Getting up from my office desk, I
>walked into the other half of my office and sat down in my
>rocking chair and continued praying.
>      I recalled the event quite well.  My dad had died a year
>earlier unexpectedly and I had lost all of my sight in six months.
>Now we were moving from Des Moines, Iowa, where I was born and
>raised and had all of my friends, to Omaha, Nebraska where I knew
>no one.  I had been to this memory in my thoughts perhaps hundreds
>of times over the years but never saw, or felt, anything that was
>out of place.  I saw myself seated at the table with all my
>friends.  These were my church friends and they had collected
>enough money to purchase me a small portable open reel tape
>      Admittedly, something always felt slightly wrong in the
>memory but I never could locate it.  "Lord?" I complained.  "This
>memory has nothing to do with money.  What are we doing here?"
>      "How did you feel?" I heard in my thoughts.
>      I looked at the memory again and focused on myself seated at
>the table.  I was sad.  Sad because I was leaving all of my
>friends but there was something else.  It had to do with my
>blindness but what was it?  I couldn't seem to locate the
>      Suddenly, it was there.  I felt as if the Lord were in the
>memory with me and I turned to my right where He seemed to be
>standing and said, "Lord, I'm not like these people any more."
>      I expected a sympathetic response from the Lord.  Something I
>had heard many times before as I prayed with others.  "I was with
>you," he might say, or, "I'm your friend now," or, "I love you."
>Instead, to my total amazement, when I said, "Lord, I'm not like
>these people any more," He immediately said, "That's because you
>are like me now."  You could have knocked me over with a feather.
>I wanted to say, "Me?  You mean, me?  I'm like you now?"  I
>couldn't think of anything to say because the impression of the
>Words heard in my thoughts were so authoritative, I knew what
>Jesus had said was true.
>      This whole thing started out with money, or the lack thereof,
>and ended up with Jesus saying, "That's because you are like me
>now."  What's that have to do with money?  Stop and think about
>it.  Hidden in my woundedness of forty years past was a lie which
>told me that I wasn't good enough and wasn't deserving enough.
>Now, here is the Lord God Himself telling me I was like Him now.
>      This forces a boat load of questions immediately to the
>surface like a broaching whale.  Does Jesus have any financial
>needs which He cannot handle?  Has money ever been a problem for
>Him?  Does He pay his bills late?  Does he hardly make it from
>paycheck to paycheck?"  Of course, the answer to all these
>questions, and many others, was obvious.  The connection was made
>through His statement to me, "That's because you are like me now."
>Yes, I was aware of all the theology and doctrine behind that
>powerful statement but this was not a Sunday school class, a
>church service, or a Bible seminary professor explaining the
>meaning of Scripture.  This was Jesus The Christ, The Creator of
>the universe, telling me, of all people, that I was like Him now
>and not only that, He told me in a memory that was over 40 years
>old.  So what did He mean, someone may ask.  Perhaps it would be
>easier, if we were going to attempt an explanation, just to say
>what He didn't mean.  Frankly, I don't plan on doing either.  I'll
>leave it up to you as what you think it means.  I'll give you a
>little hint, however.  The answer is bigger than anyone can
>imagine, envisage, or even fathom.
>      The bottom line is this, Jesus said, "You are like me now."
>He did not say, "Be like me now," followed with a list of things
>we should, and should not, do in order to remain like Him.  In
>other words, we are not like Jesus because we are imitators; we
>are like Him because we are His children.  One of the biggest
>problems, in my opinion, concerning the church today, is the idea
>that we somehow are supposed to spiritually grow up and
>spiritually mature so that nothing, absolutely nothing, effects us
>any more.  It is a balancing act.  We walk the high wire, far
>above the rest of the world, perfectly balanced, in order that we
>won't fall to either side.  If you are thinking, "That sounds
>dangerous," you would be right.  If you are thinking, "This sounds
>like a lot of work to me," you would be right.  If you have to do
>anything to maintain your relationship with the Lord, you are
>performing.  Performance driven Christianity is what you can do
>for the Lord.  Maintenance free victory is what the Lord has done
>and is doing for you without any effort on your behalf.  In short,
>and to the contrary thinking and teaching of most, it isn't what
>we can do for Christ that counts; it's what we allow Him to do for
>us that makes the difference.
>      Of course, about this point, someone says, "What about
>church membership, tithing, reading my Bible, memorizing
>Scripture, winning the lost to Christ, preaching the Gospel,
>supporting missionaries, pastoring, speaking in tongues, laying
>hands on the sick, and raising the dead?"  We could easily add
>about another 20,000 things to this list.  Again, I'm repeating
>myself now, these are all things we do for the Lord.  Somebody,
>somewhere, and somehow taught us that these things make us more
>theologically acceptable, doctrinally sound, draws us closer to
>God, and somehow makes us literally grow spiritually.
>      Before you get your tail in a permanent irreversible knot,
>let me quickly point out that there is nothing wrong with any of
>the things I mentioned.  It is why we do them that makes a
>difference.  When I ask this next question, don't answer right
>away but think about it first.  Think about it for an hour or a
>day or a month but don't answer the question the moment you read
>it.  Stop right here.  Don't read further.  Clear your mind of any
>preconceived answer.  Do not allow yourself to anticipate my
>question.  Then, when ready, continue reading.
>      Are you doing things for God because you think they make Him
>feel better about you or do you do the things for Him because they
>make you feel better about yourself?
>      So which is it going to be for you?  Like Jesus or Jesus
>      This question either has a simple answer or it will create a
>multitude of other questions.  If you don't know the answer, call
>me.  It will be time for the Lord to begin His healing work in
>your life.
>Safe Place Fellowship
>Phil Scovell
>Denver, Colorado  USA
>Mountain Time Zone
>Phone:  303-507-5175
>Phil C Sharp
>The Coil Of The snake
>A Free Online E-Novel


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