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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
panderry mbai <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 10 Nov 2005 22:48:20 +0000
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The Gambia: Lieutenant Benneh Minteh - 11/10/2005 5:11:16 AM

Gambian Affairs Writers

It is exactly eleven years today Friday November 11, when scores of top senior and junior Gambian army officers were executed by the current government of President Yahya Jammeh, in the name of foiled coup. Bereaved families are yet to be told where their loved ones were buried, as the government is not keen at discussing the circumstances surrounding such "mass execution of soldiers."

Military intelligence had unveiled time and time that some of the murdered soldiers were buried in mass graves at Yundum, Fajara Barracks and Nymbia forest respectively. Exiled former AFPRC number two man Sanna B Sabally, Yankuba Touray and Edward Singhateh were said to have spearheaded the mass execution of these soldiers, who disappeared from their loved ones eleven years ago.

Today, one of the escapees, lieutenant Benneh Minteh is paying a special tribute to what he called "these gallant and dedicated soldiers" murdered by the ruthless Jammeh government. Lieutenant Minteh, also a former official of the defunct Gambia Gendarmeri Tactical Support Group tells  Pa Nderry M'Bai and Baboucarr Ceesay that there was no coup on the day in question, as he charged that the execution of his colleagues was well planned by the former military rulers headed by Chairman Jammeh. Benneh, insists that the regime was bent on getting rid of "these principled and dedicated soldiers for no just cause." He sounded optimistic that Yahya Jammeh and his cohorts will soon answer to the crimes they perpetrated against his murdered colleagues. Call him a dead man walking, you make no mistake, as Benneh recounted how he escaped the November 11, cross fire shooting. Mr.Minteh, who now resides here in the United States, gives a horrific account about what transpired on November 11, 1994.
 Below is the full text of Benneh Minteh's interview.

Question:As you observed the gruesome murder of your colleagues, what can you tell us about that fateful day of November 11, 1994. What actually transpired on the day in question?

Benneh:This Friday is going to be eleven years in the annals of Gambian history, when on the sad day of November 11, 1994, over ten officers and non commission officers were summarily executed by the AFPRC government. On this day, we were accused of trying to over throw the military junta, which I vehemently denied. There was no truth in their claims that there was even an attempted coup. As far as I'm concerned, their inhumane action on this day was as a result of paranoia and there efforts of consolidating their positions. Shortly after the 1994 coup, that brought Jammeh to power, there continued to be growing discontent and dissatisfaction within the ranks of the army, which may have poised those inhumane acts.

Question: But on the hand, President Jammeh told the Nation in a televised address that when he called the Fajara Barracks to enquire what was going on that fateful day, the soldiers branded him as the useless and foolish chairman and vowed to deal with him if he dears to steep his foot at the Fajara barracks. Jammeh went on to say that the signal man told him that he was captured by the alleged mutuners. How true is Jammeh's statement.?

Benneh: Mr.Nderry Jammeh was just making up stories. I think his claims or proclamations to the Gambian public was baseless and geared towards wining the hearts and minds of Gambians-that there was an attempt to over throw him. I was in Fajara barracks up to 230 am, Mr.Nderry, on my normal stand by routine, when my barracks was attacked and bullets were raining like crazy. Jammeh lied to the nation, when he said he called Fajara barracks. In fact they came to the Fajara barracks after arresting lieutenant Dot Faal, Lt Bassiru Barrow, Lt.Lamin Jarju, Sub LT.Bakary Manneh, Sub LT. Abdoulie Bah, Sub.LT Buba Jammeh and Sub. LT Momodou Lamin Darboe and many other non commission officers. There is no truth on Jammeh's claims that he called Fajara barracks and soldiers responded to him in that way.

Question: Jammeh also went on to claim that disgruntled soldiers were misled by information going round that state guards soldiers were better paid than their colleagues in the army, which seem to have triggered November 11 alleged abortive coup. Do you buy Jammeh's claims?

Pa Nderry, as usual, I was with the army as a senior officer during the early days of the coup and I therefore know the men who were in the army. I interact with them. So there was never a time that when soldiers complained about state guards being paid more than them. During my time in the army, I earned the respect of the men I command, because I cared for their well being and up till now, if I steep back to the Gambian army that same respect will be there for me. Mr.President Yahya Jammeh, just lied to Gambians on that fateful day.

Question: Most of your colleagues were killed during the incident, how do you managed to escape?

Benneh: Unfortunately, my colleagues who got killed were arrested while on duty or on patrol at the Yundum Barracks. But I was based in the Fajara Barracks. It was with the help of God the almighty that I escaped.


Question: There are widespread reports that Edward Sinhateh, Sanna Sabally and Yankuba Touray spearheaded the summarily execution of soldiers at the Yundum Barracks and at the Brikama Nymbia forest. Do you have the evidence to testify against these men in the event of any future trial?

Benneh:  Yes there is a lot of evidence out there and I'm prepared to testify against these maroons in any court of law. They have killed these officers and men and that is the truth and nothing else but the truth. In fact, there are many other people who will come on board with me to testify against them.

Question: Are you ready to lead the investigators to the grave yards where Barrow, Dot Faal, LT.Sey and others were buried?

Benneh: Well Mr.Nderry, like I have always said, I'm ready to do anything for The Gambia, that will bring about a democratic culture, justice and the rule of law in The Gambia. There were mass graves in Yundum barracks, Nymbai forest and Fajara barrack.

Question: Can you give us the list of soldiers killed on that day?

Benneh: If I should tell you that, i can give the list of all soldiers killed, then I'm lying. But I can tell you the names of officers summarily executed. Number one, LT. Bassiru Barrow, he is gone and gone forever, LT.Abdoulie Dot Faal, LT.Gibril Saye, Second LT.Momodou Lamin Darboe, Second LT.Bakary Manneh, Second LT.Buba Jammeh, officer cadet Sillah, Lance Corporal Basiru Camara, one Warrant officer from Ballangarr .

Question: Are you optimistic that justice will be done on the killings of your colleagues?

Benneh: I'm so optimistic. As the English man says what goes around comes around. The Jammeh government killed my colleagues for selfish reasons. Even in the wholly book God mentioned that each and every one of us will be responsible for our own actions. And justice will certainly take place in the brutal murder of my colleagues. There are manifestations right now that this is a regime that is failing. The is a regime bent on the politics of lies and deception. It is a regime that had lost its fate in the eyes of the International community and Gambians as well. It is because of their deeds that a new political pradine is born, a paradine that will cross them int bid and pieces.

Question: Do  you feel that you are a dead man walking, considering the fact that most of your close associates and friends in the army were summarily executed.

Benneh: Yes, I think I'm a dead man walking. I could have been killed. I could not have been talking to you now. But the reality on the ground is that I was not meant to die under the hands of such ruthless people. Life is so interesting, Mr.Nderry, interesting in the sense that people goes through trials and tribulations. November 11, 1994 was an experience in my life, which I will never forget. Believe it or not, M'Bai, I was hunted and I'm still being haunted by that experiences. I will never forget November 11. My message to Gambians is for all to know that this was a sad day in the history of our country. This was a day, when great sons of the country were butchered by the Jammeh government. It is a day, we should all remember. It is day that Gambian should use to analyse the current political situation and make a decision in the coming elections.

Question: What kind of soldier was Sanna Sabally?

Question: Sanna Sabally was a very indiscipline soldier, very arrogant especially during the early days of the coup. He believed in nothing but the use of force and the barrel of the gun. Many Gambians can be a witness to that. Sanna was shooting at people and cars when his convoy was blocked. They were all birds of the same feathers. Sanna used his position as Vice chairman to traumatise many innocent Gambians and there are families still in The Gambia that can testify to my claims. That is why today, he had no credibility before any Gambian or friends of The Gambia.

Question: What about Yahya? Was he a brave soldier as he claimed?

Benneh: I would like to borrow Mr.Halifa Sallah's comments that we should all demystify Yahya Jammeh. I know Yahya personally. Yahya is not a brave soldier as he claimed to be. He is just lucky to be in the seat of power today.

Question: On final note, what message do you have for families of November 11, victims who are yet to see justice on the death of their loved ones?

Benneh: I would like to assure the families of the all the 11 victims that justice will certainly take its cause. It is a moral obligation upon not only me today, but all Gambians to see to it that this regime is answerable to the atrocities committed since coming to the saddle of power. At such grieving times, we should all continue to pray for these gallant sons of our country, who were murdered on no just cause. But today, they could all see for themselves that there is a new Gambia that is emerging and such a Gambia will make sure that justice takes its proper cause. Such a Gambia will wipe their tears. It would heel their wounds and will show the whole world that their relatives were murdered on no just cause.

Question: Thanks Benneh for sparing your busy schedules to talk to us.

Benneh: You are welcome Pa Nderry and Buba. Keep up the good work.

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