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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
April Reisinger <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 21 Sep 2005 04:40:50 -0400
April Reisinger <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi everybody,

I did a no-no yesterday.  I forgot to take my li'le med box to work with me
so I could keep on schedule so I spent last night resting instead of
celebrating, so it looks like I do the birthday dinner tonight.  LOL.  And I
want KFC and can't find a way to go get it so it looks like I'll do the taxi
thing and call ahead.  Yum!  Some KFC would taste good for breakfast even.
Hahahahaha.  And, yes, I went through the whole period of wonder wondering
how I have made it this far when my family on my mom's side seem to live
such short lives, but God it good and He deserves 100% of the credit.

Please be praying for Rhonda and Mark as we haven't heard from them for
quite a while.  I'm sure they are safe, but I am praying now for
encouragement and provision for them.  My friends in Houston had made
provisional plans in case Rita decides to visit their, but I'm hoping that a
miracle happens and she decides to land in the ocean.  I know, I know, it's
not gonna happen that way.  Anyway, I believe these storms send messages to
the saints.  It won't be long.  Praise the Lord!

I'm re-reading the  Left Behind" series and I'm on book 5.  My, but it is a
breath-taking account of what could be, isn't it?

Love you all so much,
