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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
VIRGIE UNDERWOOD <[log in to unmask]>
Wed, 24 Aug 2005 14:15:54 -0400
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Kathy,
Welcome back!
It is great to hear about your vacation.
I am still praying for you and your family.
Virgie and Hoshi
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 1:23 PM
Subject: Back to stay!

> Hi Guys,
>        Well, I"m back to stay now.  My weekend was a really good one, a
> gift from God.  I was able to leave everything behind and just enjoy
> my music and fellowship with other Christian women.  No calling at
> midnight to make sure that Chris is home or anything.  It was truly
> wonderful.
>        In 69 days, chris turns 18, but we have no idea what that means.
> He
> has been violating the conditions of his probation, especially
> playing fast and loose with curfew.  He has missed a few counselling
> appointments and his girl friend supplies him with cigarettes.  He
> was smoking them in his room, but I think that we have made that
> uncomfortable enough for him so that he either goes in the back yard
> or does it at her house.  By the way, her parents buy the cigarettes
> for her so we can't expect any help from that direction.
>        A few times now, Chris has picked up rides from strangers.  When he
> gets in the car he learns that these men are gay.  They have all
> propositioned him.  I guess that the bike rout that he chooses to
> take home is dubbed, "pickle alley."  Chris always stops by the
> bridge there to relieve himself and that's how he is spotted.  Of
> course, they bring him home which means that people are learning
> where we live.  I fear mostly for Caleb, in case any of these guys
> are of the NAMBLA crowd which makes me very uncomfortable letting him
> play in our front yard.  The probation officer went on vacation,
> without telling us, and won't be back until next week so we just have
> to wait and pray until we can report this stuff.  Chris thinks that
> he is invinsible, so, of course, any talk of the danger that he is in
> is ignored.
>        He has a job now, working at the same pizza-ria that his girl
> friend
> works at, just to keep life interesting.  He thinks that he will save
> up to move out on his own, which would be fine with us, but we don't
> know what the probation officer will say.  We have to wait on that
> one too.  However, so far, Chris has managed to save nothing and he
> still owes us money.  I smell more turbulance brewing somewhere in
> the distance.  A lot of his money has been going for cab fair.  He
> calls a cab, puts the bike in the trunk and goes to town.  Then, we
> aren't sure how often, but he takes a cab   to somewhere near our
> house and then takes the bike out and rides the rest of the way
> home.  He tried telling us that he was tired and that that is why he
> is late, but the truth is that, if he takes the cab, he can stay with
> Nicki longer.  A ride, one way, from Glenburn to Bangor is
> $15.  Brother.  Nicki has demonstrated to us that she is willing to
> lie and cover for him.  This past Sunday, he was more than a half
> hour late.  We called her house and she told us that he had left
> about a half hour earlier and that he thought that his curfew had
> been changed to 1:00 am.  In truth, Chris was still at her house,
> while we were talking on the phone.  Greg went out to look for him,
> thinking that something was wrong, but when he saw a cab go by, Greg
> figured out the truth, but Chris won't admit to it.
>        The vacation out to Michigan was a really nice break for the four
> of
> us.  We took the kids to the beach on Lake Michigan.  There is
> nothing quite like the feel of Lake Michigan sand.  It's almost like
> powdered sugar and it is very deep.  We took Caleb to his first trip
> to the zoo.  We toured a Children's muzeum and spent a day at Fort
> Michila Macinac.
>        My parents 60th anniversary celebration was so great.  It was so
> cool to hear all my siblings talk about how great my parents
> are.  Even my big brothers couldn't keep from breaking down and
> crying when they talked about life in our house growing up.  Uh, I
> mean that in a positive way.  GRIN!   Every single one of us stood up
> and gave thanks that we had been raised in a Christian
> household.  Some of the grand children testified to how my dad
> stepped in as the father figure when my sisters' marriages
> failed.  Afterwords I just kept thinking about how close I came to
> missing everything because I almost chose to stay back in Maine
> because of Chris.  The night before the celebration, Chris had been
> out until 2:00 am and we eventually had to contact Nicki's mother at
> work to go out and look for him.  Nevertheless, I am so thankful to
> the Lord that I was there.  It was truly wonderful!
>        Now, it is back to the grind stone of life as I know it in
> Maine.  Thanks for your prayers and your care.
> God bless,
> Kathy