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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Aug 2005 11:14:04 -0500
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Phil,

Thanks for sharing that with us.

I think you will be getting a phone call some time soon from Donna Bell in
Texas. She's a loving Born Again Christian who is carying around too much
baggage, and I told her about you, and she has actually been to your web
site. She knows about you, and I just called her to give her your phone
number at the bottom of this message.

Paulette and Cecily and I went to school with her. You will love her.

Thanks for the excellent ministry you are doing.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson

At 06:03 PM 8/14/05, you wrote:
>The Angelic Sword
>By Phil Scovell
>      George was on the other end of the phone and having an
>anxiety attack.  I asked him what he was feeling.
>      "I feel terrified and I can't figure out why.  I'm so scared,
>I'm shaking almost uncontrollably."
>      He wasn't exaggerating.  I could literally hear it in his
>voice and I could hear the phone in his hand shaking.  I knew
>exactly the symptoms he described because I had experienced them
>myself.  "Do you want to pray to find out what is behind the
>fear?" I asked.
>      "Yes, please," he said almost desperately.  "I need to know
>what's wrong."
>      We prayed.
>      A silence lasting about 20 seconds fell between us.  Then he
>said, his voice steadier than before, "It's about death."
>      "What about it?" I questioned.
>      "My death.  I'm afraid of dying but I'm a Christian," he
>said; confusion in his voice.
>      I prayed again and asked the Lord to lead us to where this
>fear was rooted.
>      "It's in the horror movie," he said confidence now in his
>      "Which horror movie?" I asked; knowing he had seen many such
>      "The one we have been to before," and he described the scene
>that had frightened him the most.  An ugly tall man was walking up
>some long stairs; his heavy booted feet clunking loudly as he
>came.  The door crashes open and he is pushing a casket in front
>of him coming closer and closer to a woman laying in bed who is
>not dead.  Her terrifying fear was evident.  The ugly man had come
>for her and she wasn't dead yet.  The casket was for her and she
>wasn't dead.
>      "I'm shaking so badly," he reported, "right now that I can
>hardly hold on to the phone."
>      I prayed and asked the Lord to show him the truth about the
>death scene he was remembering in vivid detail.
>      "This is the main place my fear of death is coming from," he
>reported.  "I don't know how I know this but this is the place."
>      "Lord," I prayed out loud, "what is behind the fear of death
>he is feeling?"
>      George said, "Two demons that look like penguins appeared on
>either side of the big ugly man's shoulders.  They are trying to
>tell me I'm going to die like this."
>      "Is that true, Lord Jesus?" I asked.
>      "No," he said he heard a strong voice say.
>      "Do these demons have a right to be hear?" I asked.
>      "Jesus said, no, they have no right to be here," he replied
>after a few seconds.
>      "What shall we do with them, Lord Jesus?" I asked.
>      George began laughing.
>      I asked him what was so funny.
>      "A huge angel just appeared in the room.  He is all white,
>has wings, and is twice the size of any man.  He has a disgusted
>look on his face like he isn't too happy about the circumstances
>he sees."
>      More prayer.
>      "The Lord said to get rid of them," he reported, "and the big
>angel just pulled out a long shiny glittering sword."
>      I began to pray, asking the Lord to give the angel the go
>ahead, but stopped in mid sentence.  I clearly felt the Holy
>Spirit speaking in my thoughts.  "No, you tell him what you want
>him to do with the demons."  I chose different wording, on the
>fly, as it were, and continued.  "In the name of the True Lord
>Jesus Christ, I command the holy angel of the Lord to cut the
>enemies in half."
>      George laughed.  "I never would have believed it if I hadn't
>seen it myself," he said.
>      "What did you see?" I asked.
>      "The angel swung his huge sword and the two penguin looking
>demons were chopped in half," he reported.
>      "What are the demons doing now?" I questioned.
>      "They are running, in four parts, out of the room.  "Hey,"
>George said, "I'm not shaking in more."
>      Is there anything left in the room?"
>      "No, everything is gone but the angel." he reported.
>      "Is there any more fear left?  How do you feel in the memory
>of this scary movie?" I asked.
>      "Everything is peaceful.  It feels like the room, me
>included, is filled up with peace.  I have no fear any more about
>this thing."
>      During this short prayer time, George reported he was
>confused.  I asked him why he felt confused and he reported that
>what he was seeing was a movie.  "How could these things," he
>wanted to know, "be happening in a movie?"
>      I said, "Because you are looking at your memory of the movie
>and not the movie itself."
>      About this point, somebody may be asking how it is that
>demons ended up in this guy's memory of a horror film.  It isn't
>difficult to explain and even easier to understand.  The movie
>created fear; lots of it.  We are commanded by Scripture, "Neither
>give place to the devil," (Ephesians 4:27).  The fear generated by
>the horror flick also created fertile ground in which the Enemy
>could function and he did.
>      Still not convinced?
>      Let's say a young woman was standing at the kitchen sink and
>pealing potatoes for the evening meal.  She was all alone in the
>house.  As she hums contently to herself, a man steps up behind
>her and puts his arms around her.  She smiles because she thinks
>it is her husband.  As the man pulls the knife from her hand and
>holds it to her throat, fear explodes into her mind because she
>realizes it is way to early in the afternoon for her husband to be
>      Without even finishing this story, let me ask this question.
>Isn't this a golden opportunity for the enemy to take advantage of
>this woman's fear?  "Yes, but," you say, "this really happened.
>Your friend, George, watching the horror movie, was only watching
>something that was a fantasy; it never really happened."
>      Ok, let me ask you another question then.  How many different
>types of fear can you identify?  Maybe I should ask first, are
>there different types of fear?  That answer is simple.  Yes, there
>are many different types of fear.  If we can agree on that, then
>let me ask my next question.  Can you name any type of fear that,
>if given the opportunity, the Enemy wouldn't try and take
>advantage?  You see, it makes no difference to the Enemy.  If
>there is an opportunity, he wants to exploit it.
>      Let's take this just one step further.  What if the current
>fear triggers an obscure, or even forgotten event, where similar
>fear was experienced?  That doesn't happen?  Sorry, I pray with
>people daily who have had such experiences and it does happen.
>What to do about it is the real question.
>      In this testimony, the Lord used an angel to bring victory to
>the man's fear.  If we have the authority of the Lord Jesus Christ
>to command demons, do we have authority over the angels, too?
>Bless the LORD, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do
>his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word.  Bless ye
>the LORD, all ye his hosts; ye ministers of
>       his, that do his pleasure.  (Psalm 103:20-21).
>Speaking of angels, the writer of Hebrews says:
>Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for
>them who shall be heirs of salvation?  (Hebrews 1:14).
>      I could, of course, expand into dozens of other verses on
>authority, the heritage we have in Christ, the identity we have in
>Christ, and the authority we have to use His Word but this would
>be a book and not a testimony.  The truth is, we do have such
>authority and in this case, the angel appeared to carry out the
>commands of one of the Lord's servants so George could be set
>      Now, how about you?  Are you free from all fear?  If not,
>call me.
>Safe Place Fellowship
>Phil Scovell
>Denver Colorado USA
>Mountain Time Zone
>Phone:  303-507-5175