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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Vinny Samarco <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 30 Jul 2005 16:10:08 -0700
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Phil,
Thanks for sharing. May the Lord continue to lead and strengthen you as he
leads you further into this ministry.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Phil Scovell" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 29, 2005 5:53 PM
Subject: Raised To Be A Witch

> I have had this for some time but put off posting it to echurch.  It has
> been many months ago since I spent about 5 months praying with this woman
> twice a week.  I think you will enjoy her testimony.
> Raise To Be A Witch
> By Phil Scovell
>      Charlotte, not her real name, is a 32 year old black woman
> whom I met after she found my website.  I am mentioning her ethnic
> heritage only so that you might better understand her testimony of
> healing I am about to describe.
>      Charlotte is, what I call, a low level Satanic Ritual Abuse
> survivor.  by my own definition, this means, she wasn't kidnapped
> as a baby, or a small child, by a Satanic cult, then tortured,
> emotionally fractured into alternate personalities, and mentally
> programmed to respond to certain hand signals and spoken codes.
> She was, on the other hand, and not by choice, raised in
> witchcraft.  She has given her permission to share some of the
> details of her life with you.
>      When Charlotte first called me, she was a very frightened and
> confused young woman.  Her entire life consisted of anxiety and
> panic attacks, voices in her head, fear of crowds, nightmares,
> demonic manifestations, and bazaar physical maladies which stumped
> physicians who could find no cause for her physical infirmities.
>      Charlotte's entire life and bright future, as well as her
> career, had been destroyed.  She had tried finding help in every
> conceivable way including psychiatric, medical, and spiritual.  By
> spiritual, I mean at least two things.  Before her life as a born
> again Christian solidified, she had even sought the advice and
> counsel of mediums and psychics.  Later, as she began attending
> church faithfully, she sought the prayers and counsel and the
> experience of deliverance ministers.  If the reader is unfamiliar
> with the term "Deliverance," it means a person, or group of
> people, who believe God has called them and gifted them to cast
> out unclean spirits.  In some denominations, such people are
> called "Exorcists."  She found no relief in any of her attempts
> for help.  By the way, the word "exorcist" is used in the Bible.
> (See Acts 19:30).
>      At age 18, Charlotte, due to her scholastic abilities, was
> given a scholarship to a private college.  Once enrolled as a
> freshman, everything settled into a normal routine of college
> life.  Unfortunately, she never made it through the first year.
>      One evening, several of the girls were meeting together in a
> student's room of the dorm before going to bed when Charlotte was
> suddenly physically overcome by something that made her body burn
> as if she had been set afire.  The pain and fear were so great,
> she had to crawl on her hands and knees part of the way back to
> her room.  Later, when the symptoms subsided slightly, she was
> able to get to a telephone to call her mother for help.  She was
> picked up shortly thereafter and taken to a doctor.  They could
> not find a thing wrong with her yet the physical aberration
> remained.  Utter fear and panic settled in her mind and body and
> she found it impossible to function normally.  She was placed on
> psychotropic pharmaceuticals and dropped out of school.
>      For the next 14 years, Charlotte frequently returned to
> physicians for strange and weird physical maladies.  she explained
> to me on the telephone that she was a light complected black woman
> but one day, her neck turn black as ink but the rest of her body
> color stayed the same.  Doctors could find nothing wrong.  Another
> time, she felt as if worms or snakes were literally slowly
> crawling around on the inside of her body.  Doctors ran tests and
> x-rays and could find nothing causing the sensation.  These are
> only a couple of examples; there were many more.  She was unable
> to consistently remain employed; finding it difficult to remain on
> the job for any length of time due to her every changing physical
> and emotional and psychological state of mind.
>      Before I met Charlotte, I was praying in my office one day.
> I clearly felt the Lord impressing me to spend more time in prayer
> for myself.  I asked the Lord why and He clearly said in my
> thoughts, "Because, you are going to be dealing more and more with
> the demonic realm."  I had already been doing this with a number
> of people with whom I was praying so the impression I felt I was
> receiving from the Holy Spirit puzzled me until, two weeks later,
> Charlotte called me for the first time.
>      Over a period of about six months, Charlotte and I prayed
> together twice a week.  Her life was more complicated and
> spiritually distorted than anyone I had met to date.  There was
> almost never a prayer session that there wasn't a demonic
> manifestation which presented itself to block the healing The True
> Lord Jesus Christ was bringing into her life.  The demonics often
> spoke through her voice to me or manifested in tangible ways in,
> or tactually, on her physical body.
>      SRA survivors, Satanic Ritual abuse, in my limited
> experience, come in various degrees.  Charlotte, for example, was
> never a member of any cult or occult.  She did not dabble in any
> forms of witchcraft, divination, or in any Satanic rituals.  She
> wasn't Wicca or any other form of aspect of the occult.  She
> didn't practice meditation techniques such as transcendental
> meditation or any other such meditative methodology that can
> easily expose the mind to the demonic realm.  She was never
> involved in any eastern religious practices or beliefs.  She never
> used an Ouija Board.  She did, before understanding Christianity
> and being discipled, visited a number of psychics trying to
> determine what was wrong with her life.  Yet, in our very first
> prayer session, the demonic manifestations began to the degree
> that sometimes even her mouth felt as if it were physically being
> manipulated externally.
>      Many Christians today find it difficult, it not down right
> impossible, to believe that there is really any such thing as SRA
> or Satanic Ritual Abuse.  This is likely due to the numbers of
> fakes and fraud who have paraded before the television cameras in
> large evangelical ministries, making their claims of being
> witches that claimed they were skilled in both the black and white
> arts, warlocks, psychics, remote viewers, former occult shamans,
> witch doctors or medicine men, Wicca masters, devil worshipers,
> voodooists, sorceress, high priests or priestess Satanists,
> cannibals, sword swallowers, glass eaters, acupuncturists, former
> Charismatic pastors, former Roman Catholics, Former Baptist
> pastors, human sacrificers, yoga masters, contortionists, ballet
> dancers, Karate grand masters, former goldfish swallowers, ping
> pong champions, and former red communists, only later to be
> exposed as counterfeits.  A little humor there, of course, but it
> does get a little ridiculous at times, I must admit.  Most
> Christians acknowledge there must be some devil worshippers out
> there because they've heard of Satanic covens, Wiccans, Luciferian
> groups, secret societies such as the Scull and Bones, the
> buildabergera, the Bohemian Grove, Freemasonry, The
> Trilateralists, the Council on Foreign Relations, and Globalists
> of all kinds.  Did I leave anybody out?  Yet, when it comes to
> demonic activity associated with a Christian, Bible Believers
> immediately begin back pedaling.  Some, for that matter, never
> even get on the bicycle in the first place.  In that case, there
> is no need to even consider any back pedaling.  Why?  It is called
> FEAR in capital letters.
>      As I have already mentioned, Charlotte was not a member of
> any Satanic cults but when she was a baby, her mother married a
> man who was involved in all sorts of Satanic practices.  He
> claimed he was a warlock or some crazy thing like that.  She was
> molested as a child.  She was likely dedicated to the Prince of
> Darkness in some type of Satanic ceremony, too, based upon some
> fragments of memories she has.  Honestly, some people will believe
> anything.  Except for Christians, of course, and they often only
> believe what someone taught them without ever once questioning its
> validity.
>      One day, in a prayer session, Charlotte told me that she had
> a brother who was a carpet layer.  Many years after her mother had
> divorced Charlotte's step father, her brother came over to lay
> knew carpet in her mother's living room.  Pulling the old carpet
> up, they found a picture of a large devil's head drawn on the
> floor covering most of the living room area.  Yes, her brother
> removed it before putting down the new carpet.  I could tell you
> much more about Charlotte but perhaps she'll write her own
> testimony some day because it would take a book.  You might like
> to know that Charlotte is walking free now.  The Enemy has no
> control over her life.  She isn't afraid of crowds any longer.
> She no longer hates and wishes to kill her step father.  She has a
> job now which she is able to handle quite well which is something
> she has never been able to do.
>      If you are a Christian who finds such testimonies ridiculous,
> unbiblical, fraudulent, or right down stupid, I invite you to sit
> with me as I pray with people who have these abnormal things
> occurring in their lives.  they are mentally ill?  Oh, really?
> sure, some pastors come up with such ridiculous conclusions, and
> some professionals may have arrived at such a diagnosis and
> treated them medically, gaining some form of normality in their
> lives, but my question then is, what are they doing calling and
> being led by the Lord to me?  I'm not a professional.  I never
> graduated from Bible college.  I only took one psychology class
> when I was in school and diagnosed myself on the spot as neurotic
> and prayed God would never call me into any form of counseling
> ministry.  I have a limited education.  I am not a Deliverance
> Minister nor do I wish to be.  I am not successful.  I've filed
> for bankruptcy twice in my life.  I'm a poor speller.  If it
> weren't for computers and word processors with spell checkers, I
> couldn't even right.  I could probably trace letters if somebody
> showed me how.  On top of everything else, I am also totally
> blind.  Who in their right mind would come to a blind guy for help
> as described in this testimony?  I sure wouldn't.  So, if these
> people, such as Charlotte, and many others with whom I have prayed
> and talked with who have similar demonic manifestations are
> mentally ill, why aren't they being set free?  Can't psychologists
> and psychiatrists deal with such things or do they choose not to
> because of what they have been taught?  I know some licensed
> therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrist who do, in fact, know
> exactly how to pray with such people and do so on a daily bases.
> Shoot, I even know some pastors who work with such people.  Did
> they learned this in medical school or universities or seminaries?
> Not likely.  If you are a Christian, you know the answer to these
> questions.
>      You may think this is an article about demons, unclean
> spirits, devil hunting, or demon possession, something I don't
> even believe in, or maybe you just think this is a brag.  Well, if
> you think the latter, you would be right.  Brag, I mean.  It is a
> brag on Jesus and what He can do through prayer.  The real purpose
> of this testimony isn't to get you to believe in demons; it is to
> get you to believe in prayer in the name of the True Lord Jesus
> Christ.  It won't work for you?  You are listening to the wrong
> voice if you believe that.
>      Oh, one more thing.  I never chose, asked, or requested God
> call me into this ministry.  It is easy for me to plead, at times,
> "Why me, Lord?"  Especially when even Christians choose not to
> believe and label what you do as psycho heresy.  One thing I know
> for a fact.  Jesus is Lord and He utterly changed Charlotte's life
> as a Christian.
> Phil Scovell
> Denver, Colorado
> Mountain Time Zone
> Phone:  303-507-5175