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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Jul 2005 10:19:21 -0600
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Kathy I am sorry for all your going through please know that you are in my
thoughts and prayers.  hugs

Lelia Struve email [log in to unmask] msn [log in to unmask]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Du Bois" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 6:48 AM
Subject: Life in Maine, chapter ?

> Oh Guys,
>        Life can be so wild.  Last night we got a call from our son
> Matthew.  He
> is being evicted from his college housing today because he is no longer
> enrolled.  We knew that he would have to leave in August, but we had hoped
> that, by then, he would have a full time job and a new place to stay so
> that he could continue to make a life for himself in Grand Rapids.  Well,
> he's packing everything up and storing it at a friend's house and will be
> boarding a bus for Maine this afternoon.  We'll have to move the computer
> downstairs so that the office can become what it was originally intended
> to
> be, a fourth bedroom.  Since Chris didn't get home until after midnight
> last night, he doesn't know yet, but it won't be pretty when he finds out.
>        Chris has been doing okay with us this week.  He had a job
> interview at
> McDonalds on Monday, but he hasn't heard anything.  Actually, I'm thinking
> that he may not get the job because he was asked about his grades, which
> aren't good.  I could be wrong, but I think that I heard somewhere that
> McDonalds does like to hire the better students.  Anyway, Chris spends a
> lot of time with Nicki.  I know from phone calls that he is getting more
> involved sexually.  Brother.
>        Something else happened this week that is kind of sad.  Maybe some
> of you
> remember me telling a story about an old guy from our church who
> mistakenly
> thought that he was supposed to read four chapters of Proverbs?  Well,
> anyway, the important point is that he was a dear old guy who had to move
> away from our area and move in with his daughter because he couldn't live
> independently any more.  Anyway, he really missed fellow shipping at our
> church so I made him a prayer shawl as a kind of way of letting him know
> that we still love him and pray for him and miss him.  I finished it on
> Tuesday, but I never got to give it to him because he was killed in a cr
> accident on Wednesday.  I know that he's much better off now with Jesus,
> but I am left just wishing that I could have said goodbye.
>        It's interesting that you guys are talking about memories.  I know
> that
> what is going on with my kids is a result of their choices.  I know that
> Greg and I have really tried to be supportive and offer good advice that
> they just don't want to take.  When I was a kid, I"m the youngest of
> seven,
> I used to have to sit through meals listening to my parents complain about
> all the mistakes that my older siblings were making with there
> lives.  Because I'm a pleaser, I had  always wanted to be the one to
> escape
> from the litany.  I wanted to be the good Christian girl with the good
> husband and good kids.  Well, I really have to struggle against feeling
> like a failure right now in so many areas of my life.  I get so frustrated
> because, all of a sudden, I'll just want to start crying and I can't even
> point to a direct reason why.  I just have to live moment by moment.
> God bless,
> Kathy