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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Phil Scovell <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 18:57:54 -0600
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Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (124 lines)

The past is almost now, meaning one second ago.  No, often what is wrong is
not in our childhood.  Of course, the Enemy knows that children are easy
Their little minds cannot comprehend sin or evil or what's wrong.  This is a
opportunity for the enemy to plant bad seed and this Jesus warned about.
Why do you thing Jesus told us to be as little children?  That's what He
calls us even now.  Paul also said, do not give place to the devil.  He said
this to born again,
Spirit filled, Christians.  Apparently, therefore, giving place to the
even for a Christian, is possible.  A child being molested knows something
is wrong but the perpetrator and the Enemy always implant lies to insure the
perpetrator remains anonymous.  Many with whom I pray have been molested or
even raped as small children.  Yes, they are born again Christians.  Does
this mean the cross has not worked for them and they are not truly born
again?  No, of course not.  Why, when they even just, in passing, think of
the horrible memory, they feel pain, and often feel literal physical pain
from the event, if the cross clear it up at the moment of salvation?  For
example, I have been pray for the passed week with a 51 year old lady who
may be the offspring of her grandfather.  You heard right.  So, as many
decades as this lady as been born again, why is she on medication and why is
she depressed and why does she have sexual problems in her marriage and why
is she sitting in my office crying?  I thought everything in the past is
settled at the cross.  So why is she suffering.  Is the Lord's arm waxed
short in the healing category?  Of course not.  So what's wrong that she
can't live a happy and victorious Christian life?  Is her faith too small?
So if I just teach her things that I think will build up her faith, she'll
feel better?  Believe me, Rhonda, I don't want to feel better; I want to
feel clean and whole and righteous before the Creator of the universe and so
does everybody else.

To show you how something could happen in present day life which could
easily, and quickly, build a foothold, and eventually a stronghold, in the
life of a Christian, let me tell you briefly something I have written about
on my website.

My mom died two years ago, coming up on three now, and she was 80 years old
at the time.  My mother was one of the most Godly women I ever knew.  My dad
died when I was 11 and six months later, I was laying on my back in a
hospital, losing my sight.  Exactly one year to the day of my dad's
unexpected and sudden death, I walked out of the hospital totally blind.

When my mother died, I was expecting it due to her strokes and poor health.
The idiot doctor she had assigned to her wanted to chop off her left leg.
Why?  she had poor circulation.  So what else is knew.  She had been living
that way for years.  I wasn't there when the decision was made to allow the
amputation and even if I had been, I probably would have agreed to have it
done.  Why?  I'm selfish and wanted my mommy to live longer so I could talk
to her and share prayer requests with her.  The amputation was done and she
stroked out 24 hours later.  She had to be put into hospice.  Nine days
later she died.

For about a month laterfollowing her death, I felt in my spirit that
something was wrong.  I prayed and prayed and prayed but could not figure it
out.  I went to old memory events, thinking it was hiding in something back
there, but it wasn't.  Finally, I gave up and turned it over to the Lord to
show me in His own good time.

A favorite basset hound of ours got cancer about this same period of time
and had to be put to sleep.  My mother, and a very good Godly friend of
mine, died a week apart.  Death was very real in my emotions at the time.
This, of course, was normal.  What I felt in my spirit was not normal,

Sitting on the deck with the door close so I couldn't hear them putting
Barney to sleep, I cried like a baby.  Some of my crying was about Barney
but I was smart enough to know some of it was concerning my mother.  Again,
and quite strongly, I knew something was wrong in my spirit.  I asked the
Lord to explain it to me but I was just too emotionally involved with my
circumstances to hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.  Again, I turned it
over to the Lord for a later time.  That time finally came.

It was probably a week following the death of our favorite pet.  I was,
again, on our deck swinging and that funny feeling came to my attention so I
began to pray.  The Lord told me that it was about my mom's death and He
asked me how I felt about her passing.  I said, "I felt bad."

"    What else did you feel," He asked me.

    I said, "I felt like part of it was my fault."

    He said, "And why was that?"

    I answered, "because I should have done something."

    "And what," He said, "should you have done?"

    "I should have stopped them from removing her leg because I knew she was
going to die."

Then the Lord showed me that this was a lie of the Enemy who was trying to
regain a foothold in my life.  I had allowed this thought to appear in my
mind, thinking it was my own thoughts, but it was a lie which the Enemy had
implanted at a time I was easily fooled into thinking it was true.  Think of
it logically at this point.  I could not have done a single thing to change
what happened to my mother but the Enemy tried to implant a little lie to
make me think otherwise.  Jesus clearly spoke to me that day on the deck and
said, "Listen, your mother's life and death was none of your business.  It
was between me and your mom and no one else."  I instantly was set free of
any guilt which, by the way, was the emotion I identified as the most
prominent emotion I had at the time I began praying that day on the deck.
The feeling of guilt led me to the lie.  The minute Jesus exposed it as a
lie, I was blown free of the evil the Enemy was trying to deceive me with.
From that time until now, I have never felt any guilt  about what I could
have done for my mom.  Furthermore, if this would have happened 20 years
ago, I would have embellished the lie, with the help of the Enemy of course,
until it ate me alive emotionally.  In fact, if I would have allowed this
lie to grow, I eventually would have been facing a stronghold.  The enemy
would have easily, by that time, convinced me that my mother's death was
literally my fault for not intervening.  I have seen this happen over and
over and over again in my own life and in the lives of those the Lord brings
to me for prayer.  Rhonda, who do you think the devil's accuses when a woman
gets an abortion?  The woman becomes the victim, doesn't she?  That's not

So, the simple answer to your question, Rhonda, is no.  Not all comes from
our childhood but everything comes from the past because every second that
passes becomes the past.
