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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 19 Feb 2006 22:11:13 -0500
text/plain (65 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I posted questions about taking Calcitonen and the best exercise for 
someone with low bone density in the spine and low normal density in the 
femoral neck.  Here are the responses I received:

"I've had no side effects from it but my bone density hasn't improved.  
the only benefit
you get from it is that it keeps your osteoporosis from progressing."

"I read the other day (and I am sorry not to have the reference; 
probably the NY Times Science Section, but I cannot be sure) that a 
recent study says exercise actually does not increase bone density. 
Exercise is, however, good for building muscle, strength, balance, 
flexibility and so forth. Those things make falls less hazardous 
because you are more able to catch yourself and reduce the harm when 
you do fall. Such benefits, the researchers say, account for the fact 
that people who exercise have fewer fractures."

"I teach yoga for Osteoporosis.
The best book is "Walk Tall" - or it may be listed as
"Walk Tall!" on Amazon.com, by Sara Meeks.

She was my instructor for Yoga for Osteoporosis
and Osteopenia."

"I also have osteoporosis.  I take vitamin D, calcium, L Glutamine, and  
horsetail (supposed to be good for joints and connecting tissue) for my  
bones.  I walk almost every day 2-3 miles and occasionally 5 miles.  In  
addition, I feel my Tai Chi exercises give me added movement in the  
spine without damaging my bones.  Check it out."

"I hope you have been on a GF diet for about a year before taking any of 
the specific drugs.  If not, you might want to wait.  Many of them take 
calcium out of the blood to put it in the bones; lack of blood calcium can 
affect negatively other organs, especially the heart.  If you are not 
absorbing completely (i.e., all healed in the small intestine), then 
taking the drugs can be risky.  This is from Columbia University CD 
program.  In the meantime, use calcium & vitamin D and do weight bearing 
exercises.  Good luck."

"Our celiac dau. is borderline for rickets, and from what we have
read magnesium should be taken with calcium at half the dose
(1200 cal, 600 mag) and the 1000 Vit D.  She also takes a Tbsp. of bonemeal
a day to get the phosphorus and trace minerals because bone matrix
is half phosphorus.  This regimen has gotten rid of her bone pain of 
years duration and she has started growing again in height and shoe size.
I'm not a doctor but this is what we learned reading the Merck Manual (a
standard medical reference available in libraries and for $10 at Barnes &

Our pastor's daughter was told by her orthopedic surgeon to also take 
Boron to help knit a fracture after the doctor pinned it."

Another person also sent a few documents on osteoporosis.

Thanks again to all who responded.  I appreciate your help.


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