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Thomas Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 9 Jun 2005 22:55:19 +0900
text/plain (28 lines)
On Thursday, June 9, 2005, at 10:04  PM, Todd Moody wrote:

> "I have been asked to summarize in a single sentence what would best
> promote health. It is this: Health and lifespan is determined by the
> proportion of fat versus sugar people burn throughout their lifetime.
> The more fat that one burns as fuel, the healthier the person will be,
> and the more likely they will live a long time. The more sugar a person
> burns, the more disease ridden and the shorter a lifespan a person is
> likely to have."
> Todd Moody
> [log in to unmask]

Well, it makes sense to me, but I have seen very little evidence that
supports this scientifically. Certainly I feel better physically when I
am doing low carb high fat. Most of the so called high fat experiments
I have seen call 45% high fat. A few go up to 65%, for a few weeks. Not
long enough to teach us much either way. So we are stuck with anecdote,
of which there are endless numbers on both sides. I think that for the
near future, we are going to have to go with personal feeling.

By the way, I recall you saying that you had tried extreme high fat low
carb diets for extended periods, but still felt you were not losing
excess weight like you wanted. I am not at all sure that nature hasn't
designed us to add a bit of extra gut as we age. It is one of the