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Pat Ferguson <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Echurch-USA The Electronic Church <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 25 Aug 2005 12:01:02 -0500
text/plain (65 lines)
Brad, I'm praying for Brenda, and for your Uncle and for you and all your

Brenda might need longer than 2 weeks for recovery, as this lifting thing
is pretty serious after such a major surgery. Usually, it's 5 pounds to
start with, and then a month or so later, 10 pounds. I know when Vernon had
his surgery, I wouldn't even let him carry grocery bags for about 2 months.

Since they had to make the larger incision, you are right, the recovery
time will be longer.

I've known women who have over done it after histerectomies, and they had
complications as a result of lifting too much too soon. <smile>

Please tell Brenda she is loving! and that we're keeping her in our
thoughts and prayers.

Please keep us posted.

Love and Blessings,
Pat Ferguson

At 12:09 AM 8/25/05, you wrote:
>First off, as I mentioned in an earlier post, my wife went in for surgery
>today. I'll warn you of a hack job on the spelling coming up *smile*. She
>went in for removal of the uterus which contained a fibroid. The plan was
>to make thre very small incisions and remove the unneeded parts through
>nature's path . I digress. The doctor in turn had to make a larger
>incision in the abdomen for removal as he said the fibroid was in his
>words, "huge". How huge I don't know. This will increase her recovery time
>and restrictions so prayer is appreciated on that as she scheduled herself
>off of work for two and a half weeks all up and then having some hired
>help come in as needed for lifting and etc. They say 6 to 8 weeks for not
>returning to work generally. Additionally they removed  one of the ovaries
>due to anamitriosis I believe pronounced, anna-me-tree-osis. Non-cancerous
>lining of the womb which grew into the ovary. So overall things went well.
>She was feeling rather out of it yet when I left her but doing very well
>from what I expected.
>Now, onto another medical issue in our family. Some time ago I asked for
>prayer for an uncle of mine who had throat cancer. He was doing well after
>quite a battle, but now again in the hospital and he is refusing
>treatments and does not want to go through it all again. He has said he'd
>rather just let it up to Jesus at this point. They are, of course, trying
>to convince him to try it, but he is just tired of fighting it all. God's
>will be done. They said if he doesn't have treatment that he doesn't have
>real long. I don't know what that means. When my wife gets up to speed on
>her recovery, I would like to ride down to Milwaukee area for a visit.
>I've not seen or talked with him since my brother's funeral in 98. This is
>the guy who not only encouraged me, but inspired me to play guitar and I
>am extremely grateful for that.
>On a more lighter side, minus a couple small items, the refinishing of our
>lower level is done. I have yet to glue down a few trim pieces, install a
>few base cove mouldings, build a in-wall shelf/box for a TV and fix two
>blasted plumbing joints that I can't get to stop dripping. The day care is
>moved down there and ready for final inspection next week. I am so glad it
>is done, and now have an office of my own on the main floor. I am really
>jazzed about that and it will be very nice when things pick up here in a
>couple weeks.
>Thanks for praying as needed.