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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 25 Dec 2006 08:31:47 EST
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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I pray and wish that you and all you hold dear, a very merry, happy,  
peaceful, wonderful Christmas to fill your home and stay with you every day  of the 
New Year and always. I pray and wish for peace all through the world  always.   
                                  FORGIVE & ALWAYS BE MENTALLY HEALTHY 
Forgive and be tolerant of  ourselves, everyone and everything. To forgive is 
the highest, most beautiful  form of love. Forgiveness is healing. If others 
have mistreated you, they have  acted out of ignorance. Can you not forgive 
ignorance? Mary Baker Eddy said, "An  intelligent person will never insult me 
and no other can." Maturity is the  ability to bear an injustice without wanting 
to get even. Hate and revenge on  someone, will cause you to be mentally ill. 
You will never be happy unless you  have your mind free of hate. Martin 
Luther King, Jr., wrote, 
"Nonviolence means avoiding not only external violence but also internal  
violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate  
him." The victim who will not forgive, will often live in psychological bondage 
 to the victimizer, leading to a kind of paralysis. To forgive is to set a  
prisoner free and the prisoner is you. A proverb says that when you seek 
revenge  on someone you had better dig two graves. One grave is for the person upon 
you  seek revenge and one grave is for yourself. Learn to love, forgive and 
help your  enemies.                                    
In Anglo-Saxon times,  Christmas was referred to as geol, from which the 
current English word 'Yule' is  derived. The word "Christmas" is a contraction 
meaning "Christ's mass." It is  derived from the Middle English Christemasse and 
Old English Cristes mæsse, a  phrase first recorded in 1038. The words for 
the holiday in Spanish (navidad),  Portuguese (natal), and French (noël) refer 
more explicitly to the Nativity. In  contrast, the German name Weihnachten 
means simply "hallowed  night."
Christmas is sometimes shortened to Xmas, an abbreviation that has a  long 
history.In early Greek versions of the New Testament, the letter (chi), is  the 
first letter of Christ. Since the mid-sixteenth century Χ, or the similar  
Roman letter X, was used as an abbreviation for Christ.
Many nations  distribute stamps each year to commemorate Christmas. Christmas 
Christmas celebrations include a great number and variety of  customs with 
either secular, religious, or national aspects which vary from  country to 
In the Southern Hemisphere, Christmas occurs during the  summer. This clashes 
with the traditional winter iconography, resulting in  images such as a 
fur-coated Santa Claus surfing in for a turkey barbecue on  Australia's Bondi 
Beach. New Zealanders also commonly celebrate Christmas at the  beach, coinciding 
with the vibrant red flowering of the coastal Pohutukawa or  "New Zealand 
Christmas Tree".
Japan has adopted Santa Claus for its secular  Christmas celebration, but New 
Year's Day is a far more important holiday. In  South Korea Christmas is 
celebrated as an official holiday, and in India it is  often called bada din ("the 
big day"). Celebrations revolve around Santa Claus  and shopping.
In Poland, Santa Claus gives gifts on two occasions: on the  night of 
December 5 (so that children find them on the morning of December 6),  and on 
Christmas Eve (so that children find gifts that same day). In addition to  the major 
observances of Christmas, German children also put shoes out at their  doors 
on the night of December 5, and find them filled with candy and small  gifts 
the next morning. Santa Claus or Father Winter also visits  Hungary on December 
6, bringing small gifts, and is often accompanied by a black  creature; while 
on Christmas Eve, Holy Night , Jesus delivers the  presents.
In Spain, gifts are brought by the Magi on Epiphany (January 6),  and in 
Scotland, presents were traditionally given on New Year's Eve. In  recent times, 
both countries have also adopted gift-giving on Christmas  Eve/Christmas Day. 
In England and Wales, children traditionally hang up a  stocking on Christmas 
eve (December 24), into which Father Christmas places  gifts which are 
discovered and opened on December 25.
The Declaration of  Christmas Peace has been a tradition in Finland from the 
Middle Ages every year,  except in 1939 (due to World War II). The declaration 
takes place in the Old  Great Square of Turku, Finland's official Christmas 
City and former capital. It  is broadcast on Finnish radio and television. 
Sauna bathing has an important  role in Finnish Christmas, often on Christmas Eve.
Saint Nicholas' Day  remains the principal day for gift giving in the 
Netherlands while Christmas Day  is a more religious holiday.
In Russia, Grandfather Frost brings presents on  New Year's Eve, and these 
are opened on the same night. However, after the  Russian Revolution, Christmas 
celebration was banned in that country from 1917  until 1992. Even today, 
throughout the U.S. and Europe, several Christian  denominations, notably the 
Jehovah's Witnesses, Puritans, and some  fundamentalists, view Christmas as a 
pagan holiday not sanctioned by the  Bible.
You are beautiful. I love  you.                           
Dr. Bernarr, D.C., D.D.   God Healing, Inc.   Natural  Hygiene Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 1523 Santa Monica California 90406 USA  Telephone:  310-396-2914     
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