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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Wally Day <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 16 Jun 2005 17:21:44 -0600
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
> Hello All!

Greetings. Don't take this the wrong way, but the name spelling I see -
Shadoh, rhandi - reminds me of the Steve Martin movie "LA Story". And,
ironically, you live near LA.

As far as the diet is concerned, I think you are starting out right with
your avoidance of "recipes" and eating schedules. Over the years I've come
to the conclusion that the only two "constants", if you will, with Paleo
eating are meat (or fish, or insects, or whatever), and minimal processing.
It seems that beyond that, nobody is really on the same page. Some eat
almost all meat and very little vegetable matter; while others feast on
salads, fruits, veggies, and nuts while using meat almost like a condiment.
Me? I'm kinda in the middle. Sometimes I crave meat and eat it ravenously,
other times it's just a side dish. Variety - and chaos - is the spice of

I suggest trying to avoid numbers as much as possible. Tracking percentages
of this, that, and what-not in the diet is *not* something a paleo
hunter-gatherer would have done. Just follow Ray's basic premise of "naked
with a sharp stick", and you should do fine.

> And what helps to keep going when
> doing this diet, WOL all by yourself?

It can be trying at times. There's a huge amount of temptation around us at
all times. There's a lot of non-paleo food I love, and I'm sure that's the
case for everyone on this list. I cheat at times. A beer or glass of wine
occasionally, maybe some cheese, a few potato chips. I think if one does
not go overboard there is little harm done. (Of course, some have adopted
this WOE because of physical conditions or diseases that don't allow
cheating. They *have* to be far more strict than I).

As far as other situations, just try to make the best of it. I find very
few restaurants that are entirely un-paleo, and during family gatherings
it's usually possible to stay within paleo boundaries, even if it means a
heaping plate of meat and a handful of nuts.