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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 11 Oct 2005 20:22:03 -0700
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Valerie WELLS <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (77 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Well,,,my brother was on meds that began a 'side effect',,,and I talked and
talked until I was 'blue' in the face about the fact that I have
Celiac/Sprue Disease,,,and to get him tested,,,,,'well he doesn't have any
bowl symptoms,,,or symptoms,,,and then they said,,,well,,,we have to leave
something for his family dr to test,,,,,so,,,I gave up,,and of course no on
in my family is getting tested!!!! And,,,my husband has CD as well,,,and no
one in his family is getting tested,,either.  I do wonder about what you
have stated,,,as my husband seemed 'grumpy' all the time,,,and then,,,,he
was originally 'found' based on blood work,,etc,,and 'heart related'
symptoms,,,,but I noticed I had a 'new husband!'  He was 'happier,,,and
funner!'  ,,diane, Iowa
Hi, Valerie.
For years my mother was a sober and recovering alcoholic. There would be
times when she behaved as if she had been drinking-- the slow speech and
droopy eyelids and sleepy look-- yet, I would know without a doubt that she
had not, as she had been at my house. I kept telling myself that I imagined
this behavior on her part, but in those final years before we found out
about our celiac disease, I came to believe I did not imagine it. Then we
found out about the celiac and began the gluten-free diet. My gosh, she
became bright as a penny. So clear and happy. And guess what? In those first
years, I knew when she got gluten, because she would have the
'drink-acting' spells. Always she would mention how she had slipped up and
accidently gotten the gluten. Mystery solved.  I have heard that gluten can
be a factor for austic individuals, as well.
[My reply:]
You've just reminded me of something I'd almost forgotten!  Before I went
GF, my kids used to . . . tell me I looked & acted like I was drunk!  I can
even remember sometimes when my speech was actually slurred!  I even have a
family picture from back then & YES, I definitely look drunk!  And I've
never had a drink in my life!
Celiac disease and schizophrenia may not be related per say, but their genes
are next to (close) each other.  This is the same with Autism. What happens
is celiac disease is a mutation of a gene and when it is mutating other
genes nearby are probably affected.  This could explain why the gluten free
diet may also alleviate symptoms of autism and schizophrenia.  I hope this
helps and I hope your son is motivated to stick with the diet!  I work with
patients with schizophrenia and he is
lucky that he is able to control the symptoms with the diet.  Colleen
Farrell, clinical researcher
My brother had schizophrenia (he took his own life after 5 years).  I read a
lot on the disease at the time.  Some thought that it was a malabsorbtion of
some of the vitamin B's, I think B12.  Which would make sense with celiac
disease as you do not absorb the vitamins properly.  I also know of one
autistic child who made huge improvements on the gluten free/dairy free
diet.  She is like a
different child now.  I also had a call from a mother whose son made huge
improvements in behavior (he's autistic) on the gf diet.  It makes sense
when  you think of it.  If your body is not able to absorb properly due to
damaged villi, then your risk of developing diseases is greater.  I wish
that the mental hospitals would put everyone on a gluten free diet and see
what percentage improved or were healed.  It would be amazing and a huge
savings to Medicare if even a few were helped by this.  Caroline
I was amazed how quickly your son responded to he gluten free diet! Mary
[We were both surprized!  It was amazing.  He had failed the same remedial
math class twice.  It was at the very beginning of taking it for the third
time when he started the GF diet.  The day before he started the diet, he
couldn't do math.  The day after he started the diet suddenly everything
made sense.  I well remember him saying, "It's so easy now!"  He went on to
be the math & science whiz kid & was even hired by his teacher to be his
personal teaching assistant! Valerie]
All us on this list are chronically ill.  All this talk about illness &
mental problems reminds me of something one of my favorite nursing
instructors drilled into our heads:


She was brilliant!

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