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Andy Baracco <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 3 Sep 2005 21:31:03 -0700
text/plain (51 lines)
i am forwarding this largely because i am surprised at the lack of such
postings on this list.  i have read postings on other lists decrying the
lack of publicized ham activity surrounding the Katrina tragedy.

>From: ka4uiv <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: some recent info. on ham radio response to katrina
>To: [log in to unmask]
>I just received the following update on the response to Katrina.
>73 Charlie AE4UX
>The on-the-ground situation in SE Louisiana and SW Mississippi is as bad as
>television is reporting.  Neither state is permitting disaster relief
>agencies into the affected areas except on a very limited basis and only
>then where conditions are stable.  Nearly everyone is still staging as
>close by as possible and waiting.
>The Louisiana SM (Mickey Cox K5MC) and SEC (Gary Stratton K5GLS) are in
>communications with state officials, who have directed them to NOT
>advertise for volunteers.  Some volunteers have been requested, and these
>are being staged at the state EOC.
>The situation for the Mississippi SM and SEC, Malcolm Keown W5XX, in
>Vicksburg MS is very uncertain.  His station is completely on the ground
>and EchoLink repeaters in the area are off-the-air.  Attempts to contact
>Assistant SMs have been unsuccessful.
>An Amateur Radio operator registration web site has been setup and
>is ready to go public when approval is received.  Some Amateur Radio
>operators are known to be traveling towards the affected areas with
>emergency services and disaster relief agencies as dedicated communications
>Despite everyone's nearly overwhelming desire to help, about all we can do
>right now is to make preparations for a prompt response when the officials
>finally give their approval.  None of us know when that will occur.
>Jerry Reimer, KK5CA
>South Texas
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