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Harvey Heagy <[log in to unmask]>
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Harvey Heagy <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 12 Mar 2005 12:37:16 -0600
text/plain (26 lines)
As a person who was formerly in broadcasting myself, I agree with you.  and
what is even more sad about this is that these changes are not listener
generated.  They have come about because of corporate ownerships which the
FCC totally let get out of hand at first with their M.L.A.'s and then by
allowing multi-ownership of stations within the same market putting far too
much power in too few hands.  There are virtually no full service small
market stations left.  As a direct result, would be personalities have lost
their training ground which along with so-called Affirmative Action, has in
turn lead to the deterioration of broadcasting in larger markets.  The
listeners have overwhelmingly shown whenever they have been given the
opportunity to do so that they want personality back on the air, but the
self serving mega corporations know that if one brings it back, they will
all have to do so and thereby start paying their way again instead of
getting by cheaply as they now do.  Even if an independent stations does
bring back personality radio, the best it can do in a medium to large market
is be a thorn in the corporate ownership's side as they can't hope to
compete with these large conglomerates that can offer cheaper advertising
packages for less professional product.They can hire comparatively minimum
wage people to point and click cheaper than they can true professionals.
And with more choices available to the listener, this should be a time when
commercial on air broadcasting should be working harder to keep its
listeners instead of getting fat and lazy.  As I have said before,
broadcasting has been ruined by the 3 C's: computers, consultants and
corporitization.  73.
Harvey (N.5.H.A.U.)