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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 6 Aug 2005 01:58:04 +0000
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Part 1- Antibiotic Prophylaxis for dental work due to MVP diagnosis.
My letter about 5 weeks ago asked for suggestions for antibiotic prophylaxis for mitral valve prolapse due to complications after taking 2000 mg of Amoxicillin prior to each dental appt.  Complications were immediate diarrhea, stomach pain, systemic candida, bacterial overgrowth with no good bacteria left, malabsorption, weight loss of 25lbs in 6 weeks going down to 98lbs, and extreme lack of energy.  It has taken almost two years to feel better and no dental appts for 18 months.
I received 24 replies as follows:
1.  Got sick every time I went to the dentist. Finally a dentist who used no flavorings or medication aside from basic anesthetics.  Did not use flouride pastes or local pre-anesthetics because of flavoring issues.
2.  Different antibiotic or different manufacturer.  Take probiotics beforehand. ( I always take 30 billion probiotics each night and twice daily when I went to the dentist).
3.  Person previously took smaller doses of antibiotics for 3 days before and after dental work, so try smaller doses spaced out.  ? of an injection which should by pass the digestive tract.  ( I also took the smaller doses for 3 days and then the recommendations changed).
4.  Different antibiotic, different dose.  Why such a high dose? ( The Amoxicillin 200mg is the standard dose for prophylaxis for heart defects to prevent endocarditis).
5.  Dentist, whom person just saw stated American Dental Association guidelines for prophylaxis for dental work just changed and they are not requiring it as much as before.  Also person's cardiologist said the risks of antibiotics ( person is allergic to some things) for this person were greater than the danger of dental work and just be aware that if get sick after dental work should be checked out by MD immediately.  Maybe check with other dentists and docs to see what their guidelines are at the present time.
6.  Reaction sounds typical for Amoxicillin even for people without celiac, though perhaps somewhat more rapid than usual.  That is likely due to the extremely high dose.  ? refuse to take it again.  Ask cardiologist to provide you with an alternative to amoxicillin.  ?cleocin, levaquin-person had drug induced myalgia from this, omnicef-gf last time checked but risk of overgrowth of clostridium difficile which can cause antibiotic induced colitis.
7.  Had this happen with one brand.  Changed brand of Amoxicillin-brown and yellow with legend rx 655 works for me.

Robin in Massachusetts  Summary to be continued.   Note: Comments in parenthesis are my own comments.

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