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Sat, 25 Feb 2006 16:04:57 -0500
text/plain (24 lines)
Hi all,
Well folks, we got a blind man in Grand Rapids, Mi. who's a friend of myne and he wants to get an apple with voiceover.
However, I need to know, are there any users on this list who could get back with me?
I'll put you intouch with Wally, my friend.
This is gonna change his who world, I know that.
Is it version 10 of Tiger now?
He doesn't want to buy it if it doesn't do the job and speak everything he wants to do.
He's scared that when he brings it home that he won't be able to get the help with it he needs.
Is there a tutorial built in to Tiger and voiceover?
I don't want him to plunk down $900 for a computer, scanner, printer, etc. unless voiceover will speak stuff.
He wants to do internet browsing, and download music, since he's an organist and pianist for 40 years now.
He wants to scan and read and also print stuff, and also do word processing and email and studio work eventually.  It has it's own audio player, right?  Does it work with real player and winamp?
So folks, let's get another blind guy out of darkness, will ya help me get him onto the information super highway?
Yours as we help,

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