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"Kendall D. Corbett" <[log in to unmask]>
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Cerebral Palsy List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Nov 2006 14:55:22 -0700
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Breaking news from the ITEM Coalition on power mobility devices.


The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress
depends on the unreasonable man.

-George Bernard Shaw 1856-1950

Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 13:46:16 -0500
From: Justice For All Moderator <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Action Alert: Important Changes to Wheelchair Coverage Policy

Action Alert: Important Changes to Wheelchair Coverage Policy
 - Access Concerns Remain

Dear ITEM Coalition Members and Friends:

As a result of incredible advocacy on the part of many
stakeholders, Medicare has again made changes to the new local
coverage determination (LCD) for power mobility devices (PMD) that
will alleviate additional consumer access concerns. Specifically,
the recent changes eliminate a requirement that an individual be
"unable to independently stand and pivot" in order to qualify for
access to high functioning mobility devices. You should all be
proud of winning this significant battle - but the war is far from


In August, Medicare issued a final LCD for power mobility devices.
The new LCD will implement a series of new payment codes for power
wheelchairs and scooters, and create coverage standards for
devices with functional capabilities that place them into 6
"groups." (Only Group 1 (lowest functioning), Group 2, Group 3
(higher functioning) and Group 5 (pediatric) power wheelchairs
will be covered by Medicare.)

The original policy had three major problems:
* First, the policy would have significantly "downcoded" the
  Medicare wheelchair benefit placing many individuals into
  inadequate and often unsafe power wheelchairs;

* Second, the new policy required that a beneficiary be unable to
  "stand and pivot" in order to qualify for the highest
  functioning chair (Group 3) - a standard that fails to take into
  account the functional needs of individuals, especially those
  who may be able to stand and pivot but need a Group 3 device to
  participate in their daily activities; and

* Third, the policy implemented a more restrictive definition of
  the "in the home" restriction by denying access to wheelchairs
  that have capabilities which are deemed unnecessary for indoor

Changes to Policy:

* On September 20, 2006, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
  Services (CMS) released "clarifications" to the LCD alleviating
  some of the access concerns associated with downcoding from
  Group 2 to Group 1 wheelchairs. This downcoding was of great
  concern because many individuals with disabilities could have
  been placed in inadequate and often unsafe mobility devices.

* On November 1, 2006, CMS made additional changes to the LCD that
  removed the requirement that an individual must be unable to
  "stand and pivot" in order to qualify for the higher functioning
  power wheelchair (Group 3). The revised criterion now states
  that in order to qualify for a Group 3 wheelchair "the patient's
  mobility limitation is due to a neurological condition,
  myopathy, or congenital skeletal deformity." The final policy is
  posted at

Problems that Remain:

* Although CMS has made positive changes to the recent LCD, the
  policy continues to be misguided in important ways. This is
  primarily due to the fact the Medicare's long-standing and
  discriminatory "in the home" policy remains in place and is even
  more prominent in coverage standards than ever before! As long
  as this harmful restriction remain in place, Medicare will
  continue to deny individuals with mobility impairments the
  devices necessary to meet their functional needs  both inside
  and outside of their homes.

* Medicare has recently issued new reimbursement levels for power
  wheelchairs that seriously cut payments to providers for many of
  the high functioning power wheelchairs. The reimbursement cuts
  are scheduled to take effect on November 15, 2006 and many
  providers indicate they will not be able to continue supplying
  such devices to Medicare beneficiaries. Therefore, these
  reimbursement cuts will create significant access problems for
  beneficiaries requiring high functioning mobility devices.


Although the recent changes to the LCD are important improvements,
we must continue to advocate for a reasonable Medicare wheelchair
policy. This policy must reflect the true functional needs of
individuals with mobility impairments and recognize the important
role of wheelchairs and other assistive devices in the goal of
independent living for people with disabilities.

Please call your Members of Congress toll-free at 1-877-224-0041
and ask them to:

1. Support legislation to eliminate Medicare's "in the home"
   restriction on mobility devices (S. 3677/H.R. 5983). Without
   enactment of this important legislation, Medicare may continue
   to utilize this discriminatory coverage restriction which
   prevents access to appropriate mobility devices for people with

2. Contact Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Leavitt and
   ask him to take action on the "in the home" restriction. The
   agency has the authority to determine how Medicare interprets
   this language and we need to continue asking the HHS Secretary
   to change this policy.

3. Press Medicare to seriously examine the impact of the new
   reimbursement cuts on individuals requiring high-functioning

*Please contact Emily Niederman at the ITEM Coalition at
 (202) 349-4260 with any questions.
Thank you for your advocacy!



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