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ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Thu, 28 Apr 2005 18:43:36 -0700
text/plain (204 lines)
finding a doctor that treated adults with cp took me
from 1994-2001. it is not easy.

--- greta von der luft <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hello,
> I just did reverse area code look up, I think you
> live in MO, so this may not help you much.  I have
> found two things in my area (PA). The local
> Children's Hospital (Children's Hospital of
> Philadelphia) grandfathers in adults with CP.
> Perhaps your local children's hospital does as well.
> Two there is an ortho doc here named Pizzutillo,
> Peter who sometimes grandfathers in adults as well.
> But that does not help you much if you really live
> in MO.
> Sorry about the school thing. Your local Education
> law center may help you with access to your college.
> Hope all goes well and Good Luck.
> Greta
>   ----- Original Message -----
>   From: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>   To:
[log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
>   Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 6:43 PM
>   Subject: The big update ~CJ
>   Hiya,
>         I'mmmmm baaaaaaaack. Aren't you  thrilled?
> I've had a lot of big stuff
>   going on lately thus the update. I know  there
> have been a lot of emails and
>   atempted phone calls from people wondering  if I'd
> fallen off the face of the
>   earth.
>   Unfortunately, I've hit an unusally rough patch
> the past few  months. While
>   I've always been convinced that April is a black
> whole, things  have been
>   actually going down hill since Feb. Because of all
> the health issues  I've pretty
>   much failed my school semester and will have to
> repeat it. I've also  had to
>   stop with the volunteering and mentoring programs
> for now.
>   I continue to sturggle greatly with headaches and
> have been in and  out of
>   the ER more often. Along with constant dizzy
> spells which make it hard to  focus
>   on anything. A few weeks ago we went to my
> allergist and found out that
>   because of my severe allergies, to everything
> green or even slightly spring
>   related, I am only breathing at 70% of my total
> lung compacity, which totally
>   explains the constant dizzy, falling down thing.
> So we had to start meds for  that
>   and fight to get the meds covered because medicaid
> and medicare are really
>   really bad about covering prescriptions. So,
> obviously everything is taking
>   more  time to get started.
>   For those who don't remember, in Jan. 2004 I
> suffered a major knee  injury on
>   my college campus. I got my left leg caught trying
> to get my  wheelchair
>   through a non automatic door and ended up tearing
> my knee. We have  been trying to
>   sue the college for not following ADA law in
> regards to having  enough
>   accessiblle entrances.  For that purpose we've
> been  fighting to locate a doctor who
>   would treat me. Most orthopedists wouldn't treat
> the knee injury because
>   they wanted to blame it on my Cereral Palsy. As a
> result I basically lost my
>   mobilty and have become 95% wheelchair bound. We
> also  had to drop the lawsuit
>   because we couldn't get a doctor to say that the
> tear in  my knee was not a
>   result of cerebral palsy. I literally called all
> over the  country to find a
>   doctor who sess Cerebral palsy patients as adults.
> There are  sooooo few as it is
>   still largely mislabled as a pediatric condition.
>   Anyway we finally found a fantastic doctor and saw
> him a week  or so ago.. He
>   did confirm that my knee was torn as a result of
> the door injury.  That it
>   has nothing to do with my cerebral palsy and that
> my fuction tests are
>   decreased to the point of almost zero function on
> my left leg. This is great  news for
>   going forward with the lawsuit. The bad news is, I
> now need major knee
>   surgery to help keep my knee from collapsing
> whenever I stand. They will take my
>   outer knee muscle, stretch it so it's pulled tight
> over the bone. Then  take
>   donor tissue, and wrap it around the muscle tight
> to re-inforce it and  then
>   screw it to my bone with 2 metal screws. It's a
> pretty big deal. They  doctor
>   said 3-6 months of rehab PT again everyday,
> casting, leg bracing, and  pain
>   management. We're not sure what the end result
> will be because the tear has  healed
>   incorrectly. We just have to pray that I can
> regain my mobility. Our  house
>   is not by any means accessible and if I became
> totally  wheelchair bound there
>   is no way my mom or anyone could take care of me
> here.  The knee surgery is
>   now scheduled for May 16th and will of course
> require a  hospital stay. Knee
>   surgery means no summer classes and no  trip for
> my oxygen therapy in May as we
>   had hoped.
>   I also went to see a new ENT doctor because of all
> the breathing  issues I've
>   been having. I've basically been on antibiotics
> non stop for 2  months now.
>   It turns out that they need to do a sinus
> reconstruction on me. So  more
>   surgery. We scheduled that for May 2nd. I'm not to
> thrilled about the date  since
>   that's the day we found out about my father's
> death, but I'm  trying not to
>   believe in bad omens.
>   I really just need to stay positive and pray a lot
> about all  of this. The
>   main scary thing is that I don't handle anesthesia
> well. Everytime  I have
>   surgery they have trouble bringing me out. When I
> was 7 I slept for 48  hrs. At 12.
>   I didn't come out  for 16 hrs, and when I had my
> last surgery I  coded on the
>   table and was legally dead for 2 mins. Still I
> know these surgeries  have to
>   be done.. and soon with all the medicaid/Medicare
> cuts. It's jut going  to be
>   a pretty painful spring and summer.  I know I'll
> be fine and get  through it,
>   it's just a little daunting at the moment.
>   I'm sorry if all of this sounds like one droning,
> depressing  medical report
>   but this is my life right now. School,
> voluterring, work, and  social things
>   are all just imppossible right now with so much
> going on. As  always I thank
>   god for the internet. Even though it's been a yr
> or more since  I've seen any of
>   my friends at least we can stay in touch this way.
> As always I  pray that one
>   day I'll be able to travel and see everyone again
> under happier
>   circumstances.
>   This Saturday, April 30th, is my 24th birthday. If
> you pray or just  hope
>   it'd be great if we could all share in the hope
> that all of these medical
>   procedures will lead me to a much healthier next
> year of life.
>   Oh one more thing. Due to lack of funds I have
> disconnected my  house phone.
>   Feel free to call me on my cell anytime. (314)
> 550-1419
>   I love and miss you all more then I can say and I
> pray for your  good health
>   always!
>   CJ aka Christina Jo
>   "Blood to blood I summon thee. Bring back the
> power  of three!" ~Piper
>   "Charmed Again"
>   Believer  in the only TRUE power of 3... LOVE,

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