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Richard Fiorello <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Blind-Hams For blind ham radio operators <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 28 Jun 2005 22:02:14 -0400
text/plain (48 lines)
My arm gets tired hearing about it but its a good alternative.  Although
there is logging software that works it can be a pain if the clubs computer
isn't set up with something that's easy to use.  A slate is so much cheaper
than a laptop.  You won't stimulate the economy that way.
----- Original Message -----
From: <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 28, 2005 5:47 AM
Subject: Re: field day

Message-Id: <[]>

HOward wrote,
   >Now you are a real man!!!  Loging with a slate and keeping up
   >That's wonderful!!!
NOt really.  Just callsign class and section.  NOt difficult at all.
I use grade 1 for this type of thing, no number sign needed, use the
equal sign or full cell to separate callsign from class and section
which run together.  Not hard at all.  I could get two or three
contacts on a line that way.  NOw I was doing the hunt and pounce then
so it was easier, but I've done it when I was calling and working a
pile too.  OUr computers over at the club aren't equipped with any
access technology so my xyl does logging for me, but often she'll be
away at the little room or making us a coffee or food run and I just
do the slate.

OFtentimes I take written traffic with a slate just to keep in
practice.  One should keep one's slate skills up, it's the true blind
man's equivalent to a pencil.
My parents stressed this skill over the use of a braille writer from
the time I was quite young.

73 de nf5b

Richard Webb

Electric Spider Productions
                                            "They that can give up essential
liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--- Benjamin Franklin, NOvember 1755 from the
Historical review of Pennsylvania